A wilderness outside the town.......

Jiraiya just stopped and felt a sharp sound of breaking through the air behind him.

Shinobi Village: Jinjizo!

Jiraiya quickly formed seals with both hands, and the white hair on his head instantly grew and hardened, covering his entire body.

Clang clang clang!!!

The crisp sound of metal rang out, and several shurikens were deflected by Jiraiya's hard hair.

Uchiha Izumi's expressionless figure landed in front of Jiraiya and formed seals with both hands.

Wait, this seal......Seeing the seal in Izumi's hand changing rapidly, Jiraiya's face changed drastically.

Fire Style: Great Fire Extinguishment!!!


The violent flames gushed out of Uchiha Izumi's mouth, forming a sea of fire in an instant, sweeping towards Jiraiya.

Uchiha Izumi, who was strengthened by Xinfeng's use of the Senju and Uchiha Bloodline Cards, and had already opened the Eternal Eye, used the Haohuo Extinguishing Technique at this time, which was no less powerful than Uchiha Madara in the Fourth War.

Water Style: Water Array Wall!!!

Wind Style: Whirlpool Hurricane!!!

Looking at the raging sea of fire, Jiraiya used two ninjutsu at the same time to form a composite ninjutsu, forming a whirlpool of water in front of him, temporarily resisting the invasion of the flames.

"It seems that this little girl is really not simple......."

Looking at the water column that was about to collapse after being used, Jiraiya was shocked.

He did not expect that the little girl next to Mikoto could actually use such a powerful fire extinguisher.

If Uchiha Mikoto, who could suppress the Nine-Tails, was added, he would really die here if he did not go all out.

Thinking of this, Jiraiya could not help but glance at Uchiha Mikoto who was quietly watching from a distance, and muttered in his heart.

Did Uchiha Mikoto think that she could be defeated by just a little girl?......This is really underestimating me, Jiraiya!

Jiraiya bit his finger and made a spiritual seal.

"Come out, Gamabunta!!!"


With a huge white smoke rising, the huge and majestic Gamabunta appeared.

At this time, it was holding a giant pipe in its mouth and a giant dagger was wrapped around its waist.

""Buntai, jump!!!"

Jiraiya shouted as soon as Toad Buntai came out.

Facing Uchiha Izumi's terrifying and abnormal Hao Huo Ni, Jiraiya's wind escape and water escape combined ninjutsu was almost unable to hold up.

"What the hell!!!"

Gamabuntai frowned, looking unhappy, but when he saw the flames sweeping around him, he immediately jumped into the air.

At the moment when Gamabuntai jumped, Jiraiya's ninjutsu finally couldn't hold up and was directly defeated by Uchiha Izumi's fire escape.

Seeing the giant toad summoned by Jiraiya, Uchiha Izumi adjusted the direction of the fire escape and attacked the two in the air.

"This Fire Style was actually used by that little girl, it's really scary."

Gamabuntai jumped into the air and saw Uchiha Izumi's figure, and quickly formed seals with both hands.

Water Style: Iron Cannon Ball!!!

The giant water bomb sprayed from Gamabuntai's mouth met with Uchiha Izumi's Fire Style, and instantly water vapor rose up all over the sky, forming a thick fog.

Bang! Bang! Bang!...

Gamabuntai fell to the ground, jumping up and down, pulling away from Uchiha Izumi.

Jiraiya, who was standing above Gamabuntai, put his hands together and shouted:

"Wentai, help me delay for a few minutes, I want to summon the two elders."

Just a little Uchiha girl is so difficult, Jiraiya doesn't dare to be arrogant at all, and is ready to enter the Sage Mode directly.

Seeing Jiraiya actually preparing to enter the Sage Mode, Wentai said in astonishment:

"Isn't she just a little girl?......"

However, before he could finish his words, Wen Tai saw Uchiha Izumi with his scarlet eyes open, walking slowly towards him, as if he didn't take the toad Wen Tai seriously at all.

""Damn Uchiha brat, I'll show you what a fire escape that can't be resisted by water escape is!"

Seeing that Uchiha Izumi dared to look down on him like that, Gamabuntai shouted angrily and formed a seal with one hand.

Fire escape - toad oil fire bomb!!!

A huge stream of toad oil spurted out of Gamabuntai's mouth and rushed towards Uchiha Izumi, and ignited it with the flame in his pipe, instantly forming an oil fire bomb.


Seeing that Wen Tai actually used this move, Jiraiya hurriedly stopped him.

However, as soon as he opened his mouth, the huge sea of fire formed by the toad oil fire bomb instantly enveloped Uchiha Izumi.

"This time, it's really a fight to the death......."

Seeing Uchiha Izumi trapped in the sea of fire, Jiraiya sighed in his heart. The

Toad Oil Flame Bomb is a combination of oil and fire. Because of its wide range and high damage, although it is a fire jutsu, it is difficult for ordinary water jutsu to resist because of the Toad Oil.

However, the next second, he saw Uchiha Izumi, who was unharmed, rushing out of the sea of fire formed by the Toad Oil Flame Bomb and rushing to not far in front of them.

"How is this possible!!!

Seeing Uchiha Izumi's unharmed figure, Jiraiya and Gamabuntai were completely shocked.

"Wait, her eyes are Mangekyō!!!"

Jiraiya suddenly exclaimed, shouting in disbelief.

He originally thought that Mikoto's awakening of the Mangekyō was amazing enough, but he didn't expect that the little girl next to her also possessed the Mangekyō Sharingan.

This is simply too shocking!!!

Is the Mangekyō Sharingan so common now!!!


A layer of illusory Susanoo formed around Uchiha Izumi's body, forming a layer of blue skeleton.

As the pupil power in Uchiha Izumi's eyes gathered, the skeleton Susanoo outside her body began to become more and more huge and majestic, and flesh and blood meridians began to grow on the bones.

Finally, she was covered with blue Karasu Tengu armor, like the most loyal guard of the gods.


Looking at the Susanoo in front of him, which was the same size as himself, Gamabunta used his short sword to block the opponent's punch, with a look of shock and fear on his face.

""Buntai, delay for a while." Jiraiya shouted.

If even Uchiha Izumi has the Mangekyō Sharingan, then he must enter the Sage Mode as soon as possible.

Only in this way can he find a ray of hope under the siege of Uchiha Mikoto and Uchiha Izumi, and he is at the critical moment of opening the Sage Mode, so he can only ask Wentai for help.

However, just as Jiraiya finished speaking, he saw several chains flying out of Uchiha Izumi's hands, tightly wrapping around Gamabunta.

At the same time, Uchiha Izumi Susanoo quickly materialized a giant short sword in his hand and raised it high.

"Damn it!!!"

Gamabuntai was tightly bound by the Susano chain and could only watch the long sword in the opponent's hand fall.


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