Mystic Dominator

Chapter 665: Meteor 1 hit

In the sky southeast of Springs.

In other words, whether in the air or underground, on the water or on land, inside or outside the city. As long as there is a space where people can exist, there are spellcasters fighting for their lives everywhere.

At this moment.

There is no communication at all going into the white-hot battle.

Unleash your spells as best you can, and then fight the enemy for life and death.

And the people participating in the war are also very different from before.

In addition to the already dominant Springs casters and Bulwark Mountain wizards, outsiders who watched the battle before, more church members from the city, and even daring cult warlocks.

These people also joined in, and then each entangled their opponents.

The neat melee combat is mixed with an obscure and gloomy curse atmosphere, and every time the magic light flashes, there must be someone around to deal with it.

Don't say ordinary people stray here.

Even an experienced caster elite cannot guarantee their survival here.

What's more, on top of this...

There are even more deadly original holders who have revealed their true bodies.

Every time the technique of completeness, which represents the core system of an original text, appears, it can make this complex battlefield more chaotic and disordered!



Suddenly, someone in the battlefield noticed some changes.

It may be the weather changes in nature, or it may be the result of various spells. In the middle of the night, snow began to fall from the sky in Springs, and the already cold environment suddenly dropped a lot.

The pure white snowflakes that fell from the dark night fell on the ground where magic light frequently appeared. Aside from the occasional roar and human screams, only observing the situation here from the screen revealed a sense of beauty.

- This is the first snow of the year in Springs.

——Unfortunately, unlike previous years, no one will appreciate the beauty of this first snow.

The snowflakes fell slowly at night, and the battle at the highest point in the sky also changed accordingly. At this height, the only people who are qualified to stand here are Datrian and the artificial gods, and at best, the director of the investigation bureau lurking in the shadows can occasionally show up.


The sound of weapons colliding sounded.

The figures of Daantrian and the artificial gods then retreated to two positions in the air.

At this moment, the white robe on the man-made deity's body is already broken, but under the high-speed recovery ability of the body, there is no trace of scars on its body, and it floats in the air in such an almost naked state.

On the opposite side, Datrian's appearance was even more surprising.

The ruler of Springs did not rely solely on the ability of the encyclopedia to fight as before. Behind her, there was a phantom of a red book floating here.

Unlike other native spellcasters.

Her Majesty the Queen who notified Grid, like Ronald, is the holder of many original books!

And analyze it from the magic power fluctuations emanating from her body.

Both of these texts have been fully deciphered, and the art of completeness is controlled at will by Daantrian.

——This is quite beyond the normal ability.

Regardless of the barrier mountain or the outside spell research organization, there is a consensus at the high level.

A single spellcaster can hold multiple books and learn spells, but not on the level of perfection. If someone performs such an operation, when the two completely different magical powers are completely merged, there is a high probability that the caster himself will be completely destroyed by this phenomenon.

The state that Datrian is showing at the moment, if it spreads out, it will definitely become a full-bodied bomb.

Even if you want to immediately change the world pattern on the mysterious side.

Absolutely no problem.

At this moment, more and more snowflakes are falling in the air.

In this dreamlike night, the artificial **** spoke with full appreciation in his eyes:

"Mortal, your name is Daantrian, right?"

"The ability to rule many scriptures with one person is excellent, and I give you praise as a god."


Seeing the enemy in front of him speak, a sneer appeared on Datrian's face, and he turned on the phone instantly and continued to build new attack spells.

"A mere human creation actually thinks that he is a god?"




Suddenly, Daantrian and the artificial **** turned their heads at the same time.

Cast your eyes to the southwest sky.

There, an object shining with dazzling light is flying towards their battlefield in a perfect arc!

If it is a stronger caster.

You can even see a vague figure in this light.

"what is that?"

"He is approaching His Majesty, stop him!"


In this kind of battlefield, it is natural that someone will try to intercept it later.

But the flying speed of this figure is so fast that it skips the moment in the air in an instant, and ordinary spells can't even catch up with his wake!

Then, the two people on the topmost battlefield performed differently.

After watching the light galloping like a shooting star in the distance, the artificial **** immediately raised his eyebrows and said in a low voice:

"This guy again?"

"Obviously you have already fled the battlefield, and now you plan to come over to court death?"

Even though he said that, the artificial gods still felt the changes in the magic power fluctuations on Ronald's body.

So it made a serious stroke with both hands in front of it.

A superimposed spell shield just floated in front of him.

According to the experience of previous encounters, Ronald's attack can be completely defended with one shield. At this moment, even if the strength of the opponent is strengthened, two shields superimposed together are absolutely sufficient.

After completing the defense, the artificial **** immediately began to prepare his own attack.

Ronald's over and over again, it's had enough, and it happens to be resolved tonight!

On the other side, the firmness in Daantrian's eyes remained motionless.

Seeing that the artificial gods began to arrange spells against Ronald, she immediately guided the magic power to gather in her body, ready to use this rare opportunity to cast a powerful spell to lay a chance for victory.


A loud bang.

Daantrian was stunned.

Because just not far from her, the moment Ronald flew over, he shattered the defense of the artificial **** directly, and then smashed into the distance with no speed at all.

Daantrian is still very confident in his observational abilities.

She was quite sure that the spell shield that had caused a lot of trouble for herself in the battle just now could not hold on for even a millisecond under the impact of Ronald!

Daantrian looked strange:


At this moment a shadow on her shoulders came the voice of the Director of the Investigation Bureau:

"Your Majesty, pursue or deal with the following?"


Dantrian's eyes flickered in the direction Ronald and the artificial **** flew to, and the battlefield where he was still fighting desperately below, and he made a decision almost immediately:

"Take care of the group of people below before going after them."

"Trust that Adler."

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