Mystic Dominator

Chapter 670: "Organic Encyclopedia"

If the problem can be solved in the first place, then it is naturally the best situation.

Especially this maid, who also spoke so seriously about what happened in Yoiz.

With this thought in mind, Ronald continued to ask:

"Costat, tell me more about the crisis you're talking about."


"Sir, this is actually my dereliction of duty."

The maid was silent for a few seconds, and then slowly said what happened in the Yoiz Forest:

"Just before you came to this world, some unwilling guys in the town planned to have trouble in those few days, because the original young master did not have in-depth contact with the mysterious side, so later, due to some accidents, he took a risk and tried the taboo method. Array, and finally let you come to this world."


This is a sentence that clearly explains what he experienced when he crossed.

Ronald raised his eyebrows.

He never imagined that he would learn the truth of time-travel in this way.

But after so many mysterious events in the past year, he is now quite receptive to such situations. So just nodding slightly, he continued to confirm:

"So you mean that the scriptures that appeared in the Yoiz Forest are related to those restless guys in the town?"

"It's not like that." The maid driving the carriage shook her head again, "The scripture in the forest has nothing to do with this, but the timing of its appearance was just at the critical moment when I was dealing with what happened in the town, so I didn't Couldn't get it back for the first time."

"And because of this dereliction of duty, when I later entered the forest again and tried to recover it, I found that everything was too late. The original text has completely lost control, and centered on the location where it once appeared, strange changes are taking place in the forest. spread rapidly.”

"Plants are no longer like plants, animals are no longer like animals, and even those tiny lives that are invisible to the naked eye have undergone many strange changes."

Having said this, the maid's voice stopped for a few seconds.

"Sir, with all due respect."

"If this change begins to show some devastating qualities. With the capabilities of the human world today, no matter the mysterious spells or the development of science and technology, it is absolutely not enough to deal with this kind of crisis."


Ronald's expression was extremely ugly.

Because the original book of "Origin of Species" was in his hand, he was quite sure that what the maid said was an original book related to biology.

- This is really a very dangerous situation.

Changes in the ecological status of animals, plants, and even microorganisms, as Kostatt said, absolutely have the ability to destroy all ecosystems.

If the situation cannot be brought under control...

Of course, this planet will not be very good, but all life living in it must face a huge crisis of life and death.

Thinking of this, Ronald raised his right hand to cover his face with his gradually recovered physical strength, and continued with a trembling voice with only his lips exposed:

"Probably I already understand the situation."

"Is there any other information you can provide about this?"


Ronald's intention was to hope things didn't get too bad.

However, after thinking for a few seconds, the maid said with great certainty:

"Sir, during the first failed recovery, I observed the appearance of the original book from a distance, please look at it—"

The voice fell, and the maid released her left hand and lifted it back.

An image of something composed of magic phantoms floated in her hands:

"It is different from the original text in our conventional cognition. It does not exist in the form of slate, book, or paper, but a small block with a metallic luster, about the size of a human palm."

"Sir, referring to the information in your memory, I don't think I need to say more."


Ronald saw very clearly.

So that there is no other expression other than sluggishness.

The object Kostatt condensed with his magic power was a simple metal block with text clearly marking its name and purpose.

- "Organic Encyclopedia"

—[The 17th Galaxy All-Type Gene Statistics Final Revised Edition]

Ronald gradually understood everything.

The original is really a very convenient thing.

No one ever said that the original can only be books that existed in history before Ronald crossed. As a carrier of information, the possibilities for this thing to actually exist are endless.


"You can spare me..."

Ronald couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

The maid driving the carriage in front seemed to sense something, but she just put away the phantom in her hand, and then continued to focus on driving.

that's it.

A carriage carrying important duties.

Drive away in the blizzard of Springs.

The early morning light rose in the direction they were heading, and the city that was gradually receding behind finally revealed its white appearance in this snowstorm under the light of this light.


The carriage moved along the road.

For Ronald, this was a very novel trip.

Although Kostatt has shown different characteristics from ordinary people in various aspects, but in the job of a maid, her professionalism and conscientiousness are very high.

Regardless of accommodation, food, hygiene, or some encounters on the road, this maid helped Lollard very well, and she always regarded herself as a servant.

Just after a few days and nights like this.

Ronald once experienced a re-occurrence of a heaven and earth mutation before going back in time.

But this time the timing was very coincidental.

When this huge phenomenon that changed the world appeared, the carriage that Ronald and Costart were riding on happened to be stuck at a key node of change!

Because it is not above the sea.

Ronald, who was sitting in the carriage, clearly saw the impact of the land in this change with the naked eye.

A piece of mountains and scenery in the distance seemed to pull an infinite distance away in an instant. And the suburban road that was straight ahead in front of him, like a page of paper that only pinched one foot, suddenly turned into a curved arc under the interference of gravity. com then reversed the direction and spliced ​​to the earth at another location.

At this moment, the entire world is no longer the spherical arc that a normal planet should have.

Instead, it continues to twist toward a rotating forward trend, and finally forms a spiral pattern that is connected end to end.

Ronald wasn't sure if there was any danger in moving on.

So naturally, he wanted to make Costa stop the carriage, at least wait for the change to pass before moving on.

But this is the moment.

An extremely powerful magic power suddenly poured out from the maid driving the carriage in front:

"This argument is based on the fact that this continuum of events is consistent with a series of trials!"

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