Mystic Dominator

Chapter 664: "Purgatory"

dark night

Ronald alone.

Emerges slowly on the sea at the edge of Springs.

There is a certain difference in the flow rate of time inside and outside the trial. When Ronald went through various choices in the trial, the battlefield on both sides of Springs had also undergone great changes.

The battle that was originally located in the coastal area has now moved along the direction of the coastline to the suburbs of the city all the way to the east. And the exaggerated ocean beast, whose magical aura has now been reduced to the point of almost disappearing, is now dying on the ground of the city.


Queen Daantrian successfully solved this thing.



At this moment.

Ronald, who was floating on the sea, exhaled a long breath, and then slowly opened his eyes.

The emotion in his pupils at this moment.

Still stuck with what happened in the trial just now.

Should it be said to be a trial of "The Divine Comedy"...

The content of "Purgatory" in the original work naturally describes what the poet saw and heard in purgatory.

However, this place is different from the concept of 'Purgatory on Earth' in ordinary people's language.

The souls here go through this process, and after the purification is completed, they can get the opportunity to ascend to heaven, which is a very important place in the "Divine Comedy" system.

And Ronald just went through the trial.

In fact, it also secretly conforms to the concept of 'purgatory', but from the purification of purgatory, it has become the purification of the depths of the self.

So at the end of the trial.

Yanni, who was aware of the nature of the trial, chose to give up himself to fulfill Ronald, and this was the end of everything.

Correspondingly, it is the current Ronald.

After passing the final trial, he finally gained complete control over The Divine Comedy.

On Ronald at the moment.

The magic of The Divine Comedy split into three properties is being rapidly unified.

Arrogance, jealousy, anger, laziness, greed, gluttony, **…

The magic power of the famous seven deadly sins.

also came into his hands.

Like the concept corresponding to the name, each of the seven spells has pros and cons.

Arrogance - the power to dominate.

Similar to the use of the word spirit in "Heaven Arc", it was used by Rumil and Ronald when they were fighting.

Jealousy - the power of change.

This kind of spell can change his appearance. Ronald, who completely controls all spells, can simulate anyone he has seen at will.

Anger - Intensifies emotions.

This ability is relatively special. When activated, it will not cause any magic fluctuations to be detected, but will gradually lead people's emotions to extremes in a subtle way. The angry is more angry, the painful is more painful, and the persistent is persistent.

Although it can't have any immediate effect in frontal combat, it is definitely a very powerful ability.

Laziness - the power of stability.

The name of this thing explains its capabilities. When the caster activates this spell, and then stays in place, he can directly have a very powerful defense ability.

Greed - Scouting

Greed's scouting ability is quite unique, the caster can identify a target in mind in advance, and then the spell will continue to work.

And when the caster and his designated "greedy target" are close to a certain range, the spell will directly provide the other party's information.

Gluttony - the power of devouring

The caster can repair the wound urgently by eating a lot of food.

In the case of no injury, you can also store energy through daily eating and use it at a specific time.

** - This is the last ability.

It is also the same star strengthening power as the other two "Divine Comedy", so there is no need to repeat it.

The activation of the seven abilities of the seven deadly sins is not only the case.

The original structure of The Divine Comedy has been unified at this moment. While all the spells mastered by Ronald have been strengthened in this system, his own magic power has also been further improved, and he has achieved a double leap in quality and quantity.

Feel the powerful force rushing through the body.

Ronald clenched his fists almost subconsciously:



Ronald's thoughts still remain before.

Powerful power could not dispel his final feelings about the trial.


At this time, a powerful wave of magic power came from the east.

The look in Ronald's eyes was suddenly realized when the breeze driven by this magic power hit his face.


He has returned to reality.

Although everything in the trial is unforgettable, the down-to-earth reality must be firmly grasped.

The next second, Ronald's eyes changed.

The end of the trial and the complete mastery of the Divine Comedy also brought the ultimate power of this tome open to him - the art of completeness.

"The limit of human reason..."

"Katerina's language is really accurate..."

Shaking his head slightly.

Ronald didn't say anything more.

It doesn't require any action either, just like any other perfection technique I've seen. Just a thought, this spell was instantly activated by Ronald.


Shen Riyang was calm, and the changes were already appearing silently.

On the surface, this is still an ordinary part of the sea, air, sea water, temperature...

None of this has changed.

But if a powerful enough caster stands here.

Then the result will be different!

He could immediately spot the weird situation around Ronald.

With Ronald at the center, a ring with a diameter of nine meters appeared quietly. Within this ring-shaped range, all the natural magic that constitutes spells has produced an indescribable change.

If not, make a description.

It's like when two people chat, the content flow slowly changes in the conversation. Although it looks like a small talk between normal friends, there is an unspeakable change there.


In the realm he created, Ronald's eyes were a little stunned.

He raised his right hand and looked at his palm. After grasping it back and forth a few times, he was sure that his grasp of the body was still normal.


" this too foul?"

After a few seconds, Ronald couldn't help coughing.

While waving his hand to cancel this huge loss of completeness, he also shook his head with complex eyes.

Although the speed of consumption of magic power is amazing.

But this can't stand Ronald's own high With the power of the complete technique of "The Divine Comedy", now he even has a 100% certainty of defeating the artificial gods!

With this mood re-adjust the state.

Ronald immediately chanted the spell lightly:

"From the relationship of the whole earth to the sky will begin to constitute our cognition."


Aim for the eastern suburbs of the city, the battleground for the Wizards of Bulwark Mountain and the Guardians of Springs.

Ronald's body drew a graceful arc in the air.

Gallop away.

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