Mystic Dominator

Chapter 676: The old priest and control

"Ah, Costat..."

Not long after, the doors of the church opened.

It was a gray-haired old man who opened the door for the two of Ronald.

Ronald's first impression when he saw the other party was the clean and pure magic fluctuations on the old man's body, combined with the gentle old man's expression on his face, a kind of kind priest's feeling came to him.

The only thing Ronald cares about.

Perhaps it was the old man's palm, all ten thin fingers were wearing rings. Considering the opponent's identity as a spellcaster, it is no surprise that this is an important tool for him to cast spells.

But soon.

The old man used facts to prove that the church staff stationed in Kurpis was not easy.

After saying hello to Kostad in front of him.

His gentle eyes shifted to Ronald, and the tone in his mouth became suspicious:


"No, same body, different soul..."

Recognizing something special about Ronald at a glance, the old man turned to look at the maid beside him:

"Ms. Costat, are you...?"

Facing the priest's doubts, Kostad's expression was calm and his tone was calm:

"The bloodline of the Adler family has come to an end."

"From now on, this gentleman is my new master."


Undisguised shock appeared on the old priest's face.

Looking at the two of them at the door, he looked back and forth for several times. In the end, he seemed to have figured out something, and then he didn't ask any questions. After simply asking what to call Ronald, the old man moved away to welcome the two early morning visitors into the church.

One side leads the way.

The old priest babbled as if he had guessed something:

"Kulpis has changed a master, so he really wants to come to me... Mr. Ronald, although it may be a bit presumptuous in my capacity, I still hope you can treat the people in this town kindly. everything."

Ronald's expression was noncommittal.

The three continued to move forward with quiet footsteps.

This church, which is not too large in size, has inherited the habit of the mysterious side of this world. In a basement behind the chapel, a basement was constructed entirely for the mysterious side.

The underground area is not too big, and Ronald can see everything when he looks around. In addition to the most basic table and chairs, there is a small altar in the center of the basement, like a chess piece in a tower.

After the old priest brought the two here, he immediately poured magic power into the altar skillfully and easily.


A soft sound.

A small yellow ball of light emerges from the top of the activated altar.

The old priest then explained to Ronald:

"Mr. Ronald, please inject your own magic into it and complete the certification."

"In this way, the ownership of this town is in your hands."


Ronald simply stepped forward and injected magic.

The magic powers of the two sides were mixed together, and the yellow light ball quickly completed the certification, and then returned to the small altar. At the same time, Ronald felt a heavy sinking feeling in his heart.

But a few seconds passed.

He vaguely felt that he was connected to a complex magic circle buried deep in the ground and gained complete control.

The area of ​​this magic circle is not small, and it is more than enough to cover the entire Curbis in it. The manipulator can control the magic circle at will, to strengthen himself or weaken the enemy, and become the real manager of this land.


Ronald felt this power silently.

As he gradually understood everything in his heart, he also turned his head and turned his eyes to Costat, who was aside:

"The one before... hasn't this verification done?"

This was Ronald's only doubt left.

He could feel how strong this magic circle was.

If the original owner of this body had control over it, it would be unreasonable to be directly forced to try forbidden spells by some simple things.

Costat explained calmly:

"Sir, this powerful spell comes from the dark age, and the requirements for the holder are very high. The young master was under twenty years old before, and at his age, it is difficult for the soul to bear the burden of this spell, so in the past few years I'll do it for you for the time being..."

Ronald nodded slightly:

"I know."

After completing the handover ceremony of the magic circle, the three of Ronald walked out along the way they came.

He also took advantage of this time to have a preliminary understanding of this small church in Kurpis and its only priest.

What should I say...

The priest named Hopkins also has extraordinary origins.

The old face comes from his actually long lifespan.

Thirty years ago, this seemingly amiable old man was actually the top spellcaster of a cult that ravaged the mysterious side. However, because of the complicated and tortuous life experience, he repented and converted to the church, and was finally assigned to live in seclusion here, and at the same time served as the only custodian of this remote church.

If nothing happens in the future.

For the foreseeable 100 years, Hopkins will live here, guarding this remote town church and some inconvenient secrets.

In addition, the old priest also asked Ronald some questions.

Among them, the more important ones are the causes and effects of the previous heaven and earth changes.

Although most of the people in the small town of Kurpis are calm, there are still many people who are very concerned about this huge change that affects the whole world.

The conversation on leaving did not last long.

Say goodbye to the other party and leave the church, and then prepare to head towards the Yoiz Forest.

Ronald just suddenly remembered something—

He had just crossed into this world, and Nicole had told him such a story during the time he was working for the Bureau of Investigation in Burrenwich.

That was thirty years ago.

A very dangerous school has suddenly arisen in this world.

The core ability of the caster of its school is to create a spell ring, and then transform it into a terrifying spell of evil spirits.


Ronald couldn't help but look behind him.

The first rays of the morning sun have not yet shone on the land.

But the church in the darkness was still so quiet and peaceful, without the slightest sense of danger.

But if you think about it again, the old priest just now had it in his hands.

The ten rings that were fully worn...

Ronald suddenly had an indescribable sense of awakening!

Quickly shaking his tossing these indifferent thoughts out of his mind, Ronald immediately turned his attention to the maid beside him:

"Costat, should we go to the forest to find that dangerous tome?"

Costat immediately suggested:

"Sir, I think it's more appropriate for us to hike into the forest."

"The impact of the original text is not small. If we fly over as before, I am afraid it will cause some bad results."

Ronald nodded to himself:

"It's my first time here after all."

"Just listen to you."

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