Hearing that Tsunade was going to intercept Mikoto, Jiraiya smiled and said:

"As long as Tsunade can stop Mikoto for a while, the two old men and I will soon be able to destroy the Susanoo in front of us."

After hearing Jiraiya's words, Fukasaku and Shima on his shoulders nodded at the same time.

As old toads who have lived in the ninja world for 800 years, they are still very good at dealing with giants like Susanoo.

Seeing Jiraiya's confident look, Tsunade said:

"Anyone who opens the Mangekyō Sharingan will gain one or two strange abilities, so you'd better be careful. Before you figure out their abilities, try not to get in close contact with them."

Jiraiya nodded and said,"I know."

Uchiha Izumi, who was in the middle of Susanoo, looked at Tsunade and Jiraiya in front of him, and felt dazed for no reason.

Once upon a time, Tsunade and Jiraiya, the two legendary ninjas of Konoha, were the ones she could only look up to.

But now, they need to join forces to deal with her.

This strong and huge contrast made Uchiha Izumi feel like she was dreaming.

And all this was because of the help of Senior Xinfeng.

If it weren't for him, she might really die in the Uchiha clan genocide, and her eyes would probably become a resurrection tool in the hands of others.

Thinking of this, Uchiha Izumi became more grateful to Xinfeng.

In this life, she will follow Senior Xinfeng, serving him at his beck and call, and she will do anything for him.

Having made up her mind, Uchiha Izumi's Mangekyo Sharingan burst into scarlet light again.


Amidst a roar, Uchiha Izumi's half-body Susanoo grew legs and directly entered the fourth form of Susanoo!!! Seeing this scene, Jiraiya's expression froze.

"Xinfeng, do you want me to join you?"

Uchiha Mikoto asked, looking at the two toads that appeared on Jiraiya's body.

Although Uchiha Izumi had opened the eternal Mangekyō Sharingan like her, it was still very problematic to deal with four Kage-level strongmen at the same time.

Moreover, the fairy arts of Myoboku Mountain were very powerful and strange, so she had to be on guard.

Shizune, who was standing aside, heard what Mrs. Mikoto said and looked worriedly at Tsunade and others in the distance.

She had just learned that Mikoto had also opened the Mangekyō Sharingan, and coupled with the Shuangfeng Sanzang in front of her, who looked only five or six years old but had a terrifying record.

Shizune really felt that it would be very difficult for Tsunade and Jiraiya to win.......

Looking at Tsunade standing on Gamabunta in the distance and preparing to rush towards him, Xinfeng stood up and said calmly:

"No need, the farce should end."

After the voice fell, Xinfeng performed the Flying Thunder God Technique, and a small figure instantly appeared beside Uchiha Quan.

"Huh??? Why is there a kid here!!!"

"Moreover, the opponent just used Flying Thunder God? ? ?"

Seeing Xinfeng appearing next to Uchiha Izumi, the two toad sages were shocked at the same time, and Jiraiya's face instantly became ugly. Even Tsunade, who was about to leave, stopped and turned to look at Xinfeng.

After seeing Xinfeng's appearance clearly, Tsunade was obviously startled, because it was because of him that she knew Jiraiya was attacked.

"He might be the Twin Phoenix Sanzang!"

Looking at Xinfeng's figure, Jiraiya said in a deep voice.

As the teacher of the Fourth Hokage Minato Namikaze, he guessed in an instant that the other party was using the Flying Thunder God Technique.

And now in the entire ninja world, the only one who can use the Flying Thunder God Technique alone is probably the Twin Phoenix Sanzang who just killed his teacher Sarutobi Hiruzen!!!

Although the other party looked very young at this time, the only one who could use the Flying Thunder God Technique and was related to Uchiha could be the Twin Phoenix Sanzang who had just become famous in the ninja world.

Shenren Fukasaku said in astonishment:"How is it possible, he looks only five or six years old!!!" Being able to kill the Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen and a series of Konoha high-level officials at the age of five or six is too terrifying. However, as soon as Shenren Fukasaku finished speaking, they saw a burst of scarlet light burst out from Xinfeng's pupils.

Then, they heard Xinfeng's pretentious majestic voice exploding in their ears.

"It is forbidden to use natural energy here!!!"

As Xinfeng finished speaking, the light in his right pupil;×'The symbol instantly flew into the air and hovered there, illuminating everyone present.

Jiraiya and Fukasaku Shima, with two toads, clearly felt that the natural energy in their bodies was sealed by some mysterious force and could no longer be mobilized.

"I can’t use my magic anymore!!!"

Shenren Fukasaku screamed, looking horrified.

"I am the same." Shima Sage also had an ugly look on his face.

Being able to prohibit others from using natural energy is simply the natural enemy of their three major sacred places of immortal arts!!!

This time, they really believed that the five or six-year-old child in front of them was undoubtedly Shuangfeng Sanzang.

Jiraiya's face was covered with cold sweat, and he said quickly:"This is probably the opponent's Mangekyō Sharingan ability, which should be similar to the Word Spirit. Two old adults, we have to be careful."

Shima Sage said:"This ability should have great side effects, and it should not last long."

But just as Shima Sage finished speaking, Tsunade suddenly said:

"Wait, he's still going to use it!!!"

Upon hearing this, Jiraiya and the others looked up and saw Xinfeng continue to speak:

"It is forbidden to use the time and space spiritual arts here!!!"

As the words fell, the ';×'The symbol flew into the air again and hovered above another‘×’The symbol is next to it.

And I saw two floating in the sky.‘×’Symbol, Tsunade, Jiraiya and others all looked grim.

""Catch them."

Xinfeng returned to Mikoto and gave her orders.

Without the ability to use natural energy, summoning beasts to shake people and escape, Jiraiya and his men were basically powerless.


Mikoto responded and rushed out.

As soon as she arrived at the edge of the battlefield, Uchiha Mikoto instantly activated a purple Susanoo and cooperated with Uchiha Izumi to capture Tsunade, Jiraiya and others.

Seeing this scene, Jiraiya, Tsunade and others were almost angry and cursed.

Without the use of fairy techniques and summoning techniques, one Susanoo is already difficult to deal with, and now there is another one. Is this going to make people live?

Seeing Tsunade and Jiraiya in a difficult battle, Shizune just wanted to run over to help, but was thrown to the ground by Nobukaze.

"Sister Shizune, you don't want Tsunade to lose her life, do you?"

Hearing Xinfeng's babyish words, Shizune's body froze and her pretty face instantly turned red.

She was being controlled.

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