Mystic Dominator

Chapter 679: dying man

"Sir, I have no ill will."

The middle-aged man's move to protect the little girl naturally made Ronald feel good about her.

So while the other party shouted and asked.

Ronald took the initiative to walk out of the woods, and also raised his hands to show that he was not malicious.


the other side.

The man leaning against the big tree has stopped his healing spell.

He did not relax because Ronald took the initiative to show up, but immediately stood up from the tree, while protecting the little girl behind him, and continued to ask with a serious expression:

"Who are you?"

Ronald had a kind smile on his face:

"Ronald Adler, this is my maid Costat."


The man remained alert.

After getting Ronald's answer, he looked at the man and woman in front of him, and then said nervously:

"Mr. Ronald, let me give you a piece of advice."

"The current Yoiz Forest is different from the past, not to mention hunting and expeditions... Even the spellcasters who control the spellcasting ability may not have a good end here."

"In order to ensure the safety of your life, you'd better get out of here as soon as possible."


This is normal.

Ronald may have thought that the other party was threatening him.

But he does know the changes that have taken place in the Yoiz Forest right now, so he also knows that this is a kind reminder from the middle-aged man.

Ronald went on to say:

"I know very well about the Joiz Forest."

"Or - it is to deal with this that we are entering the forest at this time."


An expression of disbelief appeared on the middle-aged man's face.

He hurriedly protected the little girl and continued to take two steps back, and the sense of crisis in his tone was also revealed:

"Do not make jokes!"

"How can a crisis of this scale be handled by an individual? I don't believe..."

The middle-aged man was about to refute Ronald's statement, but soon he was shocked by the scene in front of him, unable to say a word.

the reason is simple--

Ronald took the most direct measures.

Facing the middle-aged man who was obviously suspicious, he raised one hand and summoned all three of the original scriptures in his hand. The moment a powerful magic lingered around, the reality forced the man to believe - how powerful the person standing in front of him was.

"Three, three original scriptures..."

The middle-aged man swallowed hard.

"The matter of Yoiz Forest can actually startle an existence like you..."

"The reason why Mr. came here is out of his own responsibility." At this time, Kostatt, who was on the side, stood up. The maid looked at the man in front of her calmly, and explained indifferently, "For some dangerous and uncontrollable scriptures, or similar mysterious side products, the Adler family has always had the responsibility to deal with them."

"The Adler family..."

The man in the middle looked suspicious, obviously he had never heard of this name.

However, his eyes swept over the three original books in front of Ronald again, and he resolutely put down his guard after realizing the gap in strength between the two sides.

Then he simply leaned his body against the trees behind him.

After re-activating his own healing spell to deal with the wound on his shoulder, the man introduced:

"Layton Argus, the mystery of Organ is a spellcaster, currently conducting a spell tour in the forest."

Simply stating his identity, Layton tilted his head back:

"This little guy is Hull, and I promise to send her home."


Seeing the man in front of him put down his guard.

Ronald put away the original and walked towards the other party, and at the same time gave the maid next to him a wink:

"Costat, can you help him heal?"

The maid immediately understood the order.

Immediately obey the order and come to Layton:

"Sir, I have a spell specializing in healing, do you want to try it?"

Facing Costat's inquiry, Layton immediately stopped his defense, and there was a wry smile on the corner of his mouth.

The smile didn't come from his weakness for healing spells.

But Layton knew in his heart that the man and the woman in front of him, as casters with three original scriptures, would have no chance to resist even if he wanted to do something to him.

Instead of sticking to those conservative ideas.

It is better to cooperate honestly with each other to ensure the safety of himself and Hull.

Costat didn't care about Layton's attitude.

Seeing that the man in front of her nodded in agreement, she stretched out her right hand and pressed it neatly on Layton's wound.


Layton immediately took a deep breath.

The healing spell that Kostatt used at the moment had an immediate effect, but she was not as gentle as when treating Ronald, and there was no pain caused by suppressing spells in the treatment of Layton.

Soon, the maid released her healing palm.

The caster leaning against the tree stared at his wound, shocked by the exaggerated recovery speed.

And Costat immediately shook his head slightly at Ronald.

It was just such a momentary effort.

While treating Layton, Kostatt also read the memory of the Organ's Mystery caster in its entirety.

The result is unfortunate.

There is no information in the other party's mind that can help them.

Ronald was aware of Kostatt's actions, and he nodded lightly to the middle-aged man beside him:

"Sir, if you plan to **** this little girl home smoothly, my suggestion is to go south first, where the forest has not been affected by this mutation."

"After we've dealt with this problem in the forest, you can send her home in a fairly safe environment."

Simply make your own suggestions.

Ronald took Kostat, turned his head and walked in the direction of departure.


"Wait...please wait!"

Ronald and Costat turned their heads and left for just a few seconds, when Layton in the back suddenly spoke to keep them.

He stared at the two who stayed where they were and looked back.

The magician of Ogan's Secret said in a very ashamed tone:

"Mr. Ronald, I..."

"I have a bold request!"

"But with my current physical condition, it's actually very difficult to send Hull home alone... I can pay as much as I can! Please... please..."

Layton's expression was very ugly.

Because he knew how outrageous and outrageous his demands were.

Ask an original holder who is trying to save the crisis to temporarily help him **** a little girl home.

This kind of thing betrays an absurdity anyway.


Ronald would have also refused.

But just before he opened his mouth, Costat said something that he didn't expect in advance:

"Sir, this guy is seriously infected."

"Although I helped him with treatment, I'm afraid it's impossible to support his broken body for too long."

"In two days at most, he will surely die."

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