Mystic Dominator

Chapter 666: incomprehensible ability

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

Galloping in the air, the artificial gods screamed in pain without any power.

At this moment, Ronald's steady and firm eyes are in front of its eyes. When the man hits it and takes it directly to its place, there is no joy in the expression on his face.

In the perception of the artificial gods.

Instead, Ronald hid a deep sadness in his heart.

On the artificial deity's body, the pitch-black Sword of Santa Caterina pierced through its heart directly, and the flaming power of the sun rushed into the wound, burning and eroding its body.

The only thing to be thankful for is the quick recovery ability of the artificial gods.

With his powerful magic power as the most support, he can barely balance the damage and recovery, so that he will not be subdued by a single blow.

But unfortunately, it is the pain that this confrontation brings.

The rapid physical destruction and repair, as well as the intense searing of the attack itself, are causing unimaginable pain to the artificial gods.

It's even arguably the most unbearable encounter it's ever had.

Even the last time Ronald wounded it with the power of thunder, it was definitely not as intense as it is today.


"You, give it to me, let go!"

Almost squeezing words out of his teeth, the artificial **** kicked Ronald with all his might.


The figures of the two were separated in the air, and the blood scattered in the air, smashing a snowflake, which then turned into cloudy raindrops and fell to the ground.

At this moment.

The positions of the two are completely far away from the previous seaside battlefield.

Under the circumstance of Ronald's extreme activation of the "Astronomy" spell, they flew around the Springs in an arc trajectory for a distance of nearly a kilometer, and now they have reached the upper reaches of the Wes River outside the city.

Even cast a vision farther away.

You can see the White Shore Castle located in the river.

And when Ronald and the artificial gods were separated.

Because of the strength of the artificial god, Ronald stepped back a few meters and stopped easily in the air; the artificial god, with the inertia of the previous movement, flew more than ten meters before it could stop.


Cover the wound on your chest with one hand that is being repaired.

The artificial **** looked at Ronald with fear at this moment - he couldn't understand what just happened.

Build your own spells.

It fell apart in front of Ronald in an instant.

Whether it's the strengthening of the body or the shield built in the air, Ronald directly broke through it as if it didn't exist.

There is no doubt that this is definitely some kind of perfection technique.

But the artificial gods do not know what the principle is.

Enhanced attack?

——The attack launched by Ronald has not changed from the last meeting.

Weakening defenses?

——I didn't feel that the effect of the spell was weakened.

So is it a spell that reverses causality, or is it a replacement matter, or is it a forced determination?

Because Ronald holds too many originals.

At this moment, it is extremely difficult for the artificial gods to even infer from the original scriptures.


It was at this moment that the scene that made it chill behind him appeared.

Ronald, who was standing in the air, didn't mean to stop at all. He only saw him swipe along the ridge of the black holy sword with one hand, and the dazzling light like the sun in the dark night burst out from the sword.

Then, six wings spread out behind Ronald.

The cross pattern lit in the pupil exudes a sacred atmosphere and shows majesty.

In the form of a high-ranking angel in mythology, Ronald waved his sword and charged directly towards the artificial god.


Seeing Ronald's new round of attacks appeared in front of him.

The artificial **** immediately attached several strengthening spells to his body. While enhancing his physique, a scepter with a gem embedded at the top also condensed in his hand.


The sword and scepter of Santa Caterina collided in the air.

The powerful magic turned into countless rays of light scattered at the intersection.

This time, Ronald's attack failed to directly cut off the weapon of the artificial god, but under the premise of being fully strengthened again, he was already able to physically overwhelm the opponent.

Sparks flying around with magic power.

Ronald suppressed the artificial gods with great power, and the heights of the two continued to drop.


The artificial **** stared closely at Ronald in front of him.

It successfully fended off the attack, but the confusion that followed was immediate.

Why did it block the attack this time?

What happened when he was directly stabbed in the opposite direction before?

It's a pity that the artificial gods didn't have time to think about it.

Because at the moment when it was confused, Ronald adjusted his position and once again raised the holy sword and slashed at it!


In an instant, the swords and sticks intersected.

This time, the artificial gods encountered the same situation just now.

The jet-black blade burning with fire directly cut off the scepter in its hand, and at the same time cut a deep scar on its body.

It's just that the artificial gods did not have any fear on their faces at the moment, but instead showed the surprise of knowing everything.

Because this is the moment.

It captures the fleeting changes around Ronald.

Within a range of nine meters in diameter, it seems that everything has undergone unimaginable changes!

"It's a domain-type spell!" The artificial **** shouted with certainty, "Your perfection has built a special domain, so all my spells will be invalid!"

The artificial **** guessed it right—this is the [End of Humanity].

The Divine Comedy is a long religious poem.

But it is also a work that breaks away from medieval obscurantism and expresses the will to pursue the truth.

The humanistic color that emerged from it also had a great influence on the later creators.

And in this world.

The Divine Comedy as an original.

The role of its perfection is also born out of this humanistic color.

As long as Ronald activates this spell, within the range of the ring-shaped spell centered on him, all abilities that are ignorant, violent, discriminatory, destroy dignity, and eradicate the nature of self will be directly banned from the root cause.

Thus, the greatest disaster for the artificial gods appeared.

As long as Ronald activates this spell, except for a limited number of spells, almost all of its abilities are directly restrained by [End of Humanity]!

This is also the reason why almost all the spells of the artificial gods failed at the same time when they were knocked flying.

For Ronald the only weakness of this spell is that it consumes too much.

After each use, wait for the cooldown time before using it again.

Otherwise, during the flight just now.

This man-made **** has already died on the spot!

In the face of an enemy who sees through this ability, Ronald has no affirmation or denial.

He just swiped his fingers along the ridge of the jet-black holy sword again.

And at the moment when the power of the sun shines again, he said softly with almost no emotional fluctuations:

"All right."

"Prepare to die..."

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