Mystic Dominator

Chapter 760: deeper

Ronald's mood has hit rock bottom.

However, at the same time, the man who was trampled under his feet did not realize the problem and replied honestly:

"We were trapped in Sungai City for hundreds of years without any level of fighting. With the innate ferocity of that summoned creature, as long as it exists, it will attack."

"So for sure, those things were definitely cleaned up."


Ronald is now admonishing himself to absolutely deal with the problem calmly.

Even if you want to kill this guy, you have to wait for yourself to figure out other problems in the ruins.


Ronald calmed down with a deep breath.

After sorting out everything he just knew in his mind, he continued to ask:

"You said just now that contacting Yina is by activating the bloodline memory in her body, right?"

The man immediately explained:

"Yes, this is also a relatively unique spell, we..."

Ronald directly interrupted the man's explanation, he was not interested in the twisting abilities of these guys' hands:

"Enough, I don't care about your research on spells."

"It's just that since you have already had this life-and-death conflict with the summoned creatures, how can you guarantee that Ina's memory of activating the bloodline is directed towards you, not those summoned creatures?"


The man's reaction made Ronald's eyes darker.

Because when he asked this question, the man under his feet fell into sluggishness and thinking. Obviously, these guys didn't take this kind of question into their thinking before.

this moment.

Ronald remembered the Nigalese royal family mentioned by the other party earlier.

Everything that followed in Sungai City also had an outline.

When the most powerful class of the Nigalese realized the danger of this kind of thing, and the reality that they were powerless to conquer it, the ruler of the time decided to sacrifice himself and completely seal all this and the city here.

However, there are still very few survivors in the city.

After these guys continued their lives with spells and summoned creatures, they naturally began to seek ways to get out of here. And the rather low ability leads to the result of problems in all aspects.


Ronald stepped down hard.

Then he cast the [Sunshine Power] to burn the body of the man in front of him.

There is no more hesitation in the current situation. He turned around and walked out of the temple directly from the promenade, and the incantation in Ronald's mouth immediately recited:

"The greatest increase in the productivity of labor, and the greater proficiency, skill, and judgment in the use of labor, seem to be the result of the division of labor..."


He first used the [Invisible Hand] to quickly destroy the building structure. Ronald then used the ability of the [Archangel Archer] to run over the temple again. Finally, he threw the [Sunshine Power] and started burning the ruins in front of him.

Make sure that nothing slips through the ruins in front of you.

Ronald activated the flying spell again and chased it deeper into the canyon.


"Did you hear that?"

"What was that sound just now?"

The movement of Ronald completely destroying the temple was not small. Although the other members of the support team had walked a considerable distance, they were immediately attracted.

Especially Meghan and Ina.

As members of the mysterious side themselves, Ronald's magic power when he casts spells is truly terrifying.

In the team, Celiel noticed the strangeness of his companions.

The explorer immediately asked:

"You feel it again?"

"So what happened, it was also caused by magic?"

Megan replied in a very complicated tone:

"That gentleman's ability is really...very beyond imagination."

After thinking about choosing a suitable adjective, the middle-aged caster looked at Kostat in the team again.

The maid seemed to be accustomed to such a situation.

So even though the rest of the team was talking about it, her state didn't change in the slightest.

How did these two guys get invited here?

Meghan racked her brains and couldn't come up with a result.

Finally shaking his head slightly, he looked at the thing in front of him again - the end of this canyon.

After this period of time to travel.

Several members of the support team finally reached the end of Sungai City.

At the end of the canyon there is a water hole that has long since dried up, and traces of the stream flowing in from above can still be seen. However, the water flow here may have been cut off due to changes in terrain or other reasons.

Only on the riverbed where the stream flowed down, like a waterfall when they entered the ruins, a dark cave appeared on the mountain wall.

And this time, Celier's expression was not very good-looking.

The explorer did not see the marks left by Dawn and the others on the surrounding plants. After carefully examining the surrounding environment, he found something on the way to the cave.

Crouching on the ground for a quick look, the results are also obvious:

"They are in a wrong state and can't leave normal marks. They should be restricted from moving."

Meghan also realizes that things are not right now:

"Then we'd better move quickly."

Cellier's discovery, as well as the movement from Ronald's destruction of the temple in the rear, and information from all quarters, seemed to herald something bad.


Soon, the support team entered the cave in order.

As the most powerful fighting force in the team, Kostatt walked at the forefront with a torch, while Ina and Meghan, two people with mysterious cognition, were in charge of the rear of the team.

However, the depth of the cave is not exaggerated.

After passing a corner and advancing for about 100 meters, they soon came to a hall hidden in the mountain.

Here, the previous Dawn people also appeared here.

It's just that as companions of the support team, the five Dawn were tied to the wooden stakes in the hall, and there were several creatures in completely different states standing around.

Among them were people, bears, and elk.

If you take a closer look, you can see that the faces of several creatures here are all white!


"What are you doing!"

At this time, Megan, who saw the scene in front of him, couldn't help but Although not as strong as Ronald and Kostat, as a qualified caster, he still looked at Find out what's going on on the other side.

Surrounding the bound Dawn five people, an elk is sticking its head to the mouth of a bound person. Through this action, the bodies of the two parties seem to be exchanging some kind of substance, and the body of the controlled person keeps twitching.

"Hurry up and help!"

"They're putting something in Yaruz's mouth!"

At this time, Dawn, who was bound, noticed the arrival of other companions. Seeing Cellier and Costat in the team, he directly called out to his companions for help.


Several people have a flower in front of them.

The moment Dawn opened his mouth to cry for help.

Costat had already left from Celier and the others, and then stood firmly in front of Dawn and the others.

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