Mystic Dominator

Chapter 719: Book of Ruhr

"Mr. Ronald..."

"Shut up and lead the way."


Under the dome defense of Organ's Secret, Ronald and Dave were walking on the road one after the other. The magician of Organ's Secret was about to say something when he was immediately blocked by Ronald behind him.

The current situation is clear at a glance.

After admitting his failure, Dave, the leader of Organ's Secret, was ordered by Ronald to help find the boy who wrote The Organic Book.

That's Dave's current life-guaranteed last feature.

And behind him, Ronald held a dry and ancient bark in his hand.

——This is the original text of Organ's Secret School.

——The Book of Ruhr, which records great power.

Of course, things are a little different in Ronald's eyes.

What he has now...

What to say.

Even before the crossing, the runes recorded in it can be called world-class occult writings - runes.

According to legend, the god-king Odin hangs on a tree and realizes the secret of the universe.

There are still a large number of esoteric knowledge learned and used by mediums in Eastern Europe in modern times.

Even in many works, such as "The Lord of the Rings", "Harry Potter"; or game works "Diablo", "Fate Series", "Dark Souls"; even in animation "Frozen", "How to Train Your Dragon" Master".

These things are important references, or appear directly in them.

Ronald has actually been exposed to these things many times because of his work.

It's just that he never expected it.

In this different world, he actually got the original text of this thing.

At this moment, on the dry bark in Ronald's hand, dark red words were engraved in it. He couldn't help but have an idea - these words, maybe the characters reflected in Odin's blood?

Although these canonical spells do not exist on Earth.

But after all, it’s a myth. Could it be that someone made a similar action a long time ago, and that’s why the original rune script was born?


While thinking about it, Ronald also took this Rune Script into his hands.

This small action stunned Dave who led the way.

The leader of Ogan's Secret looked at Ronald behind him with completely unacceptable eyes.

Fortunately, his IQ as a leader has not disappeared.

Although Ronald's action of putting away "Runes" was amazing, Dave quickly adjusted his state and continued to lead the way.

The two are in tandem.

Ronald began to look around at this time.

Organ's Secret...

What to say?

While this school provided shelter for the victims, they offered no extra help other than tree domes for protection.

People who stay in this area can only find ways to meet their living needs.

The problem faced and Soratu's side are almost two worlds.

Ronald couldn't help but ask:

"You host these refugees, don't you plan to provide more help?"

Dave responded immediately:

"The current environment of Yoiz Forest is special, and even our secret of Organ cannot provide other help other than protection."


Ronald was silent for a second.

Then he said in a low voice:

"Forgot to tell you, I have the spell to perceive the mind."

Dave, who was leading the way, froze.

Standing there for a few seconds, he bit the bullet and said:

"In the school... many people see the experience of these ordinary people, and they will increase their dependence and loyalty to the school."

Ronald was just a kick without a word.

He directly kicked the leader of the secret of Organ for a few meters before speaking:

"Oh, it's really yours."

"Continue to lead the way!"

Dave's physical condition was obviously not optimistic after being kicked by Ronald.

There was an urge in his heart to find a way to escape.

But before I think about it—

After Ronald slipped him away from the ruins of the dome, the man in front of him chanted the spell lightly, and then waved one hand in the air. The caster, who was about to flee in the air, was killed by Ronald in the air.

Switch this to yourself.

It's better not to think about running away.

Grinding his teeth, Dave continued to stagger and lead the way.

He has now decided to give up his dignity as the leader of Organ's Mystery, and then he can endure everything as long as he sees a chance to survive.

But things soon changed.

Because the movement of the collapse of the tree dome was too great, the nearest magician around finally chased after the trace.

When the first people saw the state of Dave and Ronald.

These young practitioners in charge of patrols can understand the situation from the picture in front of them, and they will start almost immediately:

"Aiqi, go protect the adults!"

"Let's stop this guy, don't let him get hurt..."

"Stop all of you!" Dave's heart almost reached his throat at this time. The leadership was just wiped out by Ronald, of course he knew what kind of spellcaster the man in front of him was.

With these young people in front of me...

Not to mention saving him from Ronald.

Praying that this group of people don't continue to act to provoke Ronald is the development that Dave most wants to see at this moment.

After rushing to stop the group of young people, Dave hurriedly continued:

"This Mr. Ronald is here to help us solve the Yoiz Forest problem! The movement in the tree city just now is just the result of our actions with the conspirators. Don't be smart!"


in front of young people of these schools.

Dave's majesty as the school leader is still quite good.

In just a few words, the group of young spellcasters who came on patrol was cut off by him, and the spells that had been brewing died.

At this time, Dave turned his head to look carefully at Ronald.

After confirming that the murderer did not make any other statements, Dave continued to speak to the surrounding practitioners:

"But you came just fine."

"According to the latest news, the culprit behind all these problems is now hiding in the refugee camp. Follow along and help convey Mr. Ronald's instructions to the refugees later."

Hearing Dave's words, the young Organ's Secret casters looked at each other.

Finally, the leader of the group responded:

"Yes, I understand..."

And just like that Ronald and Dave's tandem team changed shape.

At this moment, the two of them were walking in front, and many young magicians followed in confusion.

After absorbing several waves of patrollers.

This team actually has a scale of nearly thirty people.

However, in the process of moving forward, there were still small episodes. Just in the dome of trees above their heads, there was another loud movement.

Ronald recognized immediately that it was the influence of Costat.

He has been very familiar with this maid in the past few days.

It's just that Ronald wasn't distracted by it.

Because in addition to the trust in Kostat, a very simple reason is also in front of you-

The refugee's place of residence has arrived.

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