Mystic Dominator

Chapter 675: Gestalt

"I know……"

Ronald accepted the message calmly.

In other words, after so many incidents, Lalaye was identified by Costarte, but it was just an ordinary piece of news among many heavy news, and there was nothing particularly concerning.

clang clang clang clang-

At this moment, a clear chime came from upstairs.

After so much tossing, the time has come to six in the morning.

The grandfather clock in Ronald's room kept running steadily, telling people the current time.

The first to react to the sound of the bell was Costarte.

She immediately bent slightly towards Ronald, and then suggested in a serious tone:

"Sir, it's still a while before dawn."

"Deal with Villanica, we can go to the church in town first, there are things to deal with there."

"I understand." Ronald nodded to the maid, then turned his attention to the uneasy Villanica, "I probably already understand what happened."

"I don't have any special perverted needs for taking other people's lives. So if you can guarantee that you will not make these dangerous actions in the future, I can accept you to stay in this home."

Villanica, who is still repairing her injuries.

Kneeling in front of Ronald almost immediately the next second.

Facing the decision of the man in front of her, she raised Ronald's right hand with both hands solemnly, then gently stroked it on top of her head and solemnly swore:

"Master Ronald, Entroddie... ah ah ah!"

Suddenly, Villanica screamed.

Because Costart, who was watching everything by the side, did not plan to let her complete the ceremony.

Only when Villanica opened her mouth to say her name.

The maid inserted her right hand into her chest from behind the girl.

Ronald, who was sitting on the chair, could see it very clearly - Kostat's palm did not cause damage to Villanica's body, but penetrated into the opponent's body in a special spell state.

At the same time, it benefits from the ability of Xingtian [Soul Domination].

Ronald could also see that Kostat tore out part of the soul of the girl in front of him, and then bound it firmly.

complete this action.

The maid immediately pulled her palm out of the opponent's body.


The next second, the sweaty Villanica collapsed to the ground.

Although the eyes and expressions show that she maintains a normal mental state, the girl's twitching body also shows that her current experience must be very bad.

Costat doesn't care about Villanica's state at all.

Turning his head, he explained to Ronald:

"Sir, I took out part of her soul to guarantee this guy's loyalty."

"If you have no doubts, please accept it."

Ronald looked at Costat in front of him.

The other party knew that Ronald had the ability at the soul level because he had checked his memory, so after tearing Villanica's soul, he placed it in front of him without any treatment.


"Okay." Ronald thought for a while, and finally accepted the soul that Kostatt handed over, and asked by the way, "Kostatt, since you have such an ability, why didn't you tell David at the beginning? What about Ravnica's casting? Wouldn't that guarantee in advance that she won't betray her?"

Costat replied in a flat tone:

"According to what you remember - I will guarantee basic human rights to those who have made no mistakes."

No mistakes, one's own people, the most basic human rights...

Ronald probably also understood the way Kostatt behaved, and couldn't help blinking when he heard this:

"So...what about the erring?"

Costat's expression remained the same:

"Sir, you did spare her life."

"If I don't have an order to change my attitude, Villanica doesn't count as a human right now for me."


Take care of Villanica.

The two did not continue to waste time at the mansion.

After tidying up their outfits a little, they immediately left the Adler's house and walked deeper into the town.

The structure of this town is quite random, and the buildings of each household are basically placed everywhere according to the terrain, rather than a town with a unified planning in the early stage. While walking to the church in the northernmost part of town, Ronald also asked some other questions from Kostat:

"Costat, I had dinner just now, don't you need something to eat?"

"Sir, eating is only a matter of etiquette for me, not a necessary part of my daily activities."

"So you can completely forgo physiological needs like eating or drinking?"

"I belong to the magic creation of exquisite craftsmanship, which is not the same as human beings."


Although he had expected it long ago, Ronald still looked sideways slightly.

Regardless of his own subjective factors, Kostatt, who is quietly walking beside him at the moment, is like a beautiful and peaceful oil painting, and any passers-by will only think that this is a beautiful girl.

Even Ronald himself.

Under the premise of knowing that Kostatt is not human, he still doesn't have feelings like the Uncanny Valley for this maid, and at most only thinks that she has a flaw in her character.


Costat caught Ronald's look.

Immediately explained in a reporting attitude:

"Sir, take the artificial **** you defeated as an analogy."

"He is an existence composed of the original canon of "The Monarch" and a collection of many original canons, and is a powerful spell creation from beginning to end; while I am centered on Gestalt, constantly collecting spells and enhancing myself. Magic puppets in various states can be continuously optimized on a simple basis."

"At this stage - my personality simulation status has reached its limit. If I can make a breakthrough in emotional processing, then my ability should be able to be upgraded to the next stage, resulting in qualitative changes."


Ronald couldn't help scratching his hair.

Costatre's attitude towards him really has nothing to say.

This kind of information that is absolutely confidential for individuals can be checked without asking, and the maid will reveal it voluntarily.

To use an inappropriate analogy -

This is like when he fought with the artificial gods before, the opponent opened his hands without any sense of danger, and then shouted: "The original text that builds the core of my ability is "The Monarch", and there are many other spell abilities, you can Gotta watch out for me" as outrageous.


The town is average in size, only medium in size.

Ronald and Kostat chatted a few words like The two have also arrived at the church in the town.

bang bang bang --

Costart, as always, fulfilled his responsibilities as a maid, and took the initiative to knock on the door of the classroom.

"Father, open the door."

Standing behind, Ronald looked thoughtful.

He had read about this place in the Bureau of Investigation report-

When the person in charge of the church came to investigate, he did not disclose any information and kept it confidential.

What kind of existence will the priest in charge of here be?

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