Mystic Dominator

Chapter 672: 2/3 Burrenwich

"Sir, as far as I know, human emotions can be vented through violence. If you really feel bad in your heart, you can also use violence against me to relieve this annoyance."

The carriage is running.

This sentence came suddenly from Costarte.

Ronald was still in a somewhat melancholy mood, but was instantly defeated by the proposal from the maid's mouth.

"I...that's fine."

"Although your counterattack is a bit excessive, in the final analysis, it is the result of the greed of those people. I should not express my opinion on this kind of matter."

Hearing Ronald's answer, Costart nodded slightly.

While turning her head to continue driving the carriage, the maid immediately took the conversation between the two to another direction:

"Sir, are you going to see Burrenwich?"

"In your memory, there should be a relatively important place."

"Go there if you can." Ronald immediately agreed with Kostatt's proposal, and at the same time feeling the change in his physical condition, he then proposed another idea, "After a while, I should be able to have no burdens. The land is casting spells normally. Going back to Yoiz through Burrenwich should be much faster by flying than by carriage.”

The maid immediately realized what Ronald was thinking, and an apologetic voice immediately sounded from the front:

"Sir, I'm so sorry to put you in charge of the journey."

"But among the spells I have mastered, there are really no spells for flying."


Continue to communicate the details of the follow-up little by little.

The carriage carrying Ronald and the two moved forward steadily on the outskirts road.

The location where they are now is actually not too far from Burrenwich, and it took most of the afternoon. When they left the forest, they saw Burrenwich's city wall standing on the ground.


"Oh my God……"

He stared at the city he had lived in for a long time.

Ronald couldn't help sighing, and the expression on his face was even more surprising.

As he took out the map that Katarina had given him, he looked at the city in front of him.

- Changes here.

- It's really too big!

Unlike a city like Springs, which is minimally affected by world change, Burrenville falls right on the cusp of world change.

Observing from Ronald's location, a huge crack ran directly through a third of the city, cutting out a large area of ​​the city in the field of vision like a moat.

Using the information provided on the map, Ronald could easily find the whereabouts of this third of the city - it was on the edge of this spiral world, a location bordering a polar glacier.

At the same time, Costat also immediately controlled the carriage to stop.

Facing the completely different Berronwich from her impression, she turned her head to look at Ronald, and immediately saw the map in the other's hand.

With just one glance, Costat made a quick judgment:

"Sir, we may have to adjust our route."

"According to the current changes in geographical conditions, the fastest route to return to Yoiz should be to go north for 14 kilometers after passing through Burrenwich, and then reverse the direction and fly towards the mansion."

Judging so fast?

Hearing Costat's suggestion, Ronald immediately recognized it on the map.

And it turns out that there is nothing wrong with Kostat's claim, which is indeed the most correct way forward after the map change.

Ronald nodded and confirmed:

"If that's the case, let's advance to the city."

"Sir, I understand."


Hurry up in the evening.

The carriage that Ronald and the two were in entered Burrenwich.

Only one afternoon has passed since the world changed.

Burrenwitch was clearly still in a state of confusion and panic.

There is no need to say how ordinary people would panic in the face of such a strange situation, but at this moment, even the magicians who are based on the mysterious side have no idea how to deal with this situation.

Fortunately, the situation is under control.

Ronald and the two had only been in the city for more than ten minutes, and some changing details were presented in front of them.

The first is the upper echelons of Burrenwich.

Thanks to the special communication ability on the mysterious side, they reported to Springs and learned that at least in the whole territory of Grid, and even in the known civilized world, after such changes have taken place, Springs Sri Lanka's ruling staff immediately launched corresponding measures.

Investigators who usually only act in the dark are now directly on the surface. The police team that patrols the streets of the city on weekdays can now pick out one of them at random, and you can see the investigator wearing a coat among them.

Say without hesitation-

The city of Burrenwich, or the whole of Gred, is now under a very strict martial law policy.

To maintain the normal functioning of society.

There aren't many options left for senior executives to choose from.

When he returned to this familiar city, Ronald couldn't help feeling emotional.

Nicole, Swift, and even Ms. Mapel...

The friends he had made while working at Burrenwich came to his mind one by one.

So when Costat drives the carriage.

Ronald specifically instructed her to go around the apartment where he once lived.

The carriage stopped by the side of the road.

The apartment opposite and Ronald left little changed.

Without stepping forward, the investigation of the power of 'Rage' immediately determined the state of the apartment.

The circumstances in which Mrs. Hudson lived had little effect on this change, and the room where Ronald once lived was replaced by a new tenant.

Although panic and surprise pervaded the city.

But for ordinary people who are content with life, this may be the epitome of life.

"Sir, how do you feel?"

"Let's go, there's nothing to do here."

In response to Kostatt, Ronald actually had an idea in his heart to go back and catch up with old friends. But thinking that life is not easy for the other party to be in such a change, he finally didn't want to cause trouble to others.

The carriage turned and continued on, while they were also cross-examined.

After Ronald responded with a 'face brush', they passed through Burrenwich peacefully and left the city.

At this moment.

Ronald saw the tracks extending from the city's railway station.

There's more to the story here -

Patricia, Heloise.

Two people who are extremely important to Ronald are here to meet little by little.

It's a pity that things are unpredictable.

Patricia is now working for the queen, and is naturally maintaining order in the city of Springs; and Heloise...

The whereabouts of Herois, Ronald is really blank.

Under the premise of no conditions, this spy-born girl has extremely strong anti-reconnaissance ability. With the ability to change her body and appearance, it is even more difficult to hide in the vast world.

Even Ronald, trying to find her on purpose is absolutely impossible.

The only thing that can be counted on is to pin their hopes on those unknown prophetic spells, or the other party heard the news of Ronald and found it by himself.

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