Mystic Dominator

Chapter 736: Break things

"So you specifically called me here just to watch this show?"

The two walked slowly on the stone-paved street.

Ronald's expression is still a little mixed.

But Shesta was different. She even recalled with gusto what she had just seen.

"if not?"

"Looking for some supplements on a boring journey is the best guarantee to guarantee the passion of life. How boring is it to fight and kill every day?"


At this moment, Ronald was only looking at Shesta.

But a lot came to mind.

Since the time of crossing, all the people who have something to do with the mysterious side seem to have countless stories on their bodies, and they are even involved in one thing and cannot escape.

"Not a single fuel-efficient lamp..."

I don't know if he was complaining about himself or his "friends", Ronald couldn't help but murmured in a low voice.

Shesta didn't hear clearly, but she turned her head immediately:

"What did you say?"

Ronald said perfunctorily:

"It's nothing, I just praise you for having fun."

Shesta immediately smiled happily:

"You can really praise people."


One perfunctory and one escape, the two continued to walk towards Nancheng District.

With the experience just now, Shesta's purpose of 'adjusting life' was completely achieved, and Ronald did not intend to stay here.

Naturally, they were ready to go back to the hotel.


It came out faster than it came in.

When Ronald and Shesta were about to leave the North City, suddenly two figures, a man and a woman, rushed out from the side street, and collided directly with them.



The exclamation sounded immediately at the end of this alley.

Both sides are a combination of a man and a woman. One side is naturally Ronald and Shesta, while the other side is the two young people standing behind the middle-aged man in the meeting just now!

"You... it's your secret!"

Very simple.

The misunderstanding just happened.

Out of his own moral bottom line, Ronald still dissuaded him:

"Calm down first, it's just a misunderstanding."

"Damn spy, go to hell!"

- Negotiations failed.

The two young men recognized Ronald and Shesta, who had just left the meeting place suddenly, and immediately linked the attack they encountered to the person in front of them.

There was no hesitation for a second.

The man and the woman rushed towards Ronald and the others at the same time, and the shimmering sheen of metal finger tigers could still be seen on their waving fists.

These two are not magicians.

For the current Ronald, the ability of an ordinary person is like playing a house like a child.

Facing the young man rushing in front of him.

He didn't have any interest at all, just pushed the other party away and stepped back.


Then, another teenager fell softly to the ground.

Shesta wasn't like Ronald.

Seeing the young man rushing towards her, the girl embraced him in a way that the other party couldn't catch up at all, and then a long kiss followed.

This kiss seems ambiguous, but in fact it has magical fluctuations.

The teenager who was an ordinary person didn't have time to feel what happened to him, and his consciousness escaped from his body with this kiss.


Ronald frowned.

Although the other party was the first to attack after a misunderstanding, this cult warlock was really ruthless.

Just like that.

Not only did the young man lose consciousness, but his vitality was also reduced by half.

If he can't get the treatment on the mysterious side, his subsequent life will inevitably result in frailty, and at the same time, he will be entangled by the disease for the rest of his life.


At this time, the **** Ronald's side also discovered the situation behind him.

Watching her companion collapse in this way, the young girl's brain couldn't process information at all.

How is this going?

Falling to the ground with a kiss?

Did the other party spit poison on his lips, or was there a very concealed weapon in his hand?

The girl's thoughts were soon forced to stop.

Because in the blink of an eye, Shesta had ruthlessly put aside the girl in her hand, and turned to come directly to the girl, and at the same time gently hugged her into her arms.

"Little cutie, don't worry."

The girl struggled desperately, but Shesta's hands were like iron shackles, and she couldn't break free at all.

Immediately, Shesta bit the girl's earlobe.

In a vague and wet voice, he said:

"It's you next..."


Ronald finally couldn't stand it any longer.

With a single wave of his hand, the power of **** brought Shesta's body to the ground, making a dent directly on the stone road.

"If you really don't like it, then it's better to be direct."

"Don't treat these ordinary people in such a teasing way!"


Ronald was just a simple lesson and a reminder to Shesta.

But the girl who saw this scene in her eyes has completely shut down.

If you talk about Shesta's action just now, she can still find a reason for it to come back, but now this kind of picture that can surpass common sense will not work.

Why does a woman who locks herself fly out?

How powerful is it to smash a dent in this kind of ground? Is it dynamite?

And...this is...

The sluggish girl saw another bizarre scene.

Shesta, who should have died in normal conception, got up from the ground with a moan.

Although it looks like the guy doesn't feel good.

But is this really something normal people can do?

Human beings encounter such a blow, shouldn't they die on the spot?


On the other side, Shesta, who just got up, obviously had her own ideas.

She looked at Ronald with a sullen face, and at the cute girl with a dull expression, and suddenly realized.

"Ah, I see!"

"Did Ronald fall in love with her and plan to make her your lover?"

Ronald was about to refute immediately, but Shesta realized it faster than ever, and she almost jumped to the conclusion:

"Actually, if you want a lover, I can."

"I have a good figure, good looks, and a good personality. The old father at home probably won't have any opinions. Why do you care about these ordinary people?"

"Want me to say..."

"shut up!"

Ronald couldn't help but stop Shesta's gushing:

"I just have an opinion on your attitude just now, don't talk nonsense here!"


Shesta's self-promotion expression froze on her Then she seemed to think of something, and her face rose into a cute and shy blush.

"I understand, I understand it all."

"Ronald, give me a day, see you at the train station!"

When the voice fell, Shesta picked up the girl who was standing aside, and her figure quickly disappeared into the city.

Ronald locked Shasta's state with a spell.

After confirming that this guy did not have any particularly dangerous moves, Ronald didn't bother to go over and ask.

Shaking his head and sighing, he went back to the hotel by himself.

This cult warlock's broken thing...

Whoever likes to take care of it can be called to take care of it!

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