Mystic Dominator

Chapter 734: North Quaker

For Ronald, the last part of the journey on the train was rather boring.

The dinner Laleye organized was social in nature, but Ronald wasn't the kind of person who liked to brag about his abilities.

Finished the meal very perfunctorily.

It was also at the fourth hour after nightfall that day, they took the train for several days and finally stopped at the end of the trip - North Quaker.

If the previous information was correct, Ronald and his party would need to spend two days in the city before they could board the train to the capital of Entrod.

This is the reality of Entrod.

Completely different from Grid, there are many things in this country waiting to be done, but most of the facilities that are really prioritized are related to the military and police - such as Albert---- the soldiers on 1377, they are arriving. In the first morning after the station, I left North Quaker by train.

And Ronald they...

Although they came with Lalaye, they did not apply for a special ride, and Lalaye did not use his privileges. In this case, they can only honestly wait for the civilian train two days later.

So the first afternoon in the waiting time.

Shesta took the initiative to invite Ronald, who was guarding the fire on the first floor of the hotel.

"Ronald, shall we go out for a walk?"

"That guy Lalaiye has disappeared since he got here. We can't just stay here for two days, can we?"

Ronald glanced up at the cult warlock.

"When we wait for the bus, let's wait for the bus honestly. There's actually nothing interesting here."

This is an answer based on reality.

Ronald knew about the city's current state long before he took the train into North Quaker. North Quaker is divided into two parts, of which the north is the area where the residents of the original city have lived in the past century, and the old houses with stone and brick structures occupy all of this part of the city.

Near the south, it is a newly established urban area after the country's coup d'état. It aims to strengthen the control of this border city and has built a more comprehensive national transportation network.

such a city.

There really won't be anything compelling.

However, Shesta and Ronald obviously had different opinions. After hearing such an answer, the girl put her body close to her and whispered:

"Oh no."

"As far as I know, the city of North Quaker has very interesting things. Come and accompany me for a walk. It's boring for me to be alone."

Ronald frowned.

He didn't care about Shesta's attitude towards him.

But if you let the other party go out—even if there is an agreement between Lalaiye and this guy, there is no guarantee that Shesta will not cause trouble.


It's in the face of Baprol and Lalaye.

Just go this way yourself.

"Costat, you stay at the hotel."

"If Lalaye comes to him in the future, let me know right away."

The maid replied calmly as always:

"Sir, I understand."

Seeing Ronald's attitude, Shesta immediately stepped forward and hugged Ronald, and the two immediately walked out of the hotel.

It's just been snowing in North Quaker these days.

Untreated snow can be seen all over the city.

The hotel where Ronald and his entourage temporarily stayed was near the station. When they walked out and took a look, they could feel the city's poor hygiene standards.

Because there is no excellent municipal construction, many domestic wastewater has undertaken the main task of melting ice and snow. People come and go, leaving countless dark footprints on the snow.

everything in front of you.

It made the city look very unclean.

After walking a street away, Ronald naturally frowned and said:

"Shesta, you want to see this?"

Shesta didn't care about the environment here at all.

In other words, cult girls who have lived all over the world are no stranger to such sanitary conditions.

Keeping her smile, she whispered to Ronald:

"Ronald, let me tell you a secret."

"There is a force in the people of Entrod that is preparing to overthrow the current regime, and North Quaker is actually their main activity area."


Ronald was stunned.

He can ignore the debate over the overthrow of the regime.

But this guy, Shesta, just told himself such important information so easily?

Ronald didn't know how to respond to Shesta.

The cult girl didn't care either, and continued on her own:

"I'm going to go to the resistance rally held today first."

"How is it? Isn't it a surprise!"

Ronald replied with a sullen face:

"'s a bit of a surprise."

"But have you made up your mind? How are you going to explain this if Lalaiye finds out?"

"What's the explanation for this?" Shesta said without any burden. "This is just a resistance force composed of ordinary people. Without the help of the mysterious side, it's just a joke."

"Just come and watch a farce, Laraye doesn't even care about this, does it?"


Ronald took a few seconds, then fully understood Shesta's thoughts.

For a mysterious cult warlock, this seems to be no problem, and this is the reality of the world.

If it is said that in Grid, the level of balance established by ordinary people and spellcasters and the queen, and the rapid development brought about by technological progress.

Well in other areas.

Even if you have to ensure that the information is blocked before.

These people with the ability to cast spells can absolutely guarantee an overwhelming advantage over ordinary people - this is the reality of this world.

"Okay, let's go and see."


Just like you chatted with me, Ronald and Shesta also left the newly established South City. After coming to the ancient Beicheng District, an old and outdated taste came oncoming.

The houses made of stone bricks are huge and light, and after being covered with ice and snow, there is a feeling of isolation from the world. The traces of people's lives can be seen through the wooden windows only in some places where the gaps in the building are stuck.

Cold weather, remote locations, and this type of building...

All things considered.

This is indeed a great place for secluded activities.

If ordinary people choose to conspire or organize actions, the environment in the old town of North Quaker can be guaranteed to be safe in most situations as long as someone is on the

It is in this environment.

Shesta led Ronald forward without a second of hesitation.

It seemed to her that North Quaker was already familiar with her hometown.

Just a quarter of an hour ahead.

The two of them have gone very deep into the building maze made of stone and bricks.


At this moment, the footsteps that Shesta led the way stopped.

A man in a tattered cotton coat walked out from the corner.

He pointed to a stone house with a large area, and said to Shesta with extreme fanaticism:

"Miss, right there—"

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