Mystic Dominator

Chapter 710: Camp Status

The old caster looked alert.

Taking Ronald and a few people into the building behind, he did not greet them as he normally entertains guests, but simply sat down with them in an ordinary room.

"Mr. Ronald, we can put this matter of mutant life aside for now. After all, the Yoiz Forest itself is the most important..."

"That's what I'm here for."

Seeing that it is difficult for both sides to have a good dialogue attitude.

Ronald also interrupted the other party directly, and then expressed his intention:

"Before in Benica, I have successfully contacted and sealed some of the sources of forest changes. This time, the main purpose of coming to Soratu is to investigate the remaining parts."

The old man's expression was a little serious:

"the remaining part……"

"Mr. Ronald, are you doubting our Sorato school?"

Ronald replied eloquently:

"I don't particularly suspect any school. Because in the Yoiz Forest at this moment, anyone has a certain degree of suspicion."


The old surgeon frowned.

He didn't have negative emotions because of the direct way Ronald spoke, and enough experience and knowledge of the surname Adler made him understand what Ronald's attitude meant.

After thinking for a few seconds, the old man continued to stare at Ronald and said:

"Soratu doesn't want to see the forest continue like this, and is naturally willing to help. But before that, you need to explain the situation in more detail."

Ronald smiled slightly:

"Of course, no problem. The information I know is actually obtained from Il..."

Next, Ronald described the situation focusing on the absence of the Organic Encyclopedia. After listening to what he said, Soratul's old magician nodded in approval.

"In this way, the humans in the Yoiz Forest are indeed very suspicious."

"I can represent Soratu and ensure that the caster here is not the mastermind behind the scenes, other aspects..."

The old man's prevarication was not finished.

Because before he completely refused, Ronald put on a very serious demeanor in front of him.

If you continue to maintain this attitude.

It is probably impossible for the two sides to sit and talk here.


This time the old man fell into deep thought for a long time.

In the past three minutes, after carefully weighing the large number of refugees at his school headquarters and the reputation accumulated by the Adler family, he finally sighed and said slowly:

"I see, Mr. Ronald."

"We Solatu can offer some help on this matter, but I would like you to keep some secrets confidential."

Ronald then showed a kind smile: .

"Of course, we understand each other."

After getting a reply, the old man slowly stood up.

Before taking Ronald and a few people out of here, he first shouted out loudly:

"Barr, inform Repton that there is an important guest going to the basement."


After hearing the reply from his subordinates, the old man turned his head and explained to Ronald and the others:

"It will take a while to prepare over there, let's go slowly."

The old man led the way with a heavy heart ahead.

Following behind, Ronald's mood also drifted away.

Sure enough, it's underground...

As a mysterious side force with a long tradition, Soratu really also has the attribute that the mysterious side likes the most-drilling into the ground.

When it comes to things that are very important to their schools.

Or honestly chose the underground environment.


Although there are many ideas in mind.

But as the old man continued to move forward, Ronald also saw the state of Solatu from the actual situation.

This school is indeed worthy of the records in the data.

Around many buildings that he knew were not residential buildings at first glance, Ronald could see the activities of many ordinary people with no magic fluctuations, and most of them were grateful to the Soratist School.

In the greatly changed Yoiz Forest.

These long-established spellcasters are not all like Orlanc who directly cast their hands on Il, but also lend a helping hand to the weak in times of crisis.

Even when Ronald and the others passed by.

There are also ordinary people who put down their lives and hurriedly bow to the old man who led the way to show respect and gratitude.

The old man also noticed Ronald looking around.

While leading the way, he said in a rather complicated tone:

"In the current Yoiz Forest, we practitioners have to be careful in our own activities, so as to barely guarantee our own safety. And this kind of thing falls on the heads of ordinary people, it is a complete disaster."

Ronald said in a low voice:

"You seem to have said just now that you also received the residents near the forest?"

The old man nodded:

"Solatu's location is in the northeastern part of the forest after all, and if you go further out, you will find the uninhabitable tundra."

"These ordinary people, they can't deal with some dangerous guys who just go out in the forest, and they migrate - to the north, there is a frozen world of ice and snow; These days, the army is still in chaos; as for the east, the towering White Ridge Mountains are difficult for even birds to cross, let alone these ordinary people?"

Having said this, the old man sighed again:


"If we in the south don't lend a helping hand, don't we just let these people live and die?"


Ronald was silent.

He had seen the difficulty of Leighton escorting Hull before.

But now Soratu's old magician is putting this kind of thing in front of him, and the powerlessness of ordinary people in the face of this kind of crisis suddenly appears in front of him.

Look at these ordinary people around who rarely breathe a sigh of relief.

Although they were sheltered by Soratu, they finally had a chance to breathe now. But many people who are obviously family have lost their loved ones permanently.

This is not a cold statement of 'how many people died' in the disaster data, but the tragic reality of 'a lot of people lost their lives here'.

Ronald was in a complicated mood.

And beside him.

Costart noticed this, and immediately comforted him:

"Sir, when mankind itself waged war, far more people died than this."

Ronald gave the maid a fierce look:

" Do you know that you can't speak very well?"

Costat's tone was as usual:

"Sir, you can teach me."


Ronald corrected Kostatt's 'way of speaking' in a low voice.

At the same time, the old man also led them all the way, and finally came to a very remote angle of the entire camp.

Here moss covers the surrounding rocks.

Standing on the overgrown ground and wrinkling your nose, you can smell the ancient, moist air.

Standing on the spot and taking a breath, Soratu's old magician walked to a blue rock more than two meters high, and then circled back:

"Mr. Ronald, let's go down."

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