Chapter 123: Sneak Attack!

Although he was a little unsure whether Tsunade had helped, Teramoto still hoped that Tsunade would help, and in this way, Ning Hao's threat level would be much lower.

If Tsunade really didn't make a move, but Ning Hao killed the six rock ninjas alone, then it can only be said that Ning Hao is too demonic.

"Looks like they're chasing it!"

Ning Hao's perception is very powerful.

When the three Yan Shinobi were fighting, Ning Hao's perception sensed their existence, although he didn't know who the person who came, but it was certain that his strength would not be too weak.

So he ended the battle at just the right time and evacuated after the people.

Everything was in Ning Hao's calculations, he didn't even fly away, but jumped on top of the tree trunk, in order to leave traces and let them catch up.

But the traces he left behind are not very obvious, too obvious, and I don't know if the opponent will continue to chase.

However, Ning Hao's worries were superfluous, with the strength of Temple Bencheng and two elite ninjas, he would not be afraid of such a little ghost as him.

If the traces he left behind were too obvious, it would be clear at a glance that they were left on purpose. For Teramoto Nari and the two shinobi, it will only be regarded as an ignorant provocation.

However, if Ning Hao knew that it would be seen as a provocation, he might have deliberately left obvious traces.

All he wants is for the enemy to catch up and finish them off.

The strength of the Iwa Shinobi is not weak, and this part of the journey is basically next to the country of wind, and it is close to the country of rain when it advances, so Ning Hao tries not to make too much movement, so he can only choose to sneak attack!

Yes, sneak attack!

Slowly take out the enemies without making too much movement.

"Wood Escape, Wood Clone!"

Ning Hao kicked on the trunk of the tree under his feet, his body jumped up slightly, his hands had completed the seal, and a wooden clone appeared beside him.

Immediately, the bodies of both fell from the sky at the same time.

The wooden clone landed on the trunk of the tree and continued to move forward, leaving a trace of it, allowing the Iwa Shinobi behind to chase after him.

And Ning Hao's body sank directly into the trunk when it fell into contact with the trunk, and then the whole body sank into the tree and disappeared, as if it was integrated with the entire tree.

This method of concealment is to rely on its own ability to hide, even if the perception ninja passes by and carefully investigates, it is difficult to find the slightest clue.

The show has officially begun!

Teramoto Cheng followed closely behind Ning Hao with two upper ninjas, the speed was faster than Ning Hao's advance, and the distance between the two sides was slowly narrowing.

Soon, Teramoto Cheng took two people past Ning Hao's hiding place.

The three of them were completely unaware of Ning Hao's existence, but when they were in a hurry, the three of them were also relatively careful, after all, they were all elites in the upper ninja, and it was almost instinctive to be vigilant when chasing the enemy in this way.

If Ning Hao directly attacked him, he would definitely be able to seriously injure one, and maybe even kill one.

But then he had to fight with the other two, so it seemed that there was still a lot of movement in the battle.

But now, although it's still close to the country of wind, it's already far away from Sand Ninja Village, so it doesn't matter if you make a big move, as long as you solve it quickly.

"Don't be a god, Radiance!"

After the three of them passed, Ning Hao's head poked out from the trunk of the tree lifelessly, his eyes turned scarlet, and the eyes of the three-hooked jade writing wheel turned slightly. The three-hook jade slowly elongated, turning into overlapping shurikens and turning into an eternal kaleidoscope.

The eternal kaleidoscope of the right eye rotates slowly, and there is no need to look at the opponent's eyes, Ning Hao is to launch the illusion, and the [Farewell Heavenly God Radiance] in the right eye can continuously control the enemy, and can also form an illusion similar to [Moon Reading] to attack the opponent, and the most important thing is that this pupil technique does not require direct eye gaze.

Ning Hao used the ability to continuously manipulate others, and without warning, he manipulated an elite upper ninja of a rock ninja.

"Tsk~ do it!"

A fine light flashed in Ning Hao's eyes, and he manipulated an elite shinobi to grasp the kunai and attack towards the head of Teramoto Cheng.


The three of them had just jumped up from the trunk of the familiar tree, their bodies were in a floating state, and Ning Hao also controlled the Yan Shinobi to do it.

was originally the most trusted teammate, but the next moment he did attack directly, without any warning at all, and stabbed a kunai towards Teramoto's head.

"Teramoto-sama be careful!"

The moment the Iwa Shinobi controlled by Ben Ning Hao swung out the kunai, the other Iwa shinobi suddenly roared and kicked out, and Teramoto Nari's body also leaned back to the side to avoid the attacking kunai.

Kunai crossed Teramoto's face and pointed out a faint red line.


Another upper ninja kicked out, and the rock ninja who was controlled by Ning Hao was directly kicked out.

After kicking away the rock ninja who was controlled by Ning Hao, the two also landed on the trunk of the tree.

"Lord-sama, are you okay?" Elite Iwa Shinobu fell, looking at Teramoto Nari with worry. And Teramoto Nari shook his head: "It's out of the way!" His gaze fell on the Iwa Shinobi who shot at him before: "Has it been manipulated?


The rock ninja controlled by Ning Hao was lifted out, let out a muffled snort, his pupils contracted violently, and then he directly hit a tree, lifeless.

After the sneak attack failed, Ning Hao ended the manipulation and pulled the opponent's spiritual power into an illusion space like [Moon Reading], and directly killed him.


The Iwa Shinobi who had a mental breakdown was pretending to be on a tree, and his body slipped and fell to the ground.

Another Iwa Shinobi fell beside him vigilantly, and after some inspection, he also looked at Teramoto Cheng and shook his head: "Dead, it should be a major blow to the spirit, causing the collapse of the essence and causing brain death!"

"Who could it be?"

Teramoto looked around and looked around, but he didn't see anyone.

"Could it be a little ghost?" Teramoto Cheng thought of Ning Hao in his heart, but shook his head again and vetoed: "It shouldn't be ......"

"Illusion Decapitation!"

After the Iwa Shinobi finished examining the corpse, Ning Hao suddenly emerged from the tree, and an illusion was cast through the Eternal Kaleidoscope Writing Wheel Eye Amplification.

"Spiral Pill!"

After the illusion was cast, the Muji Ninjutsu [Spiral Pill] fell immediately......

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