Mystic Dominator

Chapter 696: Corpses and Underground Spaces

When flying, the forward speed increases linearly.

In just a few minutes, the three of Ronald descended to the bottom of this dark tunnel.

Dark underground world.

Costat holds up this soft light, capable of attracting almost any gaze.

But with an absolutely powerful force at the level of force, their simple team didn't care much about being noticed.

It is also here that the direction of the continuation of the underground river divides into two tunnels.

The river continued to flow to one side, while the other side did not flow in, and it seemed to gradually return to the structure of an ordinary cave.


"Go left."

Even if the guy to be dealt with was not a human, Ronald felt that the opponent would not build a camp along the underground river.

Simply make a judgment and move on.

Later facts also proved that Ronald was right.

Almost a hundred meters into the tunnel, this special environment sent sounds from farther to their ears.

Kostatt spoke as before:

"Sir, did you hear me?"


Ronald nodded slightly.

Although the sound from the tunnel was a little distorted and the movement was very small, he could barely discern the information of the metal collision.

"Maybe someone who came in before was fighting."

"Just listening to the sound is somewhat like the movement of weapons colliding during battle."


Ronald and Costat quickly communicated opinions.

Hel, the only one in the team who couldn't detect this, kept silent obediently.

Been together for a few days.

This little girl has fully realized the abilities of the two around her.

So although she didn't hear any movement, she still showed understanding to the situation.

When talking and moving on.

Costat slightly adjusted the light source in his hand to make the spell more suitable for the narrow environment of the underground tunnel.

Just follow the direction the sound came from.

It was another quite deep distance, and even when the surrounding temperature began to rise significantly, the scene in the three people's field of vision suddenly widened.

it's here.

Costat doesn't even need lighting.

After walking out of the tunnel, there is an open space that can't be seen at a glance. Countless dark red columns run up and down here, and they emit dark red light to print color on every corner.

Ronald's eyes narrowed.

These things that look like pillars contain strong magic power fluctuations, and ordinary spellcasters may not have this ability.

Just look at the unseen numbers...

In the past few months, how many things are still hidden in the Yoiz Forest?

Ronald frowned, and Costat immediately stepped forward to check, and almost immediately came to the conclusion:

"Sir, it's very much like the root of a plant."

"There is a high-temperature liquid flowing in it, and the magic fluctuation and light also come from this."



Ronald looked thoughtful.

They are obviously approaching the mother in the mouth of the 'tree spirit' at the moment, and this thing like the root of a plant in front of them confirms the situation on the side.

Just refer to the number of rhizomes here.

The so-called mother is definitely not small in size.

Ronald couldn't help thinking of his experience in the [Infinite Negative Field].

Even something like the Springs Kraken would not matter, if the creatures hiding under Joiz could reach the size of Baproul's original size.

Then this trip.

A very tough enemy may be encountered.


Just when Ronald was thinking about whether to change his exploration attitude, another detail was discovered by his keen eyesight.

in the front left position of this space.

Something seemed to fall on the ground there.

"Costat, keep up."

Turning his head and walking over there, something hidden in the dark red environment appeared in front of him.

Here lie two corpses.

Two corpses almost identical in appearance to humans fell to the ground, with very obvious penetrating injuries on their bodies. Beside them, two machetes suitable for slashing fell to the ground, apparently a battle had occurred before.

"Sir, look..."

Ronald squatted down to examine the deceased, and Costat opened his mouth to remind.

In fact, not too far away, the inconspicuous blood on the ground is disappearing on the soil - it is not blood seeping into the soil.

It's the surrounding radiant rhizomes.

Actively absorb the surrounding blood into the body.


Ronald frowned and stood up.

He is not a very rigid person. Wild beasts will attack humans, which is only a normal part of their beast life. Considering the aspect of biological feeding, there is no problem at all.

But this rhizome directly absorbs blood.

Sure enough, it's still easy to think of some evil legends.

How many things are included in the "Organic Encyclopedia" to forcibly transform such a plant?

"They were only dead for less than half an hour."

After telling his companions what he found, Ronald immediately walked ahead and continued to go deeper into the ground.

half an hour-

With such a time difference, they can quickly catch up with their feet.

The real should not be far away.

It was at this moment that Kostatt, who was also aware of their situation, spoke up:

"Sir, do you need me to put away my spells?"


This is a very real problem.

If they started from their own strength before, it would be no problem to move forward without any scruples.

But now the situation has changed, and there is natural light in the environment.

Costat's move to continue to maintain light can indeed be withdrawn.

Ronald nodded quickly:

"Cancel the spell first."

"It's better to be careful now."

Ronald checked the corpse again at the end. The two men had many wounds, but the dead places were penetrating wounds that penetrated the neck, and the weapons also left marks from the collision of hard objects.

analysis from these aspects.

It can be seen that the enemy they are fighting against is using a very frequent and high attack, and it also has a very accurate hit rate.

Confirm the details and move on.

Although the environment of this underground space full of plant roots is monotonous, the area is surprisingly large. Carefully looking for the traces of the previous group of people, Ronald and the others have walked far, but they have not even seen the location of the cave wall.

A cave of this size can at least hold a lake, and it can be said to be a miracle that it did not collapse.

And in this state.

After advancing another 100 meters, Ronald finally heard some movement again.

So he immediately turned his head slightly.

Just ahead, a pleasant voice entered his ears.

"Humans, you are an interesting species."

"This is obviously a grace bestowed by God on all living beings, but out of interest and desire, you say that this is your human thing?"

"Hahaha, it's so funny."

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