Mystic Dominator

Chapter 645: polar trial

Although it is the first time to do so.

But with inexplicable peace of mind, Ronald still activated the trial of the original scripture in his hand.

After all, Katerina's hint was too obvious.

That night.

The girl who used to be the head of the Astronomy Section of Bulwark Mountain used her prophecy spells from the "Empire of the Galaxy" series to speculate on the perfection of the original book in Ronald's hand, and also defined the ability of the spell.

At the end of the conversation, Katerina deliberately gave a meaningful reminder.

Currently in this environment.

How could Ronald not understand!

This is the critical period in which the opponent's prophecy spells must be tested!

The trial of activating the original tome is extremely simple for the bearer of Ronald.

Basically, it is something that can be done by moving one's mind and then manipulating magic power.

So, before the wizard at Fortress Mountain and the investigators at Springs could react, the dark scripture on Ronald's right hand appeared, and a strong wave of magic power erupted immediately.


The artificial **** was even sluggish for a moment.

Because within the range that it can observe, Ronald successfully started the trial of the last volume of "The Divine Comedy", "Purgatory", and then the whole person disappeared in front of everyone's eyes.

It is precisely because of Ronald's actions.

The originally tense Shen Riyang sea also fell into silence.


At the same time, unlike these spellcasters who have mastered the ability to cast spells.

Ronald was once again experiencing the distorted experience in front of him.

It is still no different from the previous few times, when the eyes recover to the level where they can see the things in front of them clearly.


Ronald suddenly felt a burst of discomfort in his body!

"What's wrong with me……"

After regaining all consciousness in his body, Ronald found himself sitting on a rock, looking up and looking around, and all he could see was a dark tunnel, only the glow stick on his shoulder glowed.


Ronald subconsciously wanted to say something.

But after just opening his mouth, the familiar and unfamiliar voice made him instantly stunned in place.

As fast as he could do it now, Ronald stretched out his hand to take a look at the palm of his hand, then reached into his clothes and pinched his belly. After feeling the feeling he was so used to, Ronald finally put his hand into his right shirt pocket, and immediately touched what he wanted.

--mobile phone.

Before crossing, Ronald used to put his cell phone in this position when he was working.

Because in some special circumstances, this position can facilitate him to do some emergency operations.


"What is this...?"

Ronald sighed about his experience in a complicated manner, and then pressed the power button of the phone with his thumb.

Bringing up the camera on the interface is incredibly familiar.

Then he switched the camera function to the front camera.

On the surface of the glow-in-the-dark mobile phone, Ronald saw the face he had used for decades, the one named Yang Siming!

before entering this pilot.

Ronald really did not expect to experience such an encounter.


It's really me...

Having lived in a different world for so long, Ronald even thought that all his experiences here were a dream of his own.

Now that I experience this body again, I can imagine the emotion in my heart.

With this thought in mind, Ronald's eyes swept around more carefully. Thanks to his excellent work ability, Ronald immediately judged that this was not the underground ruins where the earthquake occurred before crossing.

And look at his current equipment.

There was no damage caused by the earthquake.

With so many details as proof, Ronald was sure that he was not in a state of returning to Earth, but really entered a trial.

It's just a trial compared to the previous experience.

This time is especially special.

clap clap-

Just when Ronald sighed at this familiar body and speculated about the requirements of this trial.

A footstep on sand and stones began to approach Ronald.

Even before Ronald turned to look at the owner of the voice, the other party took the initiative and said:

"Old Yang, have you rested?"

"We're going to the underground tundra soon, recover your strength, let's continue on the road."

At this time, Ronald saw the appearance of the other party.

Like the various partners he made in another world, the one who appeared in front of him was a young girl. It's just different from the rare beauties like Heloise or Patricia, who now asks Ronald is a girl whose face has been devastated by wind, rain and sunlight, so that her skin condition is quite bad.

Moreover, what she was wearing was not a beautiful and gorgeous dress. On the contrary, it is not very beautiful, but has a lot of pockets to carry various tools, and at the same time takes into account the insulation and warmth of the adventure suit.

——This kind of dress Ronald is all too familiar.

When entering various special environments, this is basically the standard for workers like them.

So... this should be his current colleague?

Ronald didn't know each other at all, but he was very familiar with the scene.

His eyes just swept across the opponent's chest, and immediately saw the opponent's name on the badge on the girl's chest - Yanni Lane. After confirming the name of the other party, Ronald almost opened his mouth to make an excuse:

"I...I have a hyperbaric reaction..."

"Before we continue on the road, Yanni, please help me recall today's work."

Ronald's performance is brilliant.

It was just the girl named Yani, who didn't explain to Ronald Instead, she bent down with considerable concern and checked his status in front of Ronald.

"High pressure? Lao Yang, I've never heard of you having such a problem?"

"If you really feel bad, let's go to the ground first."

"It's more important than work."

Ronald smirked and waved his hand:

"It's not as serious as you think, it's just the influence of my irregular schedule recently."

"Just think about it, how long have I been in this business, and there will never be a problem in this kind of link, safety first!"


Hearing Ronald's answer, Yanni reluctantly accepted this reason out of his knowledge of Ronald's previous work experience:

"Okay, then you should continue to rest for a while."

"I just happened to give you some reason for thinking... Of course, my suggestion is to stay up late at night, it will hurt your body too much."

This gentle conversation was exactly what Ronald wanted.

After the girl named Yani agreed, he began to inquire about the trial environment through the other party's explanation, while he only gave some weak guidance.

It didn't take too long.

This information was touched by Ronald.

First of all, his work is actually a little different from his previous identity. It is an inspection organization affiliated with a private institution.

And the purpose of his appearance here is because a newly discovered underground ruins lacked manpower, so he and Yanni, who were originally nearby, were ordered to come to support.

What's more interesting is its location.

The environment of the underground cave is not simple, it is actually a place close to the polar circle.

Now back on land.

Immediately you can see the snow and ice that belongs to the polar environment!

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