Mystic Dominator

Chapter 695: non-human

"Underground is Underground"

After jumping down a few meters in the dark tunnel and landing safely, Ronald couldn't help but talk.

Since coming to this world, I have been in touch with the mysterious side.

He has no idea how many times he has drilled into the ground while chasing the incident.

Ronald is used to dealing with the practitioners normally, but he is too lazy to complain about this again.

But today even the lives under the interference of the original code like to hide underground.

That is really not talking about talking about the chest feels congested.

Ronald groaned while letting go of Hull who was holding him. The little girl was very well-behaved at this time, and didn't even ask her curious questions.

At the same time, Kostatt, who came down first, spoke:

"Sir, there is no sign of recent activity by anyone around."

"This passage should have only been used by Orlank before."

The reality is the same as Kostat said.

The underground passages here are dark, and ordinary people can't see anything at all. In the eyes of someone like Ronald, the road here is smooth and continuous, and the cross-section is a round shape that is not very easy to walk.

Think based on what happened in the Yoiz Forest.

The passage here is likely to be the root of some kind of plant growing underground, opening up the road and then relocating.

I thought so in my mind.

Ronald reached out and touched the side of the cave.

The soil here contains a lot of moisture, and his keen hearing can still detect the sound of running water in the distance, a very typical underground environment.

"Go on."

Opening his mouth to make a decision, this time Ronald moved to the front of the team.

The **** of the underground road was not very steep at the beginning. If you advance more than ten meters, you can see the water flow, and then gradually converge into an underground river and begin to flow.

Hull doesn't have the capabilities of Ronald and Costa after all.

Therefore, after hearing the movement in the ground, the little girl was obviously a little uneasy.

"Mr. Ronald, is this the sound of water?"

"That's right." Ronald took Hull and immediately explained to her, "The underground environment is very complex, not just soil and rocks."


At this time, Kostatt snapped his fingers lightly.

A soft white light source immediately appeared beside the maid, providing much-needed light for the entire team, or in other words, Hel.

The little guy also quickly discovered the uniqueness around him.

Different from the ground in the forest, the soil next to the underground river has a delicate texture, and the color is also gray like bluestone. People walking on it will not sink into the soil, but they will still leave clear footprints.

And in the farther underground river.

The water and the ground take on distinct colors, and a layer of red objects floats on the surface.

"Mr. Ronald, what is floating on the water?"

"There's iron in the water here, and that's what happens over time."

"That's it"

Ronald explained to Hull.

The three also continued deep into the back of the tunnel at the same time.

In the beginning, the underground passage here is indeed relatively gentle, but after two turns, a cave with a large sloping angle immediately appeared in front of you.

It's not like a place where the roots of a tree are squeezed out.

The color state of the rocks and soil deposited for a long time indicates that this place is a space that existed naturally or appeared here a long time ago.

The original underground river continued downward along the inclination, and the flow became turbulent.

"Sir, look"

At this time, Costat opened his mouth to remind.

Ronald looked in the direction pointed out by the maid. A little further away, there were two circular holes similar to the one here in this underground tunnel, which exactly corresponded to the number of entrances that Orrank had mentioned earlier.

It's just not important here.

It was because of the soil quality that Ronald could clearly see the edge of the entrance to the farthest round hole, and there were some footprints on the delicate soil.

The owner of the footprints seemed to have noticed this very quickly.

So after just a few steps, the footprints on the ground completely disappeared.


Ronald frowned.

He jumped straight to the entrance and began to check the details of the footprints.

Traces are very fresh.

Not only did the moist soil leave traces, but even time could deduce that it was a trace left within an hour.

Consider the previous attack on Camp Benica.

The situation in this case is not difficult to imagine.

Rhine, who knew about Benica's situation and was hostile to his mother, had a high probability of invading this place.

Almost immediately, Ronald maxed out Rage's scouting range.

However, at this moment, apart from the spellcasters on the ground who had just finished dealing with Orlank, he did not find any human existence around him.

His gaze returned to the ground again.

This footprint seems to be larger than the average person.

Ronald thought at first that the owner of the footprints was just tall, but referring to the average height of this era, he would realize how exaggerated the footprints of these two meters per capita are.


Ronald couldn't help but sneer.

It's no wonder that I didn't notice the attack on the ground just In the Yoiz Forest, not only most of the wild animals and plants are no longer animals and plants, I am afraid that even a small number of humans are no longer human. !

The Divine Comedy is an original text that is closely related to human beings.

If the target encountered is not human, then there is really nothing to find.

In just a few seconds, Costat also took Hull to Ronald:

"Sir, it seems that you have found something?"

"That's right." Ronald nodded. "There is nothing unique about human beings biologically. It seems that because of the interference of the Organic Canon, the people we are dealing with now are no longer human."

Costarte showed a clear interest in this question:

"Sir, do you think that if a person is no longer a human being in a biological sense. Then, if he retains his original personality, is he still a human being in a practical sense?"

Ronald was clearly aware of the curiosity in the maid's words.

He looked at Costat, and then replied seriously:

"If it is my personal opinion, then at least in a social sense, he is still counted as a human being."

Costart nodded slightly in thought.

"Is that so?"

Ronald interrupted the maid's thoughts at the right time:

"My answer is my own."

"If you have the opportunity in the future, you can ask a few more people to ask this question, and they may have a lot of different answers."

"As for now"

Speaking of this, Ronald paused for a moment, and his magic power surged:

"From the relationship between the whole earth and the sky will begin to constitute our cognition"

Activate the flying spell to fly with your companions.

Ronald finally said:

"As for now, we're still focused on work."

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