Mystic Dominator

Chapter 717: intensify


Ronald's eyelids, who were standing at the door, jumped twice.

Although these guys are holding a confidential meeting, they are really rude in their words!

If it wasn't him Ronald standing here today.

Hearing these words without hesitation at random, I am afraid that he would have rushed in and started fighting at this moment.

Ronald's mouth twitched outside the door.

The practitioners in the conference room don't know what's going on outside.

Immediately after someone expressed their opinion, there were also people with different opinions who expressed their opinions:

"I think it's up for debate."

"Everyone may not be clear in the historical records, this Ronald is not just a holder of the original book. Just around Joiz, there is a magic cave called Kurpis, where the Adler family is the leader. By."

"If we don't treat him well, it's likely to cause unexpected trouble?"

"Magic cave?"

A suspicious voice sounded:

"Clement, can you elaborate?"


"Actually, there are not many records."

"However, in my lineage, the teacher once said that there is a powerful servant who suppresses many evils, and it is absolutely not recommended for latecomers to provoke the master there."

The host of the meeting said:

"Then where did the description of the devil's cave come from?"

"As far as I know, your teacher should rarely use such words."

The answering voice continued:

"About this, the teacher did not speak before his death."


The question and answer ended, and the room began to debate it again.

Just when Ronald outside, almost defining these people as creaking decaying machines, finally came to a conclusion.

"Regarding this Mr. Ronald, it's up to Oger to deal with it."

"Drag them in the tree city as much as possible to ensure that we can successfully recover the original text. In this way, even if this Mr. Ronald has an opinion after the fact, he will not challenge our school for the original text."


bang bang bang --

At this time, a polite knock sounded from the door of the conference room.

When Ronald heard this, he had completely given up his plans to communicate with the Organ's Secret Magician. Since the other party has made such a decision, then he will openly chat with these people.


The door was pushed open, and Ronald walked in with an indifferent expression.

Under the gaze of all the casters present, he spoke in a very false polite tone:

"Everyone, I want to interrupt."

A caster patted the table and stood up:


"Whose apprentice are you, I don't know where this place is? How dare you rush in and make trouble at this time?"

After drinking angrily.

Oger's trembling voice immediately resounded in the room:

"By... Bayer, this is the Ronald we just discussed."


"How can it be!"

"Who put him in?"

There was an uproar in the meeting room.

In addition to the guy who was shocked by the news, there were also spellcasters who showed clear hostility to Ronald. When they stood up from the chair, their fingers began to draw the runes of the Ogan's Secret School on their bodies.

Ronald glanced indifferently.

Out of the most basic moral bottom line, he said softly:

"If someone shoots at me, then I will default to war."



The moment the battle is about to break out.

The host of the meeting noticed Ronald's attitude, and then stopped his own people's ready to fight.

He looked at Ronald with very serious eyes.

Immediately he said:

"Mr. Ronald, there may be some misunderstanding between us."

It's a pity that the discussion at the meeting just now completely took away Ronald's goodwill.

He had no intention of continuing the meandering conversation with the other party at all, and when he opened his mouth, he led the topic to the most intense contradiction:

"We have no misunderstanding."

"I'm going into this room now to tell you one thing - I'm going to recycle this tome."


The meeting room fell silent for a moment.

The level of provocation of Ronald's words was just sticking to their faces.

As the top caster who controls the entire school, several casters of Organ's Secret stood up directly:

"Young man, you have to be careful when you speak!"

"If the weak have too precious resources, disaster will befall!"

Ronald smiled indifferently:

"From the perspective of strength, I think there is nothing wrong with what you said."

"So it is more appropriate for Ogan's Secret to voluntarily give up this original book, otherwise it will be troublesome if it leads to disaster."

An old man continued to speak:

"Young man, don't speak too aggressively."

"Didn't you still bring your companions here? Before making an impulsive choice, at least think about your companions."

Faced with a dialect that is almost like a standard villain, Ronald replied with sincere advice from the heart:

"My companion... It shouldn't be something you can deal with either."

"Cooperating with my actions now is the best choice for you."


"I don't know whether to live or die!" Some practitioners finally couldn't help it.

In the face of Ronald's attitude, the caster directly mobilized magic to portray the runes. In the next second, several sharp wooden spears protruded from the surrounding wooden walls, and stabbed directly at the fatal position on Ronald's body.


This is an attack to take lives.

clap clap-

In an instant, a series of sounds resounded on Ronald's body.

He stood there, not even activating the defensive white light of the [Guardian Angel], these very dangerous wooden spears were directly broken to the ground.

The reason is also very simple.

Ronald is currently standing motionless.

It's just the defense enhancement brought by the sin of laziness in "Purgatory", and it is not something that the opponent can break through.

It was at this moment that the leader of the secret of Organ, who had not spoken for a while, spoke in a very regretful tone:

"Everyone calm down!"

"Don't do it!"

"Mr. Ronald, we can understand your current mood. But trust me, this matter can be discussed and resolved to everyone's satisfaction. It is not wise to resort to force."

Ronald's expression did not change in the slightest.

He looked indifferently at the leader of Organ's Secret who sang a white face, and said in an equally dispassionate tone:

"When I first walked in here, I made it clear that if someone shot me, then I would acquiesce to war."

The voice fell, and Ronald waved one hand in the air.


The violent airflow instantly rolled up in the conference room.

While disturbing everything, he also suppressed all the casters of Organ's Secret in the surrounding corners.

At this time, Ronald stood calmly in the center of the conference room alone.

But next.

He chanted the incantation at a gentle pace, and it began to reach the ears of these spellcasters:

"The greatest increase in the productivity of labor, and the greater proficiency, skill, and judgment in the use of labor, seem to be the result of the division of labor..."

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