Mystic Dominator

Chapter 643: Hurt

So fast?

Is it some kind of magic that moves the location instantaneously?

Two thoughts flashed quickly in Ronald's mind, but he didn't wait for him to continue thinking about it. At the moment when the enemy attacked, he instinctively raised his leg and kicked the hand of the artificial god.


In mid-air, Ronald and the artificial **** each stepped back a few meters.

In the position where the two sides are fighting.

The magic power of collision resistance almost exploded, and the expressions on the faces of the surrounding casters all changed when they saw the reaction of this fight.

--too strong.

It's just an artificial god. After all, after the previous battle with Daantrian, the strength of this guy was also recognized by the casters present.

However, Ronald...

There are many people on the battlefield who have known Ronald's strength.

But in their cognition, that strength is definitely not so strong.

Before the harvest day, if someone said - 'There is still a spellcaster as powerful as Daantrian in Springs'. Then the result in exchange is definitely the ridicule and puzzlement of all the casters.

So much so that now when confronted with Ronald and the artificial gods.

These people couldn't help but think of the shouting of the wizard of Barrier Mountain.

——Ronald's ability to decipher the original code.

No matter how complicated the thoughts of others are.

In a head-to-head environment, Ronald himself has no time to deal with these things now.

First of all, he confirmed the behavior of the artificial gods through the fight just now.

That ridiculously fast movement speed is not a magic of teleportation, but a certain ability to accelerate to the limit in a short period of time. This is the result obtained by Ronald observing the environment after both sides retreated a few meters.

——A swift wind stirred up around him.

If the artificial deity came to him by teleportation, then there is absolutely no possibility of such physical interference. It could only be that the artificial deity used some kind of magic to speed up the speed limit. also good news.

Comparing extremely high speed with teleportation, is the former better to deal with?


Eyes locked around the artificial god.

Ronald let out a long breath.

While trying to keep himself as calm as possible during the battle, he also maximized his magic power to strengthen his body, preparing to launch the next attack on the artificial god.

At this moment.

Ronald saw something different.

Originally, the artificial **** whose eyes were slightly opened and his expression was unsmiling, the corners of his mouth actually evoked an arc!

This guy... is laughing?

There must be something bad about to happen!

Aware of this change, the power of the sunburst on Ronald's body suddenly soared, and while he was chanting the spell, he activated the power of [The Angel of God] to the maximum extent and galloped forward.

The next second, the almost burning jet-black holy sword slashed over the enemy's head.

Facing Ronald's attack.

The smile on the face of the artificial deity increased instead of decreasing.

This guy is still just using magic power to activate spells, and then put his hands in front of him.


Another collision of attack and defense, and the result was no surprise.

Ronald's blow did knock the artificial gods back again, but there was no further result.

"The greatest increase in the productivity of labor, and the greater proficiency, skill, and judgment in the use of labor, seem to be the result of the division of labor..."

At this moment, the spell Ronald was chanting just now happened to be completed.

[Invisible Hand] The spell appeared immediately.

This kind of spell, whose strength is uncertain, once again exerted its effect in this environment.

The seemingly indestructible defenses on the arms of the artificial gods.

Just when the spell was formed, it was instantly torn apart by this power.

It's a pity that [Invisible Hand] can be trusted only at the beginning. After that, the magic power of the spell dissipated quickly, and it had no other follow-up power except for the only result of breaking the defensive spell.

Of course, that was enough for Ronald.

What he lacks is an opportunity to break through the defense and then attack directly!

So at the same time as the artificial god's defensive spell was broken, Ronald's synchronized sword followed closely, slashing from top to bottom.


The effect of this attack was immediate.

Because the defensive spell was destroyed by the [invisible hand], the artificial deity actually fought with the practical arm and the blade of the sword of Santa Caterina.

Even its own flesh has enough strength.

However, in the face of such a holy sword that is completely covered with the power of the sun and has been passed down from ancient times to the present, this level of strength is far from enough.

In an instant.

The artificial deity is used to resist the arm, which is cut directly from the joint at the base of the forearm. The jet-black blade, burning with the power of the sun, came all the way to the chest of the artificial **** smoothly, and then continued to slash.


A very harsh friction sounded on the blade.

The flesh and blood were still cut open in an instant.

But when the blade of the Sword of Santa Caterina slashed above the artificial god's shoulder blade, Ronald couldn't continue to push the saint's legacy in his hand.

The hardness of the bones of the artificial gods is completely different from that of the forearm joints.

Even though this sword has already caused the effect of dividing flesh and blood, it still cannot cut off the bones and continue to cause damage to the internal organs below.

Ronald frowned.

There's definitely something wrong with this guy's bones.

Even the sword of St. Catalina combined with the power of the sun shines continuously - it must be the result of special strengthening!

"Ha ha……"

Suddenly, a scene contrary to common sense appeared in front of Ronald.

The artificial deity who lost an arm did not show any pain or anger at all at this moment, but instead laughed softly.

Taking the distance between Ronald and this guy now.

You can even hear a trace of ridicule in the other party's tone!


"This spell is "The Wealth of Nations"..."

The artificial deity spoke, and while pointing out the source of the spell, it completely opened its eyes.

Those eyes with red pupils and empty white eyes like an abyss stared at Ronald, in addition to ridicule and hostility, there was also a full desire to kill and tyranny!

This guy is about to attack!

Ronald instantly realized how bad the situation was.

From the beginning of the confrontation to the present, the artificial gods have only launched a few attacks, and the rest of the time is basically quietly resisting Ronald's attacks.

This kind of weak and defensive attitude will not be the strategy that the opponent will choose at all!

The performance in the battle just now should be the price of what the artificial gods are preparing behind the scenes. Now this secret hand is ready to complete, so it will have such a reaction!


At this moment.

The dazzling light exploded in front of Ronald with a loud noise.

[Guardian Angel] The white light instantly lit up and then faded away. Then Ronald stepped back in the air, paralysis and pain wrapped around him directly.

The attack that the artificial gods have been brewing for a long time.

It turned out to be lightning!


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