Mystic Dominator

Chapter 673: back to the mansion

Compared to the chaos in the city.

The situation outside Burrenwich was much better.

Although some animals in the forest also showed obvious anxiety and panic, under the comfort and regulation of nature itself, no very serious changes have occurred here.

The carriage drove quietly through the woods.

Kostatt drives smoothly and reliably.

Before nightfall, they managed to reach the place where they were supposed to take off.

"Here we are..."

Ronald jumped out of the carriage with emotion. The first thing he did was to judge his current direction and determine the trajectory of the two of them when they flew next.

And next to Ronald.

Costat tore off the rope tied to the horse, then turned his head and bowed slightly to Ronald:

"Sir, if the carriage stays here, the family's diet may be saved this season."

"So for the next few months, do you have any dietary requirements?"

Ronald waved his hand gently:

"As long as things aren't too weird, the world hasn't invented MSG yet."

To be honest, Ronaldo is quite open when it comes to conversations with Costarte.

After all, the two sides have had an in-depth understanding, and some issues that need to be considered at ordinary times do not need to be considered at all. Even if Ronald came to a paragraph of Chinese now, there is a high probability that Costarte would be able to understand it directly.

With that, Ronald watched as Costarte freed the horses completely.

Immediately, he chanted the incantation of "The Great Completion of Astronomy":

"From the relationship between the whole earth and the sky will begin to constitute our cognition..."

[This round] and [Equal round] two spells are unfolded at the same time.

The figures of Ronald and Costat flew high with the support of spells, and they galloped into the air in the distance through a graceful arc.


It is night time now.

Although Ronald's flying speed was quite good, by the time the two of them arrived in the air to the town by the Yoiz Forest, the night time was nearly half over.

Land on the road in front of the town with Costat.

After walking a few meters further, Ronald saw a detail that he had not noticed when he left here.

Just at the edge of the road, an unremarkable street sign was erected here.

Although it has been devastated by wind and rain, the clear handwriting still indicates the name of the place - Kurpis.

Ronald had actually seen this name in the report before.

But after he came here and saw the street sign standing in front of him with his own eyes, he had a real sense of knowing this town.


Ronald whispered the name softly.

And behind him, Costat's voice praising his flying spells also sounded immediately:

"Sir, your flying spells are astonishingly good."

Ronald's mouth twitched:

"Costat, is this kind of flattery unnecessary?"

"Sir, this is not a flattery, but my heartfelt admiration."


"Have fun with you..."

This...she likes it if she likes it.

Ronald finally did not insist on arguing with Kostatt about such issues.

Considering that it is late at night now.

They returned to the ancestral home of the Adler family first, planning to wait until dawn to deal with the relevant affairs in the town, and then immediately go to the Yoiz Forest to investigate the situation in the maid's mouth.

Proceed in the direction of home.

Costater walked in front of Ronald with familiar footsteps, then took out the key and opened the door for him.

"Sir, I'm going to light the lamp."

"Need to prepare food and water?"

Kostatt skilfully walked down the hall.

However, before Ronald could reply, a hurried footstep sounded from the second floor, and then came quickly towards the hall.

clap clap-

After a series of footsteps, a dark figure quickly rushed out of the darkness.

Seemingly because she was too flustered, she stumbled and fell to the ground as she walked towards the stairs. However, the owner of the figure didn't care about her state, so she crawled to the door and pleaded loudly:

"Master, please forgive me!"

"Villanica will never dare to do this again..."

Ronald only realized the identity of the other party at this moment

This was the girl named Villanica that he met in the trial at the beginning of his time travel. It's just that what is in front of him at this moment is a real person, not a false existence constructed from the original scriptures in the trial.


At this time, Costart, who entered the house first, just lit the oil lamp in the hall.

under the light of the light.

Only then did Ronald see the girl crawling under his feet.

At the moment, Villanica was only wearing a loose pajamas, and her appearance and figure were exactly the same as what Ronald had seen in the trial, and she was 100% an eye-catching and beautiful girl.

Especially Villanica's eyes.

At this moment, the girl's pupils were full of panic and panic, as if she had committed some irreparable sin, and this weakness made people even more loving.


"Master, I beg you!"

At this time, Ronald's silent attitude seemed to frighten Villanica again. The girl slumped forward in a prostrate position, and directly hugged Ronald's left leg and squeezed it into her arms.

"Villanica, she was really bewitched at that time, that's why... ah!"


At this moment, Kostat's voice came from behind.

Before Villanica explained the matter clearly, the maid waved one hand, and the powerful magic dragged Villanica into the air, and then fell heavily into the corner of the room.

This blow was so powerful that even Villanica's pajamas tore a crack.


Faced with the situation in front of him, Ronald was at a loss.

In the end, he could only pass his doubtful eyes to Kostatt, who was on the side:

"Costat, can you explain the situation to me?"

The expression on Costat's face maintained her calm:

"Sir, the reason why Master Ronald took the risk to cast the forbidden magic circle was because of the influence of this guy. But I am not the owner of this family after all. Apart from the due punishment, Villanica's final end has to be It's up to you to judge."

Ronald went on to confirm:

"Tell me about her identity?"

Costat opened his mouth to explain:

"Villanica is the princess of Because of the reason why the military government overthrew the previous ruler, she risked to escape here. At that time, I thought her external condition was very good, so I allowed her to stay. In this home, I will prepare for the young master to continue the blood of the Adler family in the future."

It was at this moment that it seemed to confirm the introduction of Costarte.

Villanica, who was trembling in the corner just now, knelt down in front of Ronald again in her torn pajamas.

At this time, she only dared to endure the physical pain.

Ewha looked at Ronald trembling with rain and said:

"Master, Villanica is willing to do everything for you."

"Please give me another chance!"

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