Mystic Dominator

Chapter 681: village

"This child... is the descendant of the caster of which school?"

Hearing the other party's answer, this was what Ronald immediately thought of.

Just heard his inquiry.

The little girl simply shook her head:

"No, neither Hale nor his mother are casters."

"We have lived in this forest for generations, it's just a very ordinary settlement."


Ronald's first reaction was disbelief.

It is extremely difficult to survive in this primitive jungle, even some survival experts can't hold on for too long, not to mention that Hull doesn't look like the kind of child in the primitive tribe.

The only possible explanation.

It is these people who live in the Yoiz Forest, and then maintain a good relationship with the caster of a certain school. Under the influence of the mysterious side, it is possible for them to settle in the Yoiz Forest.

Simple analysis of such a result.

The four of Ronald and the others temporarily formed a team and began the process of continuing deep into the forest.

The composition of the team is straightforward.

Whether Ronald or Kostatt, the two of them have the ability to take out alone, they are the top powerhouses enough to dominate one side on the mysterious side.

On the other hand, Layton and Hull.

The middle-aged caster is just an ordinary member of the Organ's Mystery School.

With mediocre aptitude, even at this age, he finally completed his studies under one-on-one teaching, and then went on a tour in the forest. The little girl is even weaker—she doesn't even have basic spellcasting ability, and it is only because she has followed Layton these days that she has a preliminary understanding of the mysterious side.

Under such a huge power gap.

The control of the team rests entirely with Ronald and Costat.

After vaguely aware of this in ignorance, Hull asked Layton in a low voice as he walked:

"Layton, aren't the two of them particularly powerful?"

A complicated smile appeared on Layton's face:

"This... They are no longer a question of whether they are powerful or not."

"Hell, you have to know that - regardless of Mr. Ronald and Ms. Kostat, with their abilities, it is not a problem at all to establish a school outside, or to control a country behind the scenes."

"We're really lucky to meet them here and get help."

The little girl nodded thoughtfully:

"Hull gets it, we're lucky."


In fact, the situation is the same as what Layton said.

Among the team, Ronald and Kostat walked in front, like two engineering machines quickly opening up the road.

said with no exaggeration.

Comparing the efficiency of Layton and the little girl before, it is absolutely not too much to describe it as several times.

However, it corresponds to the situation of Layton and Hull.

It was the diametrically opposite situation on Ronald's side.

Due to Layton's poor physical condition and the little girl's inability to cast spells, both Ronald and Costat must be distracted to take care of them while dealing with the variety of problems that frequently arise in the forest.

This is undoubtedly a drag on the forward speed.

And this situation has been maintained for more than ten hours.

When the time came to noon the next day.

As they continued to advance in the forest, Hull, who was following Layton, suddenly exclaimed:

"Here, here I know!"

"Hell and Mama's house is just ahead!"

Getting such good news from the little girl, the four of them naturally accelerated their pace of progress.

It's just that among the team, only Ronald's mood is a little subtle.

He unleashed the power of 'rage'.

At this moment, within the reconnaissance range of several kilometers around, he did not perceive any degree of human activity.

If Hull's home is nearby, what about his family?

And before, at the age of the little guy, how did he run so far away from his home?

Issues that Ronald didn't care much about before came to his mind one by one.

He had a bad premonition faintly in his heart.

But at the same time, Renault in the team was completely excited by the news.

The middle-aged practitioner picked up the little girl beside him.

He even used the few magic powers in his body to reactivate the spell, just to bring Hel home earlier.


Looking at the other side's back, Ronald couldn't bear it.

So he gave Costa a wink, and the two followed in silence.

It turned out that Hull's memory of the terrain was fine.

After just a few hundred meters, they soon found the place where she lived in the Yoiz Forest.

Immediately, an indescribable picture appeared in front of him.

The home in Hull's mouth has now become a very miserable cemetery.

In some villages built of vines and trees, people living in seclusion in the Yoiz Forest loomed.


- They are all corpses.

Large and small corpses can be seen everywhere in the village, and the traces of predation that have been bitten or swallowed can be seen uniformly. Everyone in this village was killed by hunters.

But that wasn't the most surprising thing.

It was among these corpses that Ronald could see very distinct species differences.

Of the corpses who lost their lives here, the older skins are mostly able to provide a hidden green color in the tree canopy, and the limbs also maintain some inhuman structures, such as feathers and unique skull structures;

As the age decreases, the skin of middle-aged people is a kind of tan that does not exist in humans, and the attacking organs such as claws are especially obvious;

until the younger generation.

Only then did they have the same skin color as normal humans, and the obvious organs of the beast began to gradually degenerate.

So, a very simple derivation is in front of you.

If this evolutionary trend is followed, then these creatures will probably become exactly the same as humans in the newly born generation of Hull.


At this moment, looking at the scene in front of him, Leidon was completely sluggish.

As a magician, of course he understood the scene in front of him, and also knew the true identity of the little girl around him.

Beside him, the dazed Hull looked at the village that had been slaughtered. She fell to the ground with a dull expression and could not make any movement.

at this age.

She obviously couldn't handle this bleak reality.

As for the further back... Ronald's expression was equally complicated. He immediately reached out to cover his face, and asked the maid in a stiff tone:

"Kostart, it must have been several months since you last tried to retrieve the original, right?"

The maid replied calmly:

"Sir, you are right."


What the picture in front of you means is obvious.

Hull and her group are actually completely new species that have evolved suddenly under the interference of the original code.

the complexity of the matter.

Far more than Ronald thought at first!

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