Mystic Dominator

Chapter 680: 1 wave 3 fold

Ronald's footsteps became hesitant.

The first thing that came to his mind was the location of the several of them in Yoiz Forest.

If Costat is right.

Then the caster named Layton will die in two days.

At that time, the little girl next to her will be left alone... With the mobility of her age, trying to get out of this huge Yoiz Forest is nothing short of a fantasy.

Even relax the conditions a little more!

Even if this little girl can leave the forest at the last moment.

But even so, she may not be able to reach the human settlements alive, and there is a high probability that the edge of the forest is still a no-man's land where no one can be seen.


Think of these things.

Ronald frowned, sighed, and then asked the middle-aged caster opposite:

"Mr. Layton, can you tell me where this little girl's house is?"


Hear a change in Ronald's tone.

The emotion in Layton's eyes was obviously excited.

However, he did not directly answer Ronald's question, but patted the little girl behind him on the shoulder and pushed her to him:

"Hell, tell this gentleman where your home is."


The little girl's expression was a little hesitant.

"Hell's home, my home is..." He hesitated to say a few words. Before she could report the location of her home, the child burst into tears, then turned around and hugged Leiter's legs. , "Layton, I want you to take me home! You don't want to die, okay?"


The middle-aged practitioner looked stunned.

He quickly bit his lip, knelt on the ground, and then stretched out his hands to hug the little girl firmly in his arms.

At this moment, Layton has no way to express his promise.

He just looked at Ronald with a look that was both sad and determined, and the meaning was self-evident.


Count the age before crossing.

Ronald is actually quite old.

It can be said that eating sweets will make you feel better, but seeing tragedy will make you sad.

This kind of scene... it would be better if he didn't see it.

But after the real thing happened in front of him, Ronald did feel that he couldn't walk.

However, this indescribable atmosphere of grief and anger does not seem to infect everyone.

While everyone was trying to brew their emotions, Costa, who was beside Ronald, suddenly spoke up.

"Sir, are we not leaving yet?"


The tone of the maid's questioning was calm and calm.

It was as if the scene in front of her was completely insignificant to her.

However, Costat quickly saw Ronald's expression and felt that her remarks might be out of place, so she immediately changed her tune and explained to Ronald:

"Sir, this is out of practical considerations."

"If the problems in the forest can't be solved soon - where we can't see, there's no telling how many more tragedies like this will happen."

Being interrupted by Costat like this, Ronald's tangled mood actually eased a little.

He knew that what the maid said was the truth.

If the problem of the original can't be solved...

Not to mention this caster and a little girl, with the continuous spread of the power of the original text, it is incalculable how many lives will be lost in the future, and even now there is a high probability of causing many tragedies.

There are few signs of human activity in the Joiz Forest.

But that is also real.


It was at this time.

Ronald suddenly remembered something.

Nicole, whom he met in Burrenwich, was also a member of the Organ's Mysteries.

When communicating with the investigator girl, the other party explained to Ronald the situation and spell system of Organ's Secret School.

Come to think of it, the current situation doesn't seem to be completely hopeless?

Recalling the information he had obtained, Ronald immediately said:

"Mr. Layton, according to what I know about Organ's Secret, your school should have established a lot of camps in the Yoiz Forest, and some people have mastered the unique magic of replacing human organs with plants."

"If Layton can find your own companion in this kind of camp, then as long as you get the corresponding treatment and take this little girl home after a rest, it shouldn't be a problem, right?"


Hearing Ronald's proposal, a wry smile appeared on Layton's face:

"Mr. Ronald, the Secret of Organ is indeed a school established in the forest."

"But this sudden change is a very serious blow to us. As early as two months ago, all the spellcasters scattered in various camps have been recalled to the Holy Land for concentrated defense."

Answered Ronald's question.

Layton's mood seems to have changed accordingly.

He let go of Hull's hand and stood up. After holding the little girl, he said to Ronald in a bitter and helpless tone:

"Mr. Ronald, the request just now is indeed my rudeness."

"Saving Yoiz is the most important thing for anyone, and as for us... I will try my best."

A simple apology to Rhonas.

Layton's eyes shifted to the little girl beside him:

"Hell, I assure you again—"

"Layton, the spellcaster of Organ's Secret, will definitely send you home safely."

The little girl nodded vigorously:

"Well, I believe you."


The eyes of the two people, one small and one big, meet, and an indescribable trust comes from this.

They then bid farewell to both Ronalds.

The footsteps staggered and resolutely walked deeper into the Yoiz Forest.

Ronald watched the two go away.

However, when the other party walked less than 100 meters away, he suddenly woke up to a question that he hadn't considered just now—the direction of these two guys!

take someone home...

Are you going deeper into the Yoiz Forest?

And it even overlapped with the path of his subsequent exploration!

At this moment.

Ronald looked at Costat beside him with a surprised expression.

The maid responded to Ronald's eyes with her own quietness, and even nodded slightly, expressing the meaning of "Sir, that's it, you read it right."


Ronald was silent for a few more seconds.

In the end, he had to accept this bizarre and coincidental reality, and then chased the two in front of him.

The distance that wasn't too far was crossed in a blink of an eye.

After catching up with the two who were leaving, Ronald simply asked:

"Mr. Layton, there seems to be a very subtle consistency in our path forward."

"Before I go with I have a question I hope will be answered."

Layton heard the meaning of the other party from Ronald's words.

The surprised expression of the middle-aged caster was mixed with doubts, and immediately nodded and replied:

"Sir, please ask."

Ronald continued:

"Since you are going to send this little guy home, why are you heading towards the interior of the forest?"

face this problem.

Before Layton could answer, the little girl beside him took the initiative to explain:

"Because Hull's house is in the forest."

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