Mystic Dominator

Chapter 644: final tip

The vitality provided by On the Origin of Species quickly repairs wounds.

However, even with spells to repair the injury, for Ronald, the damage and paralysis caused by the thunder and lightning still have a huge impact on the body.

To know that Ronald's reaction speed is absolutely extraordinary.

At the moment when the thunder and lightning reached his body, he reset the defense of the [Guardian Angel] several times in a row.

One could even say so.

As long as he just had one less defense.

The powerful destructive power of thunderbolt is also enough to make the repair of "Origin of Species" too late to take effect...

Trying hard to regain control of the body from the paralysis.

Ronald's eyes locked on the artificial god, and he lowered his voice and said:

"From the relationship between the whole earth and the sky will begin to constitute our cognition..."

Seeing Ronald gradually distance himself from him.

The artificial gods were not busy chasing them either.

It flew a few meters high before looking down at Ronald and said:

"How is it, human?"

"The taste of thunder must be wonderful, right?"


Ronald gasped and asked:

"This power, you imitated my last spell?"

In fact, Ronald felt vaguely familiar with the magic of the spell when attacked.

Just like in the Springs typhoon event.

He felt the same way he used "Rain and Mist's Hammer" to fight off artificial gods on an overseas island.

Now let's take a look at the appearance of the artificial gods.

Such associations naturally arise.


The artificial **** just laughed.

At this time, the only bit of divinity on its face has completely faded away, and all that emerges is the arrogance of the successful revenge.

"Otherwise what do you think?"

"Dare to attack me like that, don't think you don't have to pay the price!"

The voice fell, and the artificial **** only raised his broken right hand to Ronald.

Magical energy wraps around it, turning into pale pink granulation and white bones, and then structures such as skin blood vessels are born. In less than five seconds, the arm that had been intact reappeared on the wrist of the artificial god.

With a cruel smile on his face.

The artificial god's crimson pupils stared at Ronald, and then waved his newly repaired arm at him.


In an instant, a dazzling thunder light shot out from the hand of the artificial god.

Compared with the first attack just now, this guy's second attack was even more terrifying, and the stout thunder almost shrouded Ronald's entire figure.

Even with the protection of a [Guardian Angel].

In the face of this kind of attack, it is absolutely impossible for Ronald to take over!

Regardless of speed, power, range...

If you think about it from any angle, Ronald has only one fate - death!


Thunder's speed was extremely fast.

After illuminating the night sky after flickering in the air, the sparkling electric light quickly disappeared.


The artificial god's expression froze.

Because it was in its original position, Ronald was still repairing the first injury, while his eyes were locked on it.

No matter what angle you look at.

It is impossible to see that Ronald has been injured in this attack!


Artificial gods are only very puzzled.

The same goes for the casters and sorcerers who watched the battle around.

In the eyes of these people with excellent perception ability, Ronald didn't even emit a lot of magic fluctuations when activating spells. Under such circumstances, how could he resist such an attack, and he did so in an unscathed state!


Everyone is confused.

The only person in the know is, of course, Ronald himself.

While feeling his body's gradually repairing injuries, he even took the time to mock the artificial **** on the opposite side:

"The taste of this thunder is really good."

"Come on, go ahead!"

Mouth trying to provoke the artificial god.

Ronald secretly rejoiced in his heart.

Of course, he had no chance of blocking the attack just now.

But at this critical juncture, Ronald successfully finished the spell and activated the spell in "The Great Compendium of Astronomy" - [Measure Length].

Generally speaking, this spell Ronald is the best weapon to shorten the distance with the enemy, and then launch a zero-distance attack.

But if you give up the idea of ​​attacking the enemy as the leading factor.

So in actual operation, the use of this spell is definitely not only attacking this one.

For example, Ronald defined the relative distance between himself and the artificial **** as [infinite length] after chanting the spell just now.

As such.

No matter how powerful the Thunder is, how large the range is, and how fast the speed is!

In the face of the infinite distance, after all, it will only change from prosperity to decline, and finally disappear into the invisible.


The air is quiet--

On one side is Ronald, who is still repairing his body, and on the other side is the artificial **** whose eyes are frozen.

The artificial **** only knew that his Thunder could not hurt Ronald.

And Ronald also understood that his attack had little effect on the artificial god.

A few seconds passed.

The red eyes of the artificial **** suddenly became emotionless, and the tone was even more indifferent:

"In that case, let these people try it first."


The voice fell, and the artificial **** only waved again.

The unrivaled thunder passed Ronald in an and descended upon the crowd of Springs casters.


Not to mention those who were killed instantly, under such a powerful attack, even the caster was directly ignited in the air!

It was too late to even let out a cry.

The line of defense that had just been established was completely defeated by this blow.

The idea of ​​artificial gods is straightforward.

Since Ronald can't be killed right away, let's use these spellcasters!

Ronald in the air was also dumbfounded.

This result can be said to be a huge responsibility for him.

Because during the time rewind process that Ronald witnessed, the artificial gods just had absolutely no such spell as thunder.

no doubt.

because of his own appearance.

This guy can use some kind of magic to simulate the power of "Rain and Mist".

But now Ronald's attack method really can't cause damage to the artificial god.

It's hard to get out of here by yourself...

Wouldn't it be okay to treat these Springs casters as outcasts?

On the sea is the Bulwark Mountain Wizard Legion, and on the shore is a huge sea monster hidden underwater.

In the end how to choose, in order to deal with such a complex and difficult situation?


In this very tangled moment.

On the blue map model in Ronald's pocket, a magic power that seemed to possess thoughts and life suddenly appeared, and then disappeared into the air.


"Ha ha--"

Such characteristic magic acts as a reminder.


Ronald shook his head with a smile, remembering the words Katerina left to himself on the night of the [Infinite Negative Realm] after she activated the Perfection——

"Remember to make timely choices when necessary."

"It's very important to everything!"

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