Mystic Dominator

Chapter 671: Doubts from a long time ago

Mountains, rivers, deserts, cities...

In the sound of the incantation that Kostatt chanted aloud.

The carriage went straight forward like this, and then rushed into the space in front of it that distorted the vision.

next second.

Intricate silhouettes flashed fast on both sides of the carriage.

With Ronald's vision far beyond the level of ordinary people, he could clearly identify from these chaotic images that the carriage was passing through different locations. This road, which is caught in the gap of the world's changes, seems to connect endless places at this moment, and the carriage is also driving in such places.

Then, the unspeakable situation continued to appear.

Under normal circumstances, in such a complex scene change, the carriage will inevitably be completely destroyed at a certain moment due to changes in the environment.

But Ronald is experiencing something very different now.

He didn't feel the presence of any magic power, Costat just covered the cloth in front of the horses, and controlled the carriage to move forward with a calm expression. She seized the most suitable opportunity time and time again to let him carry the carriage of the two, avoiding every danger in this endless change.


What was the spell this maid used?

Ronald couldn't help feeling doubtful, but at this moment he was too embarrassed to speak directly to disturb the other party's posture.

Just experience this rare sight.

The two continued to advance for about two minutes in the strange environment.

Finally, the carriage returned to the ground with a slight bump.


As the carriage calmed down, the fast-moving images on the left and right sides also stabilized immediately.

Ronald looked left and right.

Instead of being covered in a thick layer of snow like the area around Springs, it's a wilderness trail backed by a large swath of woods.


After continuing to advance in the gap in space for so long, their position has completely moved away from the previous starting point.

At this moment, the maid who was still sitting in the driver's seat said:

"Sir, please forgive me for making my own judgment."

"It was really an emergency just now."

There was a very obvious apology in Costart's words. In the eyes of this maid, it was absolutely disqualified to make a decision by herself without notifying Ronald in advance.

Ronald naturally waved his hand generously:

"It's okay, it's best to ensure safety in the situation just now."

"At least we're all intact now."


In response to Kostatt, Ronald also activated the ability of the Bradshaw Railroad Guide. Their current location immediately came to Ronald's mind—

East of Buso Town, a small road in the woods.


Ronald's expression froze.

What a coincidence!

The town of Buso he had heard of before happened to be a place near Burrenwich. The process of moving forward in the space gap just now did not keep them away from the target, but greatly reduced the distance they traveled!

At this moment, Ronald couldn't help thinking of the spell that Costat had just chanted.

And everything they experienced when they came through.

Is this coincidence really due to luck, or is it the result of this maid's spell?

Ronald was puzzled.

However, without waiting for him to ask, Kostatt, who was watching the horses in front of him, took the initiative to explain as if he had seen his thoughts:

"Sir, you can know our current position through the original code, so you must have some doubts now."

"Then allow me to explain."

Ronald nodded slightly: "I am indeed a little curious."

Costat then continued:

"My spell can interfere with probability. I used this ability just now to ensure that the return journey will not be affected too much."


Interference probability!

The moment he heard the maid's explanation, Ronald immediately remembered what he had experienced in the Ginkgo Biloba Business Alliance.

Those people who died inexplicably, as if they were entangled by the **** of death, didn't fit the abilities of Kostat.

And the cause of everything at that time.

It also happened that the business alliance sent people to explore Adler's ancestral home.


Ronald's eyes sank, and he immediately asked:

"Costat, have you ever used this spell on people who went to Adler's mansion, and then chained death to those who came in contact?"


Kostatt, who was still examining the horses, froze.

Because she had known Ronald's memory before, of course she understood what the other party said, and also understood that her answer would lead to the outcome of their current relationship.

So Kostak turned solemnly, and then bowed slightly to Ronald:

"Sir, the information you received is one-sided."

"Those people in the chamber of commerce found something they shouldn't have found in the house, and then they still coveted it. My behavior is just to punish these thieves whose hearts are blinded by greed, and then give a warning."

Ronald certainly wouldn't be persuaded by such a simple explanation.

Recalling the appearance of the casters before they died, and the coldness of the magic power when Kostatt healed him, he still maintained a considerable degree of vigilance.

"I can't trust only one side of your word."


"Sir, I understand." The maid did not show any negative emotions to Ronald's alert. Instead, he stepped forward immediately and leaned his body forward in front of Ronald, "Since that's the case, please look at my memory, sir."


The gesture of Kostatt's invitation is very obvious.

Under such circumstances, Ronald didn't hesitate too much, and simply put his hand on the maid's forehead.


In an instant, Kostatt's previous experiences flooded into his mind.

"Pullman, come and see what this is?"

"Original! Is this the **** original?"

"But it's that Mr. Ronald's mansion, are we really okay with this?"

"Fuck him! Cage, if we can become a holder of the original script, we still need to care about the success or failure of this mission?"

"Letore, what about this woman?"

"If it weren't for this mission, how many lifetimes would you have had the opportunity to meet such a girl? I need to say more?"



"Woman what have you done to me?"

"My memory, stop..."


The reading of memory comes to an end slowly.

Ronald released his palm from Kostat's forehead, and then looked at the maid in front of him with complicated eyes.

Now things are clear.

Investigators sent from Burrenwich, because they strictly abide by the rules and regulations, did not commit any crimes, so Kostatt did nothing to them.

But that's not the case with the people sent by the Chamber of Commerce.

The ability of this group of people is, but the ability to resist greed is almost no. After doing a very bad act, Kostat washed his memory and turned it into a 'bomb' and threw it back.

As for now...

Now that the other party has read Ronald's memory, and Ronald has also read the other party's memory, after this unprecedented close contact, he feels that the relationship between the two parties seems to have changed in some way.


Finally Ronald shook his head, then turned back to the carriage and sat down:

"Okay, let's continue on our way."

Costat's tone remained mild:

"Yes, sir."

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