Mystic Dominator

Chapter 735: folks

Number of people, meeting time, passwords...

After telling Shasta in detail what was going on inside, the disguised cult warlock immediately returned to his original position, and then collapsed weakly on the street.

Ronald looked at the guy very seriously.

This cult warlock who provided information for Shesta is no different from beggars anywhere in the world now, and it is impossible for normal inspection agencies to recognize this guy's identity.

That is at this time.

The danger of this group of cult warlocks is further manifested.

"Ronald, let's go."

Before Ronald could continue to look at the cult warlock, Shesta took Ronald to the stone house.

With the secret code provided by the cult warlock.

They entered the building without any hindrance.

The number of people who could be directly seen by the line of sight was about twenty people, and Ronald also found other people hiding in various positions to watch. Among them are ordinary citizens dressed as ordinary people, and there are soldiers with serious eyes.

And in this real meeting place.

A middle-aged man with a resolute expression stood at the table, with a man and a woman standing behind him.

"Look at what those soldiers have done!"

"We hope these people can give us a better life, but the result is more frenzied plundering, and even what originally belonged to us was directly taken away!"

"My fellow citizens, no one deserves such a terrible rule."

"We have to find a way to get our rights, and the power to live should be taken back into our own hands. At this time, any evasion and concessions will only make things worse!"

"At least until we lose more, everyone should rise up and resist..."

The middle-aged man's tone was quite powerful.

After that, it listed many things that actually happened around people.

Those who listened to his speech in the room were indeed affected by these words, and even their eyes became eager to move.

But Ronald noticed something a little different.

Just behind the man, two young men, a man and a woman, behaved completely differently. The girl's face was sad, and the man's face was indignant. They didn't have any opinions on the middle-aged man, but they obviously had their own opinions.

Shesta led Ronald into the crowd as usual, and then whispered to Ronald while listening to the above speech:

"Ronald, what do you think of them?"

"Is there any hope of overthrowing the current ruler of Entrod?"

Ronald shook his head:

"If you are oppressed, you will naturally resist. But the current Entrode actually has the backing of the caster and the mysterious side, and now the limitations of the casters have completely disappeared..."

"To be honest, I'm not very optimistic."

There was a smile in Shesta's expression:

"But I've heard it before, your thoughts don't seem to fit this statement? At least in Springs, Ronald, many of your behaviors are more inclined to ordinary people?"

"You even know this?" Ronald raised his eyebrows slightly, but didn't deny it, "I do prefer ordinary people, but I didn't say that the mysterious side was directly identified as my enemy."

"It's better to say that the difference between the two is just people who have mastered different things. The analogy can be made with guns, exercise, or a lot of wealth."

Shesta continued to ask:

"Then what do you think of the future of this country?"

Ronald replied calmly:

"In the current situation, Entrod is undoubtedly controlled by the casters, and it will certainly be the case in the future. But this emotion will change sooner or later. No country or power is permanent."

Hearing such an answer, Shesta was obviously a little unconvinced.

The girl looked at the people talking in the room, and her tone increased slightly:

"My opinion is different."

"On the mysterious side now, the power of spellcasting is essentially a monopoly on knowledge. As long as the upper-level spellcasters use their power to maintain the rules, how can ordinary people who do not have the power to break through such a predicament?"

Do you want to answer this question yourself?

Facing the unconvinced Shesta, Ronald thought about this first.

After all, this is a cult warlock with extremely crooked views, and it is also the topmost section on the mysterious side. If you talk too much to her, will it cause some unnecessary questions?


Ronald's silence seems to have caused some misunderstandings in Shasta.

The girl quickly smiled and said in a victorious tone:

"Look, as expected, ordinary people can't resist the caster."

"Even a smart person like you can't be optimistic about them from the bottom of your heart."

Ronald finally did not answer Shesta's previous question.

Looking at the middle-aged man who continued to speak in the room, he asked Shesta another question:

"Shesta, you called me over today, shouldn't you just watch this speech?"

The girl smiled and answered in a thought-provoking tone:

"This is..."

"Who knows?"

"I may want to discuss these issues with you, or I may just be bored and want to see ordinary people, and maybe what else I want to do to the city. As a cult warlock, if the purpose is so clear, but I don't feel good about my identity."

A few minutes passed like this.

While the middle-aged man was still speaking indignantly, Ronald suddenly sensed that a group of people were coming here, and his mentality was basically full of hostility and anger.

"Someone is here, let's go."

Feeling this scene, Ronald dragged Shesta and stood up.

People around the rally noticed their movements, but most of them didn't say anything. Only behind the middle-aged man who spoke, the girl with a sad face saw her expression became more worried.

Shesta was pulled up by Ronald, and her reaction was much quicker.

She almost lay on Ronald's shoulders and said:

"Hey, can't we just stay and see?"

"If this fights, wouldn't it be a rare good thing?"

Ronald's expression darkened:

"You think about how Lalaiye will react, and then give me an answer."


Hearing Ronald's Shesta smacked her lips in disgust.

Finally weigh the pros and cons.

Shesta still held Ronald's hand and left the meeting room together.


After leaving the house, the two walked in the direction of leaving.

However, they didn't even leave this alley, and a group of people appeared on the other road.

It was more than a dozen soldiers with guns, led by two men in robes, rushing towards the direction of the house.

Ronald could sense the early evacuation of the gathering in the house.


But it didn't take long.

Gunshots and wailing still rang out in the city.

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