Mystic Dominator

Chapter 697: tree ideas


Hearing this movement, Ronald immediately turned his head and looked at Costat.

The maid's perception ability is also not weak, and she obviously senses the sound coming from the front.

- There are 'people' over there.

- and still talking.

"You take care of Hull."

"If there is a battle in the future, just leave the main work to me."

Ronald lowered his voice and arranged a plan, and the three of them controlled their voices, put away various spells and continued to approach the past.

after reaching a certain range.

The dark red rhizomes around the environment begin to disappear.

A space that is wide enough and at the same time has plants to form the building appears here.

Ronald could tell the difference.

The buildings here are somewhat similar to those in the ground work Niga.

The same is the principle of plant growth and composition, but there are differences in function.

It seems that Orrank can successfully establish Bennyga in the Yoiz Forest.

This kind of secret support has been deeply rooted in it for a long time.

As for the voice Ronald heard just now - it came from an open deck in the center of this space.

At this moment.

There were five casters in robes, surrounded by a girl who looked like a girl. But maintaining such a confrontational state, the atmosphere at the scene was that the surrounded girl suppressed the other five.

As if the advantages of numbers and formations were false.

This surrounded girl is the most dangerous existence in the true sense.


Ronald and Costat continued to approach the past.

The voice of the girl in the middle was also heard more clearly:

"Why, you dare not do it now?"

"Since you have accepted the transformation of my dear sister, you should have something implanted in your body that can kill me. Come and try it, and see who my sister and I evolve faster."

One of the five spoke up.

But unlike the fearless girl, his voice trembled and panicked:

"We're just doing what we're told."

"If we can't complete today's task, we will definitely not end well!"

The girl answered very quickly:

"Then how about abandoning my sister and joining me?"

"You also know that my treatment of my own people has always been in line with your human preferences. Even if my sister really did some dangerous transformation to you, it can be solved with me."


Some of the five were clearly shaken.

But soon there were also people who stood firm and said:

"Don't be fooled by her, you idiots!"

"These guys are all monsters turned into plants. How can they negotiate with normal people's thinking-and think about it, if we can save our lives, what about everyone who is imprisoned?"

"Are you just going to live on your own!"

Someone next to me said:

"Ethan, think about Benegaard who was just blasted by us."

"The camp built by this monster was destroyed by us. She can laugh at us now. Can you believe such a monster?"


When the surrounded girl heard this conversation, an interested smile appeared on her face:

"It's so naive."

"I actually put your human moral standards on me."

"When we were still plants, sunlight, air, water...everything we need, as long as we can get it, we will do our best to get it, even if it brings us death."

"And to this point of evolution, we still follow the habits of the past. We must do our best to find everything we need..."


The girl's expression suddenly became excited.

"You humans like reproduction very much, and this is our most important nature. In your aesthetics, my current body should look like a very good mother, right?"

"Or if you like males, my androgynous can also be converted~~"

Such a temptation doesn't need much explanation.

The "Organic Complete Book" is the original book that records all the genetic data, and the 'she' who got the human body under the interference of this original book obviously has the most ideal body.

At this time, Kostatt, who was still touching with Ronald, came to the spirit:

"Sir, do you think so too?"


Ronald's figure paused.

He looked at the situation over there meticulously, and hesitated for a few seconds before answering:

"Human beings have spent tens of thousands of years to create advanced pursuits such as life ideas from the most basic physiological desires - I think my own evolution should be relatively complete."

"But I've seen your memory." Costat was a little puzzled. "You like that Miss Heloise very much..."

Ronald was in a hurry, and directly interrupted the maid's curiosity to ask:

"Costat, did you get along with the Adlers like this before?"

Costart's answer was hesitant and serious:

"Sir, you are different."

"From you who created the original text, and whose civilization is obviously beyond this world, I hope to learn in every way. This may be the only opportunity I have in my life."


"You learn something better..."

Ronald couldn't help but look back at He could understand Kostat's pursuit, but comparing this guy's attitude towards others and his attitude towards himself, it's a weird awkwardness A feeling came to my mind unconsciously.

Just like this moment.

The maid looked after Hale carefully, and because it was Ronald's order, Costat was clearly carrying out the task perfectly. But at the same time, the way she looked at Ronald was still so 'unique'.

The three continued to approach the center of the clearing cautiously.

And there, the people who had been talking to each other finally came to an end.

It was the 'girl' who was still surrounded by the same sentence:

"As you humans say."

"Our negotiations broke down."


The moment the voice fell.

The open platform on which they were standing became distorted with the girl's voice. There were huge gaps on the originally flat ground, and the thick and flexible roots immediately rolled up from below.

Faced with this kind of inconsistency, act immediately.

Some of the people surrounding the girl were relieved.

Just towards the roots that were drawn towards his face, this guy rushed over without fear of life and death.


A muffled sound.

The man in the robe was killed on the spot.

Almost at the same time, the girl whose body was brought to a high place by the roots of the plant let out a sneer:

"Oh, so that's what it is."

"My utterly stupid sister, the method is still at the beginning."

——Reflecting the sarcasm of the girl.

Below the caster who just died, blood splattered from the corpse of his tree roots.

And when the roots of trees come into contact with this blood.

They will stop attacking in no time and show obvious signs of withering!

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