Mystic Dominator

Chapter 642: bottomless

The hurricane fell straight from the sky.

With the end of the spell of the sorcerer of the fortress mountain, a terrifying air current circling like a large tornado descended on the sea.

This sudden hurricane surrounded the entire battlefield.

It even connects the seawater below, so that the violent hurricane is mixed with violent water currents, so that the entire space is sealed from top to bottom.

Ronald couldn't help thinking of the whirlpools in the sea and the spiral airflow in the air.


——This guy is the culprit who affected the battlefield before.

But now, in order to defend against the attack in front of him, the sorcerer cast his spells more violently.

And as the target of this spell in particular.

Ronald just summoned the black fog of hell, and was also involved in the sea water and hurricane.

Only a few seconds passed.

A pitch-black curtain wall containing enormous magic power completely surrounds this place.

If anyone dares to touch this thing at this moment...

There are only two consequences of not being able to defend.

- Torn to shreds by hurricanes and sea water.

——Or be directly defeated by Ronald’s black fog of hell.


At this moment, Ronald couldn't help but look up at the sky.

Compared with the dangerous environment around it, the clouds in the center of the cyclone were completely pulled out, resulting in an extremely clean sky.

No need for any tools.

Now, as long as you look up slightly, you can see the bright night sky and the moon showing a corner.

"It's not bad..."

He smiled and shook his head.

Ronald was not discouraged because his spell was thwarted.

He clenched his right hand tightly holding the Sword of Santa Caterina, and then chanted a familiar incantation:

"From the relationship between the whole earth and the sky will begin to constitute our cognition."

Activates the spell of "Astronomers".

Ronald didn't use [Measure Length] to assist him this time.

He imitated the previous holder of this original script, and exerted two abilities of [Equal Wheel] and [Astral Traction] on many of the Barrier Mountain wizards at the same time.

[Jun Lun] dragged the person and flew out.

And [Astral Traction] controlled them to come in front of Ronald.

Thus, a simple and effective attack emerged.

Under the interference of the spells that maximized their output, the Barrier Mountain wizard, who was less defensive, had no time to make any defenses. Just the moment they realized that the attack was coming, their bodies were directly torn apart by two completely different forces.

clap clap-

One or two or three blood flowers exploded in the air.

At this time, the artificial deity who had been motionless for a while finally moved. It still didn't open its eyes, but simply waved its hand in front of it.



A strange voice sounded in the air.

The wizard who was still fighting against the power of "Astronomers" later got rid of the death threat almost at the same time.


at the same time.

Ronald's eyes narrowed in the air opposite him.

Of course, he knows the status of his spells very well.

At the moment when the artificial god's voice landed, Ronald felt a magic power falling like a guillotine with the opponent's movements, directly cutting off the magic power he provided for the spell.

——It's a new spell again.

Just like the artificial gods praised Ronald's strength for the improvement.

At this moment, seeing the new spells from the artificial gods, Ronald couldn't help feeling how difficult the enemy was and how powerful Queen Daantrian was.

I was able to fight with such an enemy just now.

And then it has an extremely obvious ability to suppress the lurking sea monster...

It's really awesome...

in danger!

Immediately dodge to the left!

Suddenly, a rootless alert sounded in Ronald's heart, and he almost subconsciously obeyed the sense of crisis and flashed to the left!


Then, nothing happened.

There is no magic wave in the air.

There was no real attack that hit his position just now.

Ronald frowned.

The momentary vigilance just now was actually a hint given to him by the [Instinct] spell in Origin of Species.

An original spell enhancement.

You can't go wrong with this kind of joint, right?

Soon, reality told Ronald that the early warning mechanism of [Instinct] did not go wrong.

Because not long after he got out of the way, the artificial **** in the air on the opposite side opened his mouth:

"Can you detect my attack?"

Just waiting for Ronald to respond.

The white-robed wizard behind the man-made **** directly told the truth first:

"It's [instinct]!"

"This guy used Ella's original script, that's Ella's ability - it's called the [Instinct] Strengthening Technique!"


"He... how could he have deciphered Ella's original code so quickly?"

"That's at least a spell that only comes from the second half of the original text!"

In the shouting, the white-robed wizard's tone gradually distorted.

In addition to the anger at Ronald's last incident with Ella, it was mixed with confusion and fear.

Although Ronald entered Fortress Mountain.

But according to the divine script data extracted by the other party, it should be impossible for him to decipher the text type of "Origin of Species".

To know for them.

In fact, it has only been a little more than a day since Fortress Mountain sent the Senator Wizard.

Normal humans learn spells...

It is absolutely impossible to do so!


At this moment, Ronald didn't pay any attention to the other party's thoughts at all.

He first turned his head to look at the people in Springs behind him, and what he thought in his mind was—this time his old bottom was revealed.

The cry of the white-robed wizard of Barrier Mountain.

It has been revealed that Ronald himself has the ability to decipher the original code beyond common sense.

This kind of information, combined with his activities in Springs and Burrenwich, and people who have a lot of information about Ronald, can easily judge such a result.

If it is confirmed with something like a prophetic spell...

Comparing [Nine Rings Secret Society] the missing book "Book of" even if he were to deal with the Barrier Mountain wizard, he would definitely encounter a lot of trouble.

This is also very intuitive in reality.

With Ronald's eyesight, he could clearly see one of the three ministers of the Bureau of Investigation, but now the look in his eyes is not quite right.

Even in a dangerous battlefield.

Afterwards, the attitude of such people can be roughly figured out without guessing.


"It's troublesome enough..."

Ronald cursed in a low voice, turned his head and continued to focus on the wizard at Fortress Hill.

Since the artificial gods launched an invisible attack on him just now.

Then the battle has come to the most critical moment.

It's time to decide the winner.


Ronald is not the only one with this kind of thinking!

At this moment, a picture flashed in front of Ronald's eyes, and an almost pure white figure appeared in front of him before he could react.

Only those red eyes that were slightly opened.

Announced its identity—

Artificial gods.


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