"Get out of my way!!!"

When the short sword in Uchiha Izumi's Susanoo was about to hit Gamabuntai, a surging figure came from a distance, shouting angrily and smashing his fist with terrifying power on Susanoo's armor.


A layer of white air waves suddenly exploded from Tsunade's body, and Uchiha Izumi's half-body Susanoo was also smashed back.


Seeing Tsunade, Jiraiya's face lit up.

He knew that once the fight started, Tsunade would definitely come directly.

"Jiraiya, what's going on here?"Tsunade smashed the chains that bound Gamabunta with a few punches and asked with a frown.

Jiraiya and Uchiha were both from Konoha, and now the two sides were fighting here. This was something Tsunade never expected.

"Uchiha Mikoto ascended to the position of Hokage and became the fifth Hokage. Now he should be preparing to purge the old subordinates of us old men."

"Besides, this little girl and Mikoto both have the Mangekyō Sharingan, so we must be careful in dealing with them.

Jiraiya came to Tsunade and quickly explained the whole story.

"Another power struggle?......"

Tsunade frowned and glanced at Uchiha Izumi in Susanoo. She felt inexplicably impatient. What she hated the most in the village was this kind of thing.

However, despite her impatience, Tsunade still looked solemn.

As the granddaughter of the first generation, she knew the horror of the Mangekyō Sharingan.

If Mikoto and the little girl in front of her really had the Mangekyō Sharingan, then even if she and Jiraiya joined forces, it would probably be difficult to deal with.


Seeing Tsunade appear, Uchiha Izumi's eyes condensed, and Karasu Tengu Susanoo continued to move forward, attacking Tsunade and Jiraiya.

"Tsk tsk tsk, Tsunade is really strong!!!"

In the distance, Xinfeng, who was held in Shizune's arms, looked at the half-body Susano who was almost knocked down by Tsunade's punch, and shook his head with a smile.

Hearing Xinfeng's words, Shizune looked down at him, feeling a little strange.

However, after seeing Uchiha Mikoto coming over, Shizune quickly put Xinfeng down and said with a vigilant look:

"Madam Mikoto, this child has nothing to do with us, let him go.

Although she didn't know why the Uchiha clan would fight with Master Jiraiya, Shizune didn't want to implicate innocent people.

Uchiha Mikoto looked at Shizune strangely, and then said to Nobukaze respectfully in the face of the other party's shocked expression:

"Xinfeng, what should we do next?

Xinfeng looked at Uchiha Izumi who was fighting with Tsunade and Jiraiya in the distance with Susanoo activated, and said casually:

"The first time Izumi used Susanoo,���She is too skilled, so let her play with Jiraiya and Tsunade first."

Misaki nodded and said,"Okay."

After that, she knelt on the grass beside her and let Xinfeng rest in her arms, not paying any attention to the fierce battle in the distance.

After all, in Misaki's view, even if Xinfeng was not there, she and Izumi could defeat Jiraiya and Tsunade.

And if Xinfeng was there, the fate of Jiraiya and Tsunade was basically doomed.

Shizune, who was listening to the conversation between the two, was stunned when she saw this scene.

Why would Mrs. Misaki of the Uchiha clan listen to this child so much?

And the other party didn't seem to take Jiraiya and Tsunade seriously at all. This was too confident.

Who can tell me what's going on!!!

Shizune looked at the three people fighting in the distance and roared in her heart.

Xinfeng looked at Shizune, who was confused, and smiled:

"You seem very curious about me?"

Shizune looked at Xinfeng, pursed her lips and asked:"Who are you and what do you want to do!!!"

Now Shizune didn't dare to treat Xinfeng as an ordinary child.

Xinfeng sat up from Mikoto's arms and said with a smile:"My name is Shuangfeng Sanzang, and I want to take charge of the ninja world in the future."

Whether it is Tsunade or Shizune, they will become members of his combat maid group in the future, and he will not let anyone go.

Shuangfeng Sanzang...Rule the Ninja World......

After hearing Xinfeng's self-introduction, Shizune was confused again.

The famous ninja who defeated Hanzo and the Fourth Mizukage and wiped out the Konoha high-ranking officials was actually a five or six-year-old child? ? ?

This must be a joke!!!

However, seeing Mikoto, who was lowering her head and looking docile beside Xinfeng, Shizune was silent in her heart.......

On the battlefield

"Jiraiya, how long will it take!!!"

Tsunade waved the short sword in her hand, and once again cut off the long sword that Uchiha Izumi Susanoo chopped at, and said breathlessly.

Although she and Wentai could deal with the Uchiha Susanoo in front of her together, she always felt that the other party did not seem to use his full strength.

Logically speaking, even if the Uchiha clan could open Susanoo, there would be considerable consumption and side effects.

However, she did not see any signs of consumption on Uchiha Izumi, but the other party's Susanoo had a tendency to get bigger and bigger.

This made Tsunade feel a strong sense of uneasiness in her heart. In that case, she might have to use the Hundred Healings Technique.

""Okay, Tsunade."

Jiraiya opened his clasped hands and smiled happily.

At this time, two toads appeared on Jiraiya's shoulders, and a few toad-like particles protruded from his nose. His eyes also turned into frog pupils, which looked funny and ugly.

Seeing Jiraiya like this, Tsunade breathed a sigh of relief.

Although Jiraiya's Sage Mode did not look perfect, with the help of the two toad sages, he could continuously absorb natural energy, and his endurance was extremely terrifying.

Moreover, the two toad sages in Myoboku Mountain also had the strength of Kage level. With their help, there should be no problem.

"Is that the Uchiha clan's Susanoo? It's been a long time since I last saw it."On Jiraiya's right shoulder, the Immortal was deeply moved.

"He is able to activate Susanoo at such a young age. The Uchiha clan has really produced an extraordinary genius."Sennin Shima, who was on Jiraiya's left shoulder, echoed

"Two great sages, let's take down this little girl first, otherwise it will be troublesome if another one comes later."Jiraiya looked at Uchiha Mikoto in the distance warily and said in a deep voice.

Although he didn't know why Uchiha Mikoto didn't make a move, Jiraiya couldn't care less now.

Otherwise, if the two Susanoos joined forces, even if he turned on the sage mode, he might not be able to withstand it.

"You guys deal with the one in front of you first, and Wen Tai and I will stop Mikoto."Tsunade used chakra to absorb Wen Tai's giant short sword in her hand and said in a deep voice.

With Toad Wen Tai cooperating with her, Tsunade is not afraid of Susanoo at all.

Well, the most important thing is that Wen Tai's giant short sword is really suitable for dealing with Susanoo.

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