Mystic Dominator

Chapter 674: dinner time

If I hadn't escaped immediately...

Instead, he bites the bullet and stays in this mansion...

Is it possible to enjoy the ideal of being served by beautiful girls across the environment?

At this moment, Ronald had great doubts about his previous choice, and he seemed to have missed some great experience.

Ronald wasn't too obsessed with this issue, though.

Or rather than this kind of thing, he has a clearer understanding of some of the things he has experienced - such as the complex purpose of Heloise's coming to this place.


His eyes stayed on Villanica for a few seconds, and he turned to the other maid next to him and continued to ask:

"Costat, did this guy ever threaten Ronald's life?"

Costat shook his head:

"Sir, that's not the case."

"Villanica communicated with several guys in the town whose movement was restricted, and planned to seize the property in the mansion and then escape from Kurpis."


Now Villanica is kneeling on the ground, and Costat is standing by with a calm face - the result of this incident is already obvious.

Ronald nodded thoughtfully:

"It turned out to be a family thief who united with outsiders..."

This slightly nodding expression seemed to frighten Villanica, who was kneeling on the ground. The girl almost ignored Ronald and rushed towards Ronald again:

"Master, Villanica really knew it was wrong!"

"I am willing to continue the blood of the Adler family now, you can do whatever you want to me..."

"Go away!"

Suddenly, Costat gave a low drink.

She stared at Villanica who was rushing towards Ronald, and she swung one hand in the air.


A muffled sound.

The emotionally unstable girl was immediately thrown five or six meters away by Costarte, hitting the edge of the living room wall. Immediately, she collapsed limply, and there was no movement at all.


Ronald raised his eyebrows, he could see the state of Villanica.

Although Kostatt's way of attacking was not light, the light-lifting technique still did not endanger the opponent's life, and the other party just passed out temporarily.


"Sir, I'm sorry."

Seeing that Villanica fell to the ground and did not move.

Costat bowed slightly to Ronald, turned his head and walked towards the kitchen at the back.

For this maid.

Compared to Villanica lying on the ground, it was obviously more important to prepare dinner for Ronald.


Soon, the sound of preparing food came from the kitchen.

Ronald looked at the girl lying on the ground, looked at the direction of the kitchen, and finally picked up the unconscious Villanica and put it on the bench in the living room.

"The difference in attitude is really obvious enough..."


Costat's food preparation is fairly quick.

While Ronald was still sighing, the maid returned to the hall with hot food. Placing the dinner plate firmly in front of Ronald, she herself stood upright.

It was not until Ronald picked up the knife and fork and started to eat that Costat continued to speak:

"Sir, have you decided what to do with Villanica?"

Ronald looked at the girl who was still in a coma:

"Normally, what kind of measures will be taken when a similar incident occurs in the Adler family?"

Costarte said one word with a calm expression:



"I can understand this kind of punishment, but don't we have a more civilized way?"

Costat read Ronald's meaning from his expression.

At this moment, the master of the Adler family does not want to directly take the life of his servant because of such a thing.

So she thought for a while, and then made another suggestion:

"Then we can deprive her of her spellcasting ability and expel her. That should be more appropriate..."

"Master, please don't!" Just as Costart continued to give Ronald advice, Villanica, who was in a coma by the side, woke up. This girl is also a spellcaster, and with the help of spells, she did not go into a coma for too long like a normal person.

"Master Ronald, across the Yoiz Forest is Entrode, driving me out from here is no different from taking my life directly!"


Villanica's expression calmed down now.

She seemed to remember some of her past encounters, so she was completely free from the excitement now.

Looking at the other party's appearance, Ronald suddenly thought of a person:

"Villanica, it's okay if you don't want to die. But before that, I have a question I hope you can answer."

Villanica's tone was extremely humble:

"Master, I must know everything."

Ronald immediately said his question:

"Laleye, do you have an impression of this person?"


The expression on the girl's face changed suddenly, she looked at Ronald with terrified eyes, and her tone was also very trembling: "Young master, are you going to hand me over to this person? If it falls into his hands, I will The end must be more tragic than death!"

Ronald shook his head:

"Don't worry, I'm just asking questions. I had contact with this guy when I was in Springs before, so I'm more curious about this spellcaster from Entrod."

Received such an answer from Ronald's mouth.

The expression on Villanica's face was visibly relaxed.

"Laleye... He was just an ordinary officer in the Entrod intelligence department at first, and then he climbed to a leadership position in the organization step by step, and was responsible for the activities of the most invisible people in Entrod."

"But it wasn't until seven years ago that there was civil unrest in Entrod. At that time, this guy joined the rebel forces to kill my father with his own hands, and also took the opportunity to take away the original text that our royal family has always inherited."

Villanica's introduction is simple and clear.

And just as she finished this answer, Costat, who was standing firmly on the side, spoke again:

"Sir, I have also come into contact with this guy."

"He came to us in order to recover Villanica, but I was dismissed at that time."

Costart speaks lightly.

But after hearing her words, Villanica had a ghostly look on her face.

She had no idea that Lalaye would actually find this place, and was 'persuaded' to leave by the Costater in front of her!

As a persecuted ex-Entrod royal.

Villanica knew best about Laleye's abilities and character.

Costart's understatement is in fact never that simple and easy.

And if he knew about the existence of this matter, it was not certain whether Villanica had planned to leave here before. She wanted to escape from Kurpis just to get as far away from Entrod as possible!

Villanica's complex emotions didn't affect Costat.

The maid paused for a while, and after Ronald swallowed the food in her mouth, she continued:

"And this guy is also a veteran caster who has lived from the dark ages to the present, and it is difficult to deal with it."

"If you want to make contact with him sir..."

"I advise caution."

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