Mystic Dominator

Chapter 759: answer honestly


Man, or this monster.

He seemed to be taken aback by Ronald's series of actions.

When he was violently grabbed by the spell at first, he still didn't react, but now he was slapped on the face by the power of "Rage", and then he felt the magic fluctuations when Ronald chanted the spell at close range.

Several times in a row, he finally realized how strong the caster in front of him was.

said with no exaggeration.

Even since the establishment of Sungai City, the city has never had such a powerful caster!

——A powerful enemy that is absolutely unexpected.

Although the base of the magic underground in Sungai City has been isolated from the outside world, it also prevented him from understanding the power of the incoming enemy in time!

"Human...we about..."

A man, or a monster entrenched in this ruin.

He spoke with difficulty at this moment, trying to negotiate with Ronald.


However, this conversation was only exchanged for a scream.

Ronald directly increased the strength of his hands, and then repeated in an unwavering tone like Kostat:

"I said - tell me about your identity and origin."


"I, I am a member of the Nigalese!"

"Where did this body come from?"

"Your expedition... the body I took!"

This time the man answered honestly.

Through the results of the [polygraph] feedback, Ronald also confirmed that the guy in front of him did not lie.

Think for a few seconds.

Ronald immediately began to advance the question:

"How did you retain your consciousness through eukaryotes?"

"The inheritance spell of the Temple of Nigal!"

"What happened at the sacrifice that led to the destruction of Sungai City, and those animals were able to live to the present after their bodies were invaded. You should have other people hiding here, right?"

"I wasn't at the temple, I don't know what happened outside—ah!"

"Don't lie." The spell accurately judged the opponent's lie.

Ronald raised his arm after warning, then smashed the opponent to the ground, and then stepped on the guy's ankle with another foot.

"Say, where are the rest of the expedition that came in before? It's impossible that you are the only one occupying your body, right?"

"They are in a sacred place deeper in the canyon." The man was intimidated by Ronald's tyrannical actions, feeling that his hard-won body was already damaged, he answered honestly, "The intervention of the body cannot be reversed, the first A group of people have been completely helpless!"


Ronald sighed imperceptibly.

Although I had expected this situation before I came in, I was still a little unhappy in my heart.

"By the way, what happened to that Ina?"


The man fell silent again.

The importance of this question obviously surpassed the previous ones, so that he did not dare to speak immediately, and even began to consider whether to answer.


Ronald didn't mind doing it again.

Without any hesitation, he also abolished the other foot of the man under him.


"I said! I said!"

The result is easier questioning than ever before.

The man trapped here has not been hurt for a long time, and his body is even more precious.

The blows from both sides came together, and he couldn't resist and said:

"Ina is our inner responder!"

"The proportion of the summoned creature's bloodline in her body is just right, so we activated her bloodline memory with magic, and then told her to spread the news to lead people here and let us escape from this place!"

"So this is ah……"

Ronald's eyebrows flared.

This time, the specific situation of Ina was clarified.

This girl didn't have a problem after entering the ruins, but she was the inner ghost connecting these monsters in Sungai City from the beginning!

"My lord, I can tell you everything I know." Ronald was sorting out the information he had just harvested, but the man who was suppressed by him spoke again.

After the other party revealed Ina's identity, he made up his mind.

At this moment, he shouted with almost no scruples:

"I, I just want to get out of here and live!"

However, Ronald did not intend to negotiate terms with him. Still firmly stepping on the man under his feet, he still said in a flat tone:

"I say—speak what you know."


A man who was already frightened, how could he endure such a completely unwavering attitude!

Thinking of Ronald's ability to distinguish lies in front of him, he flicked his eyes and explained honestly:

"The spells mastered by the Nigalese are a technique for summoning otherworldly creatures. Later, the royal family wanted to obtain the immortality ability of summoned creatures, so they started related experiments."

"This experiment ruined the city?" Ronald asked, puzzled.

"Yes!" The man continued hurriedly, "In order to obtain enough research materials, the royal family opened a portal to attract a large number of otherworldly creatures. As a result, this kind of research seems to have angered those monsters with a good attitude, and a war in this closed city."

Hearing this, Ronald had a question:

"What's the final result?"

"If it's just a one-sided massacre, a guy like you shouldn't be alive today, right?"

The man continued almost without resistance:

"This is one of the results of research. We can change this creature's preference for phagocytosis, and then replace human consciousness with this creature! As for the outcome of the battle--"

Having said that, the cowardly man on the ground finally showed a rare sad expression on his face.

"We are no match for those monsters."

"At the end of the mountain, the royal family sealed the city at the expense of its own scriptures, and also closed the **** portal. Those monsters lost a steady stream, and we the survivors defeated them, and then In desperation, consciousness was replaced."

"After all, the seal of the original scriptures is too strong. We are sitting on the mountain in a state of being unable to break through. We can only continue our lives and the inheritance of the Nigalese in this way."

Hearing this, the situation in the ruins was basically explained.

"You are far from the royal family!"

Ronald cursed and prepared to end it all.

But at the moment when he was about to start he suddenly realized something very important.

When their support team entered the ruins, they also encountered an expedition team member who was dying and could not be saved.

And the half-dead member of the expedition team had eukaryotic organisms with phagocytic properties.

This is completely different from the things in the ruins that have the phagocytic properties removed and then used to replace consciousness.

Not to mention...

The position where the expedition member fell.

It is still possible to enter the edge of the underground river of the water cycle!


Thinking of this, the strength under Ronald's feet couldn't help but increase.

"Are you really sure—the summoned creatures in Sungai City were all cleaned up by you?"

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