On the main street of the town.

Jiraiya, with white hair and wearing a forehead protector with the word"Oil", looked around, then quickly locked onto a small casino on the street and walked over quickly.

At this time, Jiraiya had already known about the unrest in Konoha, and also knew about the death of his teacher, the Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen, and other Konoha high-level officials.

However, after knowing that the unrest had been quelled, he did not rush back, but looked for Tsunade everywhere, preparing to bring her back to serve as the Fifth Hokage.

After all, he still had the mission of the Great Toad Sage, and did not want to be trapped in Konoha as a Hokage, so finding Tsunade became his first priority.

Fortunately, according to rumors, a"legendary fat sheep" appeared in this town. If Jiraiya guessed correctly, Tsunade must be here.

Thinking of finally being able to see Tsunade, whom he had not seen for a long time, Jiraiya could not help but chuckle, looking very wretched.

However, just as Jiraiya was about to enter the casino, he was stopped by two people.

""You are, Mikoto? ? ?"

Looking at the figure that blocked his way, Jiraiya asked uncertainly.

Because he had not returned to the village for many years, Jiraiya's impression of the people in the village had become a little vague.

"Master Jiraiya, it's been a long time."

Uchiha Mikoto slowly drew out the short sword from her back, looked at Jiraiya and smiled.

Although she has now become the fifth Hokage of Konoha, if Jiraiya returns to the village, it may cause some unnecessary trouble.

Therefore, she will never allow him to return to Konoha.

Beside Uchiha Mikoto, Uchiha Izumi also drew out the short sword from his back with an expressionless face, ready to attack at any time.

For Izumi, although she has no intersection with Jiraiya, since Senior Nobukaze has given the order, she must take him down no matter what.

"Are you guys going to fight me? ? ?"

Looking at the short sword that Uchiha Mikoto pulled out, Jiraiya frowned and said in a deep voice.

Although he had heard that Uchiha Mikoto suppressed the runaway Naruto and saved Konoha, he really didn't expect that the other party would dare to take the initiative to fight him.

Could it be that the Uchiha clan has become so arrogant!!!

Mikoto held the short sword in her hand with her backhand and said calmly:

"I have become the fifth Hokage of Konoha, but in order to avoid some unnecessary trouble, I would like to ask Master Jiraiya to bear with it for a while."

""What!!!" Jiraiya looked at Mikoto in shock. He obviously didn't expect that the other party's means were so amazing that he had already directly sat on the position of Konoha's Hokage.

Moreover, the other party found him alone at this time, which obviously had no good intentions.

Thinking of this, Jiraiya said with a gloomy face:

"So you came to me this time to eliminate dissidents and consolidate your position as Hokage???"

Jiraiya could never have imagined that he, one of the three legendary ninjas of Konoha, would face a purge from Konoha when Konoha had just suffered a huge blow.

This made him feel angry for no reason.

Uchiha Mikoto raised her head and smiled in confusion:"Lord Jiraiya seems a little angry? Why???"

Jiraiya said in a deep voice:"Mikoto, we should work together for the future of Konoha instead of killing each other!"

Uchiha Mikoto's eyes turned red instantly, and she sneered:

"Killing each other? Isn't this what you Hokage family often do to us Uchiha!!!"

"After I get rid of you, I will personally protect Konoha!!!"

As soon as the words fell, Mikoto's eyes instantly burst into scarlet light.

"Illusion?..."Jiraiya, who had been prepared, leaped back and instantly distanced himself from Mikoto and Izumi, and ran out of the town.


Mikoto shouted coldly, and chased after him with Izumi.

In a ramen shop on the street, Xinfeng, who was eating ramen, glanced at the three people who left, and then cast his eyes on the small casino.

Although Jiraiya was lustful and often visited custom shops and peeped at women taking a bath, he was not a gambler. From the fact that he just walked straight to the small casino, it was obvious that his purpose was very obvious.

In other words, Tsunade-sama is in this small casino at this time.

Thinking of this, Xinfeng finished his ramen in no time, jumped off the high chair at the dining table, and walked towards the small casino.

Tsunade, this woman, he likes her very much. Now that he has met her, he will naturally not... can let it go.

As soon as he walked into the casino, Xinfeng saw Tsunade, a blonde with a hot body, sitting on the casino. On the gambling table in front of her, the winning chips were already piled high.

Beside Tsunade, the cute and well-behaved Shizune was holding a piglet, staring at this scene in amazement.

However, Tsunade frowned as she watched the winning chips increase, and her pretty face was full of irritability.

Damn it, Tsunade actually won money!!!

Looking at the chips piled up in front of Tsunade, Xinfeng thought with some surprise.

As the 'legendary fat sheep', Tsunade basically loses every time she gambles, and nothing good happens every time she wins money.......

Hey! Now that she has found the other person, it doesn't seem to be a good thing for her.......Sister Tsunade lost to Muzan today, it seems pretty good...

Thinking about this with some amusement, Xinfeng came to Shizune and stretched out his hand to pull her clothes.

He also liked the cute and well-behaved Shizune very much.

Shizune looked down at Xinfeng, squatted down and smiled:

"Little brother, what’s up?"

Jingyin really likes this cute little kid.

Xinfeng grabbed the piglet’s ears, pulled it out of Jingyin’s arms, and said:

"There is a man named Jiraiya outside the town, and he is about to be beaten to death."

Hearing what Xinfeng said, Shizune was stunned, and Tsunade also turned her head to look at him.


At this moment, a violent sound came from outside the town, and then the ground shook.

"Shizune, let's go!"

Tsunade pushed the chips away, stood up and strode out.

The fact that she had just won money had already given her a bad feeling, and now she heard that Jiraiya was going to be beaten to death, so she naturally couldn't just sit there and watch.

Because she was afraid that if she went too late, Jiraiya would really be beaten to death!!!

""Lady Tsunade, wait for me."

Shizune picked up Xinfeng and chased after Tsunade.

Following Tsunade out of town, Shizune looked at Xinfeng, who was smiling brightly in her arms, with a confused look on her face.

Wait, why am I holding this child?

Where's my pig?

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