The current situation in the ninja world is so grim, and Tsunade's existence as one of the three ninjas is recognized as powerful. Such a dangerous existence appeared near the land of earth, and it was impossible for Iwa Shinobi not to pay attention to it.

If it weren't for the fact that Tsunade had been out playing outside all these years, and he hadn't made any moves to enter the land of earth, there were only two people who monitored Tsunade.

When Ning Hao arrived in the town, Tsunade and Shizune were not at the casino, but were on their way.

Dressed in a green robe, Tsunade with the word 'gamble' engraved on his back is in front, while Shizune is holding a small box and following Tsunade, as if preparing the whole town.


Tsunade walked forward and saw Ning Hao walking towards him, so he stopped directly; for Ning Hao, Tsunade was very impressed, after all, he awakened Mu Dun, because Ning Hao had Mu Dun's chakra, Tsunade could feel a little, even if Ning Hao's appearance changed a little, Tsunade could still recognize it if he looked closely.


Tsunade stopped suddenly, and the silence was directly mounted on Tsunade's back: "I'm sorry, Tsunade-sama ......"

Shizune hurriedly apologized, but Tsunade didn't care, but looked at Ning Hao: "No wonder there have been a lot of snakes in the town recently, feelings are a good thing that your kid did, what are you looking for me?"

After all, Tsunade is one of the three ninjas, Ning Hao summoned a snake to find her, this hand of the big snake pill has been used, Tsunade naturally knows that Ning Hao is here to find her.

"Ah~ It's Ning Hao!" Shizune heard Tsunade's words, and also looked at Tsunade's line of sight, and suddenly saw a familiar face: "Ning Hao, why are you here!"

"I've seen Tsunade-sama, and there's mute!" Ning Hao greeted the two and said, "Now the situation in the ninja world, Tsunade-sama also knows. I was ordered by the third Hokage to come out and find you back to the village!"

Tsunade raised his eyebrows and frowned, "Find me to go back to Konoha?"

Ning Hao thought of Tsunade and had a phobia of blood, and he also remembered what Ape Fei Ri said: "Uh...... The three generations of Hokage-sama asked if you would like to go back, and they didn't say that you must go back to Konoha!"

"I'm not interested, so I'm not going back. As Ning Hao expected, Tsunade directly refused, and he said a little helplessly: "Okay, I knew it was so." "

Tsunade stared at Ning Hao and said, "You don't stay in Konoha if you have nothing to do, and you still run outside, aren't you afraid of being chased and killed by other villages? Your ability should be exposed, right?"

In Ning Hao's perception, he could also feel that one of the two Iwa ninjas who had monitored Tsunade before had already left at this moment.

It was obvious that they recognized Ning Hao coming, so they passed the news back.

And Tsunade, as a third ninja, although he suffers from hemophobia, his strength has not disappeared, for the departure of a rock ninja, why is the way of nature lost, so he will remind Ning Hao.

"Alas...... It's not like I can't live in Konoha anymore, and I come out to avoid the limelight, but it's popular everywhere I go...... The tree wants to be quiet and the wind does not stop!" Ning Hao said helplessly: "Why don't I play with Tsunade for a while!"

"Okay~ Okay!" Tsunade hasn't agreed yet, and is so silent that he happily agrees.

But it's not up to her to call the shots in this matter, so she can only look at Tsunade expectantly.

"Okay. "

Thinking that Shizune had been running with her for so long all these years, and it seemed that she didn't have any playmates, Tsunade also agreed.

"Tsunade-sama is so nice. Shizune said happily.

Tsunade shook his head helplessly when he saw this, and then continued on his way.

Ning Hao also joined Tsunade's team, but he wouldn't take it for long, which Ning Hao himself knew, and Tsunade also knew.

Following Tsunade, Ning Hao and Shizune chatted and hurried towards a small town.

It took me half a day to get there, and I felt the next town before noon, and then I found a place to eat and stayed.

The next thing is basically something that Tsunade has to do every day - gambling.

Ning Hao also followed, and the Yan Ren who was secretly monitoring had also turned back into two people.

In the casino, Tsunade basically loses, while Ning Hao basically wins, and this is the case for several days in a row, if it weren't for Ning Hao's presence, Tsunade and the others might have to go to the next town again.

"Little ghost, say it in advance, don't affect me in the battle, you can leave if it's okay.

At the beginning of a new day, the three of them are eating breakfast.

The number of people secretly monitoring them changed from two to six, it was obvious that the rock ninja sent reinforcements, and the six people also marked that they might take action against Ning Hao.

After all, Ning Hao has the ability to escape, write wheel eyes, and fly, and he is only eleven years old, he is definitely a genius to the point of demons, and he is basically the target of the major ninja villages.

Whenever he encounters it, he basically has to do his best to wipe out Ning Hao in the cradle.

And once she moves, casualties can't be avoided, and Tsunade suffers from hemophobia, so she must remind Du Feng not to break out in front of her.

"I see. Ning Hao nodded and said with emotion: "It seems that my vacation is over!"

"Ning Hao, are you going back?" Hearing the conversation between Tsunade and Ning Hao, Mute also knew that Ning Hao might be leaving.

"Well~ I'll come to see you later. Ning Hao nodded and stood up: "Then I'll leave first, see you next time!"

"Bye-bye~" Shizun waved his hand and said, "Be careful on the road!"

Tsunade watched Ning Hao leave and didn't speak.

Since Ning Hao didn't say anything, she didn't have to worry about it. Moreover, Ape Fei Ri Slash sent Ning Hao out, so he naturally expected this kind of thing to happen, and it can only be said that Ape Fei Ri Slash has confidence in Ning Hao's strength.

"Tsunade-sama, aren't we going to help his mother?"

I have been following Tsunade for so long, and I have been silent and silent about the way of nature, and Tsunade has a phobia, and I can hear it from the conversation between Tsunade and Ning Hao, and someone has made a move on Ning Hao.

Tsunade shook his head: "No need to help, what about that little ghost's strength, throw you a few streets, don't worry about it at all." "


Outside the town.

When Ning Hao left home from Tsunade, he felt that all the six people who were secretly spying on him had given up monitoring Tsunade and left with him.


As soon as Ning Hao stepped out of the town, the six people in Indonesia also shot directly......

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