"Earth Escape, Earth Wave!"

The ground under Ning Hao's feet was like a wave, making people unsteady, and the two Yan Shinobi were holding it, waving their short knives and thinking about his vital attack!

When the ground set off fluctuations, Ning Hao directly used the 'Dancing Sky Technique' to float into the air, and it was not affected at all.

Facing the two rock ninjas who swung their short knives and attacked, Ning Hao's body erupted with a powerful Chakra attribute, Chakra;

"Thunder Escape, Thousand Bird Flow!"

Cracking sound!

Blue thunder burst out from Ning Hao's body, and the ground under his feet was scorched by the lightning light.

But the two Yan ninjas did not retreat because of this, because Ning Hao was really on the must-kill list, even if he died, he would be wiped out in the cradle!

Therefore, the two Yun Ren approached Ning Hao with short knives, and did not stop, but chose to throw a desperate throw, facing the Thousand Bird Stream and killing him!

"Tu Dun Tu Long Gun!"

At the same time, sharp earthen spears rose under Ning Hao's body, suddenly rushed out of the ground, and stabbed towards Ning Hao in the air.

Ning Hao didn't hurry to take out the kunai, and the two Iwa Shinobi who were holding short knives were scorched black under the impact of the Thousand Bird Stream, and the powerful thunder attribute chakra also paralyzed their bodies, and they couldn't move at all, let alone get close to Ning Hao.

If it weren't for the fact that they used a large amount of chakra to wrap their bodies, they might have been killed by lightning directly.


Ning Hao's body floated in the air, directly ignoring the spikes rising from the ground, and instantly appeared in front of the two Yan Shinobi who had become paralyzed, and the kunai in his hand easily solved the two people with a casual stroke.

There are four people left.

Originally, the plan of the rock ninja was very good, but he didn't expect that Ning Hao directly ignored the earth spear that rose from the ground, and there was also a powerful thunder ninjutsu like that, and when he was defending, he could still attack.

"Earth Escape, Earth Corridor!"

Rocks rose from Ning Hao's side, blocking his path and vision.

"Tu Dun Tuling Tuanzi!"

A rock ninja lifted a rock several meters high and threw it at Ning Hao, who was wrapped in the rock.

The earthen corridor blocked Ning Hao's path and vision, and such a huge rock could directly crush the enemy to death.

Ning Hao was suspended in the air, blocked by layers of rocks, looking at the huge rocks falling from the sky, even the sunlight in the sky was obscured.

"Wood Escape, Wood Ingot Wall!"

Ning Hao's hands instantly completed the seal, and a row of wooden pillars rose from the ground and rushed towards the rocks downstairs in the sky.


The huge rock fell, and it was directly supported by rows of wooden blocks, and it was impossible to crush the woods, so it didn't pose any threat to Ning Hao.

"Wood Escape, Wood Clone!"

In an instant, Ning Hao's left hand was sealed with one hand, leaving a wooden clone, and the main body was directly submerged into the rows of wooden dwellings and disappeared.


Under Ning Hao's body, a rock ninja emerged from the ground, and the short knife in his hand instantly split the wooden doppelganger he left in half.

"Is it done?"

The Iwa Shinobi who emerged from the ground watched as 'Ning Hao' was split in half, and looked at Ning Hao's 'corpse' with some uncertainty.

Because it is a wood clone, it is stronger than the shadow clone, and it has a strong self-healing ability, as long as it is not fatal, it will not disappear directly into smoke like the shadow clone.

However, this wooden clone has been split in half, and the next one has directly turned into a humanoid wood.

"Wood Escape, Tree Binding Forever!"

Ning Hao himself had already left the encirclement of the four rock ninjas, appeared more than ten meters away, his body slowly emerged from the ground, and his right hand instantly completed the seal!


The entire ground cracked in an instant, and towering trees rose from the ground, and countless vines and branches rushed towards the four rock ninjas.

The four Iwa Shinobi constantly swung kunai or short knives to cut off incoming vines and branches, or use ninjutsu to destroy them.

But at this moment, they have been trapped in a forest composed of large trees, except for the use of space-time ninjutsu, otherwise they will be entangled by vines and branches~~, even if they destroy the branches and vines that attack them, they will grow in an instant.

In just a moment, the four of them were successively entwined with vines and branches~, and then more and more, and were directly wrapped into zongzi.

"Fire Escape: Dragon Fire Technique!"

Vines and branches entangled~ dragged around the four rock ninjas to the ground, Ning Hao completed the seal with his left hand, and a huge flame was released, wrapping the positive trees, and the four rock ninjas were directly burned to ashes.

A large number of trees did not have the support of the chakra, and it was difficult to hold on to the fire after the change of the nature of the chakra of the fire attribute, and it was quickly burned.

All six were killed, and burned to ashes along with the trees that wrapped around them, leaving behind a pile of pitch-black trunks.

Ning Hao turned around directly and left quickly.



Not long after Ning Hao left, three more Yan Shinobi rushed over.

"It's a step too late!"

Iwa Shinobi, who was the leader, glanced at the charred tree trunk, and could feel a heat wave coming from the charred ground in the distance, and the breeze was blowing slowly, and he could see the fire core flashing on the black tree trunk.

It can be seen that the battle did not end for too long.


The leader is a pair of Iwa Shinobi in his twenties, followed by two eyed people.

The killing of the six Iwa Ninjas this time was just a trivial matter, what Iwa Ninja really cared about was Ning Hao!

Ning Hao was only eleven years old this year, and he was able to kill six rock ninjas, including four upper ninjas.

With such a strong strength at such an age, it will definitely become a big threat when you grow up in the future!

So now make every effort to kill it.

"Teramoto-sama, could it be that Tsunade, one of the three ninjas, will make a move?"

A Shinobi of Iwa Shinobi followed behind the man in charge and asked with some curiosity.

This Teramoto-sama is a disciple of the third generation of Iwa Shinobi, and his strength is very strong, but he is a candidate for the next four generations of Tsuchikage.

After receiving the news of Ning Hao's appearance from the person who was monitoring Tsunade, Teramoto Nari ordered that the surrounding Shangnin and Renjia Shinobi be thrown away, and he himself left Iwashinobi Village with two Shangnin.

It's just that I didn't expect that the teams of four upper ninjas and two middle ninjas would actually fail to deal with Ning Hao.

"It shouldn't be Tsunade'...... to make a move"

Teramoto shook his head, but he was a little unsure!

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