Mystic Dominator

Chapter 669: little things

Marianne Costat.

This is the name of the maid of the Adler family.

The maid who found Ronald has an extremely beautiful appearance and an unusual thinking logic.

That's all Ronald knows now.

At this moment, the two were sitting in a moving carriage, driving on the road away from Springs.

It's not the same as what Ronald once learned at the Ginkgo Biloba Business Alliance. After seeing herself and having the initial question-and-answer session, the maid showed some amazing action.

Even before Ronald regained enough stamina to move.

The maid was just outside the snowy Springs and stopped a carriage that happened to pass by and was heading to the city of Springs.

——The maid opened the suitcase very succinctly.

——Buy this carriage with money that the other party cannot refuse.

She then walked back to Ronald on the Wes River, picked up the umbrella that was leaning against Ronald, and cleaned off the snow-covered clothes before carrying Ronald back.

After putting Ronald in a comfortable position in the carriage, she sat in the driver's seat, drove the carriage with a very skilled attitude, and then drove away from Springs.

How to describe it...

In short, two people in this extremely outrageous way.

Inexplicably left Springs on this crucial night.

From Ronald's subjective point of view, he can't figure out what this guy's purpose is!


"Sir, are you feeling well?"

The carriage had traveled a very long distance, and after Ronald felt that he could straighten his upper body by his own strength, the maid driving the carriage seemed to know everything, and then she seized the opportunity and said:

"I can give you some follow-up treatment if needed."

"You will love it."


Ronald was silent for a few seconds.

In these few seconds, he seriously thought about the various plots after the two met, and finally did not waste this precious physical strength on the matter of leaning on his body.

Ronald maintained a calm tone.

To the maid driving the carriage:

"Marian, if possible, I would first like to know how you got my information. There should be few people in this world who know about my experience before transmigration."

Hearing Ronald's question, the maid replied with a reasonable attitude:

"Sir, I learned this when I was treating you just now."

"Also, I have a request."

Have a request?

Ronald is still trying to regain his strength.

Don't call it a request, even if the maid suddenly gave up driving the carriage and turned around and forcibly pulled away from his scriptures, Ronald had no good way to deal with it.

In such an obvious situation, of course he simply replied:

"Tell me, I will promise!"


The gentle voice of the maid came from the front:

"Sir, I hope you can call me by the name Kostat in the future. Marianne was decided by the blood of the Adler family when I contracted with me, and this has nothing to do with my future loyalty to you."


Although the carriage was bumpy, the thoughts in Ronald's mind were gradually clearing up.

The most important information -

When Kostatt was treating himself, he was able to find out his memory by the way, so he must have an understanding of his actual situation at the same time.


The actual situation is very simple.

Under the premise of being able to do whatever she wants to herself, this maid did not carry out any hostile actions, which is believed for now.

So Ronald continued to speak.

"Okay, Costat."

"But it may be a bit presumptuous. Although I know you are in a hurry, I still want to know the reason why you took me out of Springs immediately. You must know that in the city behind us, there are actually many important situations that need to be to deal with."

This time the maid's answer was still gentle, but the speed was a few seconds later than before:

"Sir, things are also prioritized."

"I think the problem here in Springs is a small thing compared to what's going on in Joiz Forest."


one little thing?

Ronald almost suspected that there was something wrong with his hearing!

The wizard forces that were sealed in the Dark Ages returned collectively, and organizations such as cult warlocks and the [Nine Rings Secret Society] launched attacks at the grand event held in Springs. These super events that can change the entire world pattern are in the mouth of the maid. Has become a trivial matter?

Ronald couldn't help but ask:

"Costat, are you sure you really understand what's going on in Springs?"

The maid's answer came from the carriage immediately:

"Sir, if you're talking about the giant dust beast lurking in the sea, I really think it's a trivial matter. If it's something else..."

"I don't think there's anything worth commenting on those trash casters who were sealed in the Dark Ages, or cult warlocks who are currently running around the world."


Ronald was stunned for a moment, then asked in a slightly surprised tone:

"You know what happened in Springs?"

Let alone the attitude of the maid.

If Ronald remembered correctly, when the two met just now, Costat was walking from outside the city. This girl already knew everything without being in Springs?

The voice of Kostatt, who was driving the carriage, was still calm:

"Sir, the magical characteristics of these waves of people are too obvious. Even if I don't enter this city, I can clearly feel it... Of course, sir, the power of your victory over the artificial gods is undoubtedly amazing. of!"

"Even among the spellcasters I have ever met, you are definitely a well-deserved powerhouse."

Ronald paid no heed to the maid's praise of his strength.

After confirming through the dialogue that the other party really understood the current situation of Springs, he vaguely had a bad premonition in his heart.

What's going on in Springs right now can be called little things...

So what will Kostatt be worried about now?

Frowning Ronald asked immediately:

"Costat, what happened to Joiz Forest?"

"Since you know the situation in Springs, you shouldn't talk to me about it, right?"

The maid replied calmly as usual:

"Sir, it's the original."

"An unknown original tome appeared inexplicably in the Yoiz Forest and caused a huge event beyond imagination."

"If you don't stop it -- don't talk about the human species."

"I am afraid that all the ecosystems on this entire planet will be completely destroyed by its power."

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