Mystic Dominator

Chapter 712: the truth

"For relevant information..."

"That must be it."

Only after hearing Guangling's answer, Ronald took out the "Organic Encyclopedia" without saying a word and put it in front of him.

After all, no matter what the intentions of the people in the Yoiz Forest are.

As long as the opponent's goal is still related to the original text, then the remaining third of the "Organic Complete Canon" is a hurdle that cannot be bypassed.

Since the light spirit needs relevant information.

This part of Ronald's hands must be able to meet the requirements.

"This...this is the original..."

Ronald took out the "Organic Encyclopedia" without any burden in his heart, but the Solatu School caster standing aside could not do it lightly.

Even their school itself holds strong canons.

But Ronald's casual attitude, and the completely different appearance of "Organic Complete Canon" and other original texts, still made the two elders suffer a cognitive impact, and their aged bodies even trembled because of this:

"Mr. Ronald, this..."

"As you can see, this is the starting point for the changes in the Joiz Forest, and everything comes from it. As long as it can be completely controlled, this terrible disaster can be brought under control in no time."

Ronald answered flatly.

In front of him, Guangling Orr didn't care about the existence of the original.

He stretched out his pure white palm and brushed lightly on the "Organic Complete Canon", and the faint white light on Guangling's body flashed again in an instant.


The frequency of this flash was slightly different from when it was woken up.

In the next few seconds, on the circular square under the high platform cross, the faint blue substances that were floating and flowing began to vibrate rhythmically. Immediately afterwards, a spell circuit closely connected with the light spirit Orr appeared between it and the dark blue matter.

In the blink of an eye, the secret altar of blue was imprinted with a layer of brilliance by the light of the spell.

The light spirit in the center of countless magical power circuits is like the root of a big tree with roots sticking out, unifying all the magical power in the field.

Costat also explained in Ronald's ear at the right time:

"Sir, this is the light spirits searching for information. Without the unique browsing memory of their species...the decoding method of memory information, it is impossible for life under the conventional concept to achieve this level."

A flash of clarity flashed in Ronald's eyes:

"I know."

Although the light spirits in the conversation just now showed that the follow-up ability to read memory requires the unique constitution of their family. But Kostatt apparently did similar research himself and got some truth about this 'physique'.

under the watchful eyes of the crowd.

The time for the light spirit to search for the memory lasted five minutes.

After it stopped its own behavior, the secret altar of blue was even deeply affected by the previous changes, and the magic power flowing around still continued to maintain its own movement following the inertia.

At this time, Guangling Orr said:

"Mr. Ronald, I found something."

"In the north of Yoiz Forest, a team of casters did come into contact with this scripture a few months ago, but they are a little different from the mastermind you expected."

Ronald looked suspicious:

"How to say?"

Lighting Orr went on to explain:

"They were a team that normally entered the forest to practice, but they didn't expect the status quo of Yoiz under the influence of the original scriptures. When they bumped into the "Organic Complete Canon" head-on, their leaders only thought they were very lucky, and they encountered a book just now. The unowned original text that appeared."

Hearing this, Ronald also had a guess:

"So driven by desire, they tried to collect the "Organic Encyclopedia"?"

"This is what a normal caster would do." Guang Ling confirmed Ronald's speculation, and then continued to supplement the subsequent attacks, "It's just a pity that they don't have the corresponding strength."

"Despite defeating the evolutionary life that first emerged in the Codex Intervention, the leaders of this team also all died from lethal biological toxins. Only one young man remained, with a third of those separated in the battle. Canon escaped the forest - he couldn't even enter the miasma himself again."


Where did this protagonist template come from?

Ronald's heart immediately felt a sense of sight.

The instructor led the team into the forest, and then accidentally wiped out the entire army, while he fled the scene with the mutilated treasure. What about the follow-up——with the goal of collecting the "Organic Complete Canon" to enhance the combat effectiveness, the responsibility of dealing with the crisis in the Yoiz Forest is on his shoulders.

Isn't this a perfect protagonist template?

On the other hand, Ronald himself is powerful, he has many secrets of the world, and he is also active for the "Organic Complete Canon", and he is accompanied by several thugs with complex components.

Is he the grandfather who is going to send the equipment?

Or the ultimate boss in the opposing protagonist's script?

Ronald complained about the current situation in his heart, and on the bright side, he said to Guangling:

"If that's the case, where is this young man now?"

Guangling Orr continued to answer:

"He entered the camp that Organ's Secret established in the west of the forest."

"When the casters there were scattered in the forest, their ability was no weaker than the united Soratu. Now they have gathered the casters together and built an unbreakable defensive circle."

"These tiny beings that I have collected and suppressed have not been able to enter."

Ronald nodded and replied:

"Thank you, this kind of news is enough."

The information provided by the light spirit was not perfect, but it was sufficient for Ronald.

With the destination clarified and the whereabouts of the last third of the original text confirmed, the problem in the Yoiz Forest can be resolved almost immediately.

At this time, Ronald turned his head to look at the other two Soratu school casters:

"Two elders, thank you very much for your accommodation."

"It's more urgent now, so I won't waste your time here."

"Joiz's problem should really come first." One of the old men responded with a friendly attitude, "Mr. Ronald, I wish you a smooth journey and a successful resolution of this crisis."

Ronald didn't say more, turned his head and walked in the direction he came and went:

"Costat, let's go."


Back to the ground.

At this time, Il was playing on the lawn with Hull.

Although Ronald didn't go down for a long time, the big and the small didn't care about the current situation at all, and they enjoyed the leisure time after the continuous journey.

At this moment, I heard the movement of Ronald and the others coming out.

Il smiled and brought Hale over:

"You came out Mr.?"

Ronald replied:

"It's not bad, this time it's coming to an end."

Costat asked aside:

"Sir, shall we leave now?"

Ronald affirms:

"Yes, leave now."

"But unlike before, this time we fly."

The voice fell, and the incantation of chanting "The Great Completion of Astronomy" also sounded:

"From the relationship of the whole earth to the sky will begin to constitute our cognition."

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