Mystic Dominator

Chapter 646: Wonderful cave ecology

Snooping on identity information is about the same.

Ronald beckoned to Yanni in front of him, then stood up voluntarily:

"Okay, it's almost enough to rest, let's go."

Yanni simply nodded:

"Okay, let's go..."

With the help of lighting tools, the two walked steadily forward.

However, the trials of the original scriptures were not for Ronald to re-experience life.

Not long after the conversation ended, the two walked just a few hundred meters forward. In the tunnel in the direction they came from, there were some strange noises faintly.


"What's that sound..."

Yanni on the side had a strange look on his face.

At the same time, Ronald was already lying neatly on the ground, pressing his ears against the icy soil.

Soon, Ronald's expression became uncomfortable.

Without hesitation, he got up and dragged Yanni to the depths of the tunnel before explaining:

"This movement is not like a natural disaster or engineering equipment, but is similar to the movement that social animals make when they are active. It's just because of the echo transmission in the tunnel, so their sound performance is rather strange now."

"Old Yang, in the end you are experienced..." Yanni almost subconsciously praised Ronald's ability. But soon, she also realized the peculiarity of the current situation, "That's not right! We are now underground in the polar circle. How can there be such underground creatures in such a place!"

"Even in cave ecosystems, this is not the case in the known realm!"

Yanni's judgment is so firm and unequivocal.

With the knowledge in her mind, she is obviously very puzzled by the current situation.

In the face of the girl's dissatisfaction and complaints, Ronald immediately collapsed:

"If I could, I would also like to know what's going on here?"

"But for now, let's be safe. Let's go to the camp ahead and hide."

The camp in Ronald's mouth refers to the common temporary works in excavation and exploration work, usually used to deal with wild animals or sudden natural disasters.

Now, since the two of them are going to support the exploration of the ruins.

Then a similar engineering base must have been arranged by the pioneers somewhere ahead.

So whatever the animal behind the tunnel is.

As long as you can successfully hide inside, using the environmental advantages and the help of explorers in other bases, at least solving the immediate crisis is no problem.

Yanni on the side obviously understood Ronald's thoughts.

So the girl simply nodded, then followed behind Ronald without saying a word, and the two ran towards the depths of the tunnel.

Engaged in this kind of work for a long time.

Coping with long-distance running for a certain distance is not a problem for them.

However, as he continued to move forward, Ronald's expression gradually darkened.

the reason is simple--

The movement behind them is constantly approaching them.

With the habit he has cultivated through multiple combat experiences in another world, Ronald doesn't have to bother to calculate anything, and can quickly judge a result using only intuition.

Less than five minutes.

The things behind them can catch up with them!


Things changed after that, just as Ronald had expected.

Even worse!

In just three minutes, the constant noise in the cave came to a distance that Ronald could see as soon as he turned his head.

It was a group of strange reptiles with icy blue skin and scales on their bodies.

The sounds Ronald and Yanni had heard earlier came from a spherical organ in the creature's neck. When they moved, the spherical organ collided and made a sound, and then gradually passed through the tunnel, and finally formed such a special movement.

And in a dark environment like the cave.

The eyes of these things are still shining like hyenas, and they are everywhere revealing their danger.

It is also reasonable.

Ronald looked dumbfounded at these things.

what animal is this?

In the earth's ecological circle he knew, he could not find any species similar to or close to this creature at all. Ronald has worked in this industry for so many years, and he has never heard of such a creature near the polar circle! .

Could it be that the environment in this trial...

Not pure earth?

Ronald had a conjecture in his heart, so he turned his head and asked Yanni, who was also running away:

"Yani, do you know what class and purpose this creature is?"

Yanni's expression is very collapsed:

"Even if we go to Harvard University's library, which is ranked first in the world for biology, you will never find any creature similar to this thing! Lao Yang, I remember our company, we should not have had any cooperation with the crew of any monster movie. Have you cooperated?"


The girl's reaction once again confirmed the current situation.

There was a wry smile on Ronald's face, and he said with great helplessness:

"If any film crew can make this kind of thing, then next year's Nobel Prize must have their share."


The pace quickened involuntarily. Ronald took time to look back at the group of creatures behind him.

Judging from the claws, teeth, and the way they move, he thinks that this group of animals should not be scavengers or herbivores, but carnivorous or omnivorous creatures!

In other words-

If you are overtaken by these animals in this trial...

Then Ronald, who is now without the power of the chicken, is definitely in trouble!




Suddenly, a rhythmic gunshot came from the front.

In the tunnel environment, the already deafening gunfire was intensified, and for Ronald and the two, it was as exaggerated as setting off firecrackers in their ears. Combined with the uncomfortable feeling of high pressure in the underground environment, it is really uncomfortable.

But gunshots can also bring good things.

With this burst of rhythmic bullets, the bullets shot directly behind Ronald and Yanni, killing several of the animals that were chasing them. These hideous-looking animals immediately fell to the ground, turning into **** corpses in a tumult.

Then, a scene more common in nature appeared.

This group of unknown animals saw that their kin was shot and killed, they immediately stopped chasing without hesitation, and began to divide the carcasses like a group of foraging cockroaches.

get such an opportunity.

Ronald and the two finally distanced themselves from the group of animals.

In the cave not far ahead, Ronald finally saw the person who had just shot to support him.

This is a tough middle-aged man.

Under the fully armed attire, what is more noticeable is an assault rifle in his hand.

Ronald immediately realized the identity of the other party.

This should be a security consultant from a consulting firm hired by the organization, or to put it another way - a mercenary.

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