Mystic Dominator

Chapter 711: Kotan

Behind the bluestone is a downward passage.

At the entrance, you can see two serious-looking spellcasters guarding here.

When the old man brought Ronald and the others over.

One of them immediately bowed and saluted:

"Elder, do you all plan to go down?"

The old man immediately turned his eyes to Ronald.

Ronald also immediately understood what the other party meant, so he turned his head and commanded:

"Il, you stay on it with Hel, remember not to cause trouble."

What Soratu is hiding underneath is absolutely important.

Ronald and Kostat, the two members of the Adler family, are fine in this case, but Il and Hel are obviously not very suitable, after all, there is a problem with their origins.

Instruct the two not to run around and cause trouble.

Ronald and the others continued to follow the old man down the ground.

The old man on the road also introduced them here:

"This is the secret altar of blue. The altar discovered and developed by our Sorato school a long time ago will only be opened when someone tries the original scriptures. As spellcasters who are not from this school, the two are rarely able to come here. The guests here..."

The old man introduced at the front, and Ronald observed himself at the back.

The structure here is actually a bit special.

Passing through the entrance of the bluestone tunnel, Ronald did not see that the surrounding walls changed from stone to mud when he continued down.

In other words-

The bluestone above is actually a part of a huge rock exposed on the ground. The Solatu School discovered it in the forest, and then excavated the entire secret altar of blue from its interior.

An altar entirely hewn out of a rock.

This is a rather unique building.

Continuing down the tunnel was not too far away, and after just a few turns, the scenery in front of Ronald suddenly became clear.

This huge rock buried on the surface.

Inside, a huge space was taken out by the people of the Soratu School.

In a circular square large enough to accommodate hundreds of people to easily gather, a cross platform that runs through the whole protrudes from this, and the tunnel exit Ronald and the others walked down is directly connected to one end of the cross platform.

Going to the center of the intersection of the high platform is a small platform that can look around the entire space, which belongs to the absolute center that will attract the attention of the audience.

And walking to both sides, you can go down the stairs to the circular square.

Just going down is almost impossible.

On the square that was supposed to be empty, there is now a layer of strange blue species floating in it. This thing looks a bit like fog from a distance, but it seems to belong to colloid after careful identification.

"Mr. Ronald, let's go over there."

At this time, the old man who was leading the way spoke up.

Following the direction he pointed out, Ronald saw at the farthest point of the left branch of the High Platform Cross, a figure standing there with a white shimmer all over his body. He was different in shape from a human being, but he also prayed with folded hands. action.

And before this white figure.

Another old man dressed almost like the old man who led the way was waiting there. ,


"Understood, let's go."

Responding simply to the old spellcaster who led the way, Ronald and Kostat walked there along the cross platform.

Ronald noticed something as he passed by the center of the cross.

On the side of the small platform, stood a black slate with many names engraved on it, which marked the list of spellcasters who had died in the original test.


Continue to go back, when the two sides are still a few meters away.

The old man who had been waiting here for a long time said:

"Is this the Adler of this generation?"

The old man who led the way replied:

"Yes, they came to solve the problems in the Yoiz Forest. I weighed the pros and cons and decided to bring them here."

The old man waiting here was silent for a few seconds.

"I see……"

"Then let me introduce you."

While speaking, the old man stepped aside to reveal the white figure behind him, and Ronald immediately saw clearly the appearance of the other party.

This is a guy with a four-limbed torso on his body.

But in the part of the head, there are no organs such as eyes and mouth.

If you want to give an example.

It's like a puppet whose shape has just been sculpted, but hasn't had time to fix the facial details.

"This is Orr."

"The light spirit summoned by our school a long time ago has been presiding over the safety assurance of the original test at the secret altar of blue."

"However, after the problems in the forest, Lord Orr first noticed this change and also realized the crisis of this change. Since then, Lord Orr has connected his body to the earth, and began to make some parts of the forest invisible to the naked eye. The tiny presence of it controls this."

Speaking of this, the old man pointed his finger at the circular square below.

The dark blue matter that pervades here is obviously the result of Orr's efforts during this period of time.

Ronald looked at the light in front of him, and then looked at the blue below.

He understood the old man's hesitation before, and then asked:

"I understand the situation."

"Then how can this Lord Orr help me?"

"Master Orr has such power." One of the two old men replied, then turned around and walked to the vicinity of the light spirit, releasing his magic power to awaken this existence.


The white light on Guang Ling suddenly lit up.

Then, something unexpected happened.

After being awakened, the summoned creature named Orr didn't even pay attention to the two old people, but first opened his mouth to Ronald and the others:

"Long time no see, Miss Kostatt—and Adler's great caster."

"I already know the purpose of the two of you coming here."

Ronald immediately looked at the maid beside him:

"You know each other?"

Costart answered meticulously:

"At the end of the dark age, I saw this guy when I fought with the first generation. My ability to read memory is actually obtained from him."

"Miss Kostatt's learning ability is amazing." As if to confirm Kostatt's answer, Guangling Auer followed, "I actually tried to teach the spell of reading memory, but only Koss Miss Tate can complete the most preliminary Ronald noticed a word:

"The most preliminary study?"

"Yes, the most preliminary study." Guangling Orr continued to explain, "The more in-depth parts of the follow-up require the unique physique of our light spirits to use, and there is no possibility of imitation by other species."

Ronald understood everything right away:

"So you can help us find our destination by reading the memories of life in the forest?"

Guangling Orr continued:

"These little beings I have collected cover the entire Yoiz Forest in scope, but I can't even extract information from such a large sea of ​​memories."

"If you want to find life..."

"Then some relevant information must be provided first."

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