Mystic Dominator

Chapter 758: Peace of mind

The canyon continues inward.

Ronald also fumbled above and moved forward in the ruined building.

After Kostatt had dealt with other animals in the same situation a few times along the way, the situation in front of the support team finally changed.

Quite deep in the canyon.

A shrine made of countless square stone bricks is located here.

Although the size of the temple is not as big as a mountain, the main buildings on both sides are still completely connected to the cliff. It cut off the middle of the canyon like a magic weapon from the sky, blocking all possible ways to continue.

If you want to keep going backwards——

Otherwise, it will go over directly above the entire temple, passing by like a bird.

Otherwise, you can only walk into it and pass through this temple blocking the road from the inside.

In the team, the expressions of several people related to the mysterious side were even more cautious. Because they could sense the magic power fluctuations, they felt very obvious magic power fluctuations from the building in front of them.

Is this the ultimate danger hidden in this ruin?

Or is there something very unique in there?


Everyone faced the building in front of them in silence.

After a few seconds, the adventurer Celier walked forward to look around, and soon found the mark and said:

"Yes, Dawn they should not go in, but try to climb over this temple."

Megan's attitude is more cautious:

"Can you be sure that the information is accurate?"

"If we get the situation wrong, we'll definitely be in a lot of trouble."

"It's not the first time that Dawn and I have cooperated." Celiere also knew the current situation, and immediately explained in a serious tone, "We had agreed rules a few years ago-if we encounter unconfirmed When in danger, put your own safety first.”

Megan nodded in understanding:

"So do you bypass this temple now?"

Celier continued:

"That's right."

"I found some other signs on the way here. According to what I know about Dawn and Clara, as long as there is no problem with them, the information left must be confirmed."


The situation of the group in front was confirmed through the dialogue.

Several other people in the team immediately turned their inquiring eyes to Kostat.

Although the maid did not take the initiative to express her opinion on this matter, after experiencing the powerful strength of Kostat first-hand, they also understood who should really make the decision.

Even now someone wants to take command of the team.

I'm afraid there is no real possibility.


Facing the eyes of everyone, Kostatt's reaction was much more direct.

She turned around and glanced around. When her eyes glanced at the ruins of the broken building above, she blurted out her final decision on the matter:

"Let's not enter this temple first."

"In this dangerous situation, the safety of your companions is the number one priority."

Hearing Kostat's decision, Ina's expression was very subtle.


The word came out of the mouth of the maid in front of her, and she felt strange no matter how she thought about it.

But now the situation is stronger than people.

Thinking about Kostatt's previous performance when dealing with animals he encountered on the road, Ina still shut up as honestly as the rest of the team, and silently followed Kostatt's advice.

So, the group began to climb over the building in front of them.

Although the temple itself is huge, there are still a lot of places to climb. Even without the help of others, a few people can overcome this obstacle at a normal speed.


It wasn't too long.

Ronald jumped off the cliff again.

Costat's decision just now was naturally the result of his gestures on it.

Although he has confidence in his own strength, there are still too many ordinary people in the team who do not have the ability to cast spells. If you really want to go into this temple to find out, Ronald still doesn't want to put these people in danger.

Tell Costat to take the man away.

Entering here alone is the best solution for now.


"If it weren't for an archaeological relic, it would be much more convenient..."

Looking at the temple where the stone bricks were green with plants, Ronald briefly expressed the reason why he didn't want to transform into a demolition machine, and then walked into it generously.

The structure inside the temple bulges out a straight line.

Bypassing the partition at the beginning of the porch, there is a long corridor directly behind the main hall, and the roads leading to other functional rooms of the temple are located on both sides.

Ronald's eyesight is very good after strengthening.

So he doesn't even have to go any further.

Standing quietly at the entrance of the temple corridor, you can clearly see the situation in the main hall.

At the very center of the temple, a man sat on the throne of the priest.

The other side is firm and determined, and the white hair and beard mixed with the white hair and beard do not show aging, but reveal the perseverance and stability brought by the years.


Looking at the other party's appearance, Ronald frowned.

Because when the man opened his eyes, he saw a familiar touch of white.

Just like those animals that Kostatt had just dealt with. The man in front of him should also be the result of being infected by eukaryotic organisms.

So the problem in this relic.

Is it the Resident Evil kind of thing?

Ronald was thinking about the question when the man sitting in the main hall stood up by himself.

He seemed to have misunderstood the meaning of Ronald standing still, so he took the initiative to walk towards Ronald and said at the same time:

"Human caster, it's a pleasure to meet here... eh?"

Before the man could finish speaking, an overwhelming force pulled him up from the ground. In just a short time, he found himself coming to the entrance of the promenade from the stairs of the main hall.

And Ronald, who was standing still, didn't move a step.

At this moment, he clamped his neck with one hand and lifted his whole figure in the air like a chicken.


The man tried to struggle.

It's a pity that although his physical strength is far superior to ordinary people, he is still far from enough to see in front of Ronald.

Struggling hard.

There's no way to achieve results of any kind other than slamming in place twice.


"Calm down, don't mess around."

At this time, Ronald warned the other party with a slight force in his hand, and then frowned and looked at it carefully.

Just like the mixed-race Ina, the man in front of him couldn't feel the emotional changes by the power of 'Rage'.

In other words - this is not human at all.

Rather, it was a monster wearing a human skin, or in other words, occupying a human body!


"Volume 11, page 260, item 6."

Ronald guessed that this guy didn't know how to guard against the detection of the [polygraph].

After simply activating this uncommon spell.

He immediately asked:

"Hey, tell me about your identity."

"What's wrong with the sacrifices of the Nigalese to make these weird things like you?"

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