Mystic Dominator

Chapter 677: radish

Ronald has always disliked forests.

On some of his previous trips, the forest environment always gave him a very bad experience.

Palm-sized mosquitoes, ubiquitous poisonous insects, and inexplicable terrain traps underfoot...

This can be extremely painful and even life-threatening.

Not to mention the true no-man's-land forest.

In addition to the only or non-existent companions around, it can definitely be called a kind of torture to travel through this kind of place!

Just for now...

The whole body is full of spells as protection, and Kostatt, who is walking in front, is responsible for opening the way.

In the Yoiz Forest - this ancient and huge forest.

Ronald's experience was much better.

Looking at the maid who was concentrating on driving the road ahead, Ronald asked while observing the surroundings:

"Costat, how long should we take this trip?"

This time, the maid who was focused on driving the road didn't turn her head when she answered.

But the tone remains as respectful as ever:

"Sir, at our forward speed, we can only reach the position I tracked last time in one day, and it is impossible to estimate how long it will take after that."

Ronald nodded slightly and continued to ask:

"Then take advantage of this time and tell me about the changes in the forest."

"You said it in a more general way before, and I don't have a good grasp of the actual situation."


Costat didn't immediately answer Ronald's question.

Maintaining the same forward speed as before, the maid thought for more than ten seconds this time, and finally explained:

"Sir, I won't go into details about things like reptiles suddenly grow wings and gain the ability to fly. I think it's worth reminding you that you are now in the Yoiz Forest, and you can't be obsessed with it anymore. from the simple perception of life in the past.”

"On the way we're going, the line between animals and plants has blurred to the point of non-existence, and it can even carry over to rocks, or to things like fungi -- you see, for example, the hands and feet that move freely. Mushrooms, or a group of rocks wriggling on the ground, be careful too."


For a moment.

Ronald almost thought he was in a fairy tale world.

But think about it carefully...

This place already exists in the fantasy world of the caster. Now there are more existences that are closer to magical creatures. It seems that there is nothing wrong?

Although realistic.

It's just that the other party, under the interference of the original text, purely showed the possibility of life.


Just chatting little by little.

The two continued to move forward in the Yoiz Forest, and Ronald also discovered that this was not a no-man's land in the pure sense.

Go deep into the forest to a certain extent.

With his keen perception, he can often find some traces of human activities that have been abandoned. Remnants of daily necessities, temporary camps opened up, and even wooden houses built on trees...

These are all things that can be seen in Yoiz.

According to Kostatt’s introduction, this is actually the traces left by schools such as Organ’s Secret that practice in the forest.

After all, the area of ​​Yoiz Forest is so large!

Under the exaggerated size of a country, even if a few mysterious schools are stuffed here, it will not attract people's attention at all.

It's a pity that this kind of travel explanation-style progress did not last long.

When the time comes to noon.

The two people who were advancing in the Yoiz Forest suddenly heard a faint shout from a distance——

"Help, who will help me?"



Ronald and Costat stopped in tacit understanding.

The two looked at each other and saw the confusion in the other's eyes - how could someone be trapped here?

With the two of them, this is beyond the common sense of physical fitness.

Although he had only advanced in the forest for half a day, he had already entered Yoiz’s position quite deeply.

Ordinary people who are alone can never come here alone.

And a spellcaster with spellcasting ability, if such a person really encounters a life-threatening incident in the forest, there is no reason to have the opportunity to shout for help there.

So...what the **** is this?

Confused, Ronald made a quick decision.

They originally came to Yoiz Forest to investigate the problem. Now that something has happened, let's go and take a look!

Adjust the direction slightly.

Before walking too far in the direction from which the sound came, the two saw the target of the sound of life-saving.

This is a tree with a diameter of three or four meters.

And a girl with an attractive figure is now tightly bound by thick branches, and even her hands and feet have been submerged in the branches of the trees behind her.

A moment to see Ronald and Costat.

Moving tears welled up from the eyes of this lovely girl:

"Please, please, please save me!"

"I'm tangled up in this tree!"

"It's going to eat me!"


Ronald looked at Costarte speechlessly.

The maid pointed at the girl who was entangled in the tree with one finger, and said without any waves:

"Sir, this is the kind of canon-influenced thing I just said."

"It might have been just an ordinary tree in the past, but now it's a dangerous trap that can mimic a human form and even use it to entrap passers-by."

Ronald's expression was a bit awkward.

"I probably understand..."

This beautiful girl trap in front of me really looks lifelike.

It's a pity that there was a problem with the location environment.

Then Ronald pointed with one hand, and the [Archangel Archangel] spell to control objects immediately descended on the tree.


Ronald's spell power is not what it used to be.

With such a light finger, the tree was uprooted by a huge force, and even the large area of ​​soil below was also pulled out.

The tree then fell to the ground incapacitated.

The trap in front of this hero saving beauty has completely revealed its true colors.

As Kostatt said, the girl who seemed to be trapped in the tree was just a trap used to lure her prey. Under the girl, a body with a big mouth is hidden here.

As long as someone tries to come up and rescue the girl.

The body hidden below will break out of the ground in an instant, and then swallow the innocent Ronald carefully identified this thing.

Only from the outside to describe.

This tempting death trap is actually a bit like a carrot with a mouth!


At this moment, Costat seemed to hear Ronald's voice.

At the moment when his expression was a little subtle.

The maid should speak in harmony:

"Sir, I also think it evolved from a radish."

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