Mystic Dominator

Chapter 718: destruction


Ronald greatly enhanced the effect of the spell.

Almost the next moment he uttered the spell, the entire conference room... or even a large area of ​​the surrounding tree city creaked under the interference of this terrifying force.

Hear the sounds around you.

Although the actual situation is not clear, the fact that Ronald has already started does not need to be overthinking.

Ogan's Secret immediately broke free from the suppression:

"Villain, you are asking for your own death... ah?"

Before the caster could finish speaking, he was directly interrupted by the situation in the conference room.

Ronald stood surrounded by everyone, his expression unshakable, the magic power in his body to strengthen his physical fitness suddenly soared, and he then lifted his foot and stepped on it.


All practitioners in the conference room.

At this moment, they all felt their feet are weak, and the tables and chairs around them also swayed synchronously.

next second.

All are aware of their situation.

The conference room they were in, part of the tree city, is falling at the moment!



"Alt, take me for a ride!"

The caster of Organ's Secret was completely panicked.

You must know that their location is more than 100 meters in the sky!

Even if a small number of casters have the ability to protect themselves from falling at such a height, most of them are still helpless, and they are faced with a naked life-and-death decision.



The distance of 100 meters was over in an instant.

It sounds far enough, but it's actually just a few breaths in time.

After four or five seconds of struggle, some people didn't even have time to fully deploy their defensive spells, and they smashed down with the wooden dome. The hard trees that were originally used to protect their safety have now become terrifying killers who cut off their lives. .

In such a simple roar.

Almost all decision makers in Ogan's Secret fell to the ground with the destruction of the dome.

White light flashed on Ronald, who had landed safely.

[Guardian Angel] directly offset the impact of the fall. For him, the falling distance of 100 meters is as easy as stepping down the stairs when going downstairs.


"Well... a lot of people survived."

Ronald glanced around.

Although there are wooden blocks that obstruct his vision everywhere, he can feel the actual situation within the conference room through the locking of the power of 'Rage'.

Except for the two spellcasters who are the fastest to fly in the air with their spells.

In fact, there are still four people who have fallen down with the dome now.

The leader of the Organ's Mystery School, two not-so-young spellcasters, and a rather young man.

Under Ronald's completely unreasonable spell attack.

This is the surviving list of Organ's Secret.

In the smoke and dust flying around, the leader of Ogan's Secret also confirmed the situation at this moment.

The elite power of Organ's Secret that has been passed down for many years.

In these four or five seconds, he seemed to have lost a full third.

- Stain as a leader.

— an unacceptable loss to the school.

——Even the external situation of Organ's Secret will be completely different in the future.

A lot of questions to face later came to mind.

But at this moment, the leader of Ogan's Secret still suppressed this anger.

As a leader, you must not lose your mind at this moment.

Facing a caster with such strength, letting anger dominate the brain will only bring about more complete annihilation of the entire army.

The facts are too obvious.

Even if all the casters of Organ's Mystery are on board, they may not be Ronald's opponent.


At this moment, the caster of Organ's Secret remembered a person.

- Nicole.

This is the only genius in the history of Organ's Secret.

Even in the absence of a canon, it is possible to use the most advanced divination spells of the school.

Too bad it was at first.

Nicole left Yoiz Forest because of her choice.

If he had retained the genius at that time and devoted his best to teaching, would the situation be different today?

"Cough cough cough-"

Thinking of this, the leader of Organ's Secret coughed twice.

He quickly shook his head and threw these delusions out of his mind. After sorting out his thoughts, he was about to talk to Ronald:


"Its name is Styx,

The black water flowed down to the foot of the dark and precipitous cliff! "


The expression of the leader of Organ's Secret was completely frozen on his face.

Just before he opened his mouth to speak, the sound of Ronald chanting a spell was heard around him again.

And this time.

The wave of magic power that erupted from the opponent was still so powerful that it was despairing.

Under the terrifying power as if the demon king came into the world, the pitch-black mist stalked around and spread from every possible corner.

As the leader of Organ's Secret.

He has a magical connection with his subordinates.

It is precisely because of this that the leader of Organ's Secret clearly perceives that the only remaining subordinates around him are all unconscious.

What can we do now?

Do you count on those two guys flying farther and farther in the sky?

There was a helpless wry smile at the corner of his mouth, and the caster of Organ's Secret also simply took out the original text.

At such a time, one can only strive to die with a little dignity.


"Del, Hess, Owen, Zach, Hagar..."

He chanted incantations in his mouth to strengthen spells, and he skillfully painted spell runes on his hands.

However, just when he was about to fight to the death, the change in the scene in front of him gave him a hope.

- I am an exception.

It is different from the situation where his subordinates are instantly swallowed by the black mist.

After this mist with multiple powers filled the entire space, it did not immediately rush up to take his life.

more accurate.

This spell is now more like a cage.

Ronald trapped himself here to restrict his movement, but didn't intend to kill him outright.



The leader of Organ's Secret couldn't help swallowing.

In his heart, he had the urge to fight to the death for the dignity of the school.

But after seeing the hope of survival in the situation of ten dead and no life, he really couldn't make the choice to sacrifice himself.


at this time.

An explosive sound rang out in front of him.

The leader of Organ's Secret was very aware that this was the sound of the wood that was inserted on the ground in front of him being forcibly broken.

In other words - Ronald came the moment he realized it almost in his mind.

The black mist cracked in front of the leader of Organ's Secret, revealing a ray of dawn outside.

Ronald stepped forward under the black mist.

Staring at him condescendingly.

"In the meeting just now, your name was Dave, and you were the leader of Organ's Secret?"

At this time, a wisp of black mist brushed over the face of the leader of Organ's Secret. Feeling the ice-cold mist on his face, he couldn't even utter a word at the moment, he could only nodded stiffly:


Ronald turned his head sideways, his expression did not fluctuate:

"Get up, you are still useful."

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