Mystic Dominator

Chapter 641: Shadow method

At the same time as the voice fell.

Ronald simultaneously activated the spells of [Angel of Dominion] and [Angel of Archon] in "Paradise", and the double attack of words and force instantly arrived in front of the artificial god.

at the same time.

Ronald himself rushed forward with the black holy sword in his hand.

It's late at night in Springs, and he can activate all his strengthening spells. Even compared to the last time he fought against this artificial **** at Fortress Mountain, Ronald now has an extra book of "Origin of Species". The original.

Even if the real world is not like the [Infinite Negative Field], it has a great degree of blessing on all spells.

But now Ronald.

Still showing power far beyond the human level.

The figure left an afterimage in the air, and he appeared in front of the artificial **** in the next instant, and the sword of Santa Caterina covered with the power of the sun stabbed out!


A crisp sound.

At this moment, the artificial gods still have their eyes closed.

But just in front of it, a translucent film blocked it, and also blocked the attack of the Sword of Santa Caterina on the outside.


"It's getting stronger again..."

In the face of such an attack, the artificial **** just bowed his head slightly.

It has a very precise grasp of the difference between the two worlds and the changes in power, so even if the gap is far, it still immediately perceives that Ronald's strength has improved from the last time he met.

and the opposite.

It was Ronald who stabbed the sword.

Through the first attack of this meeting, he confirmed the fact that the injury of the artificial **** had been repaired.

In the face of his own double spell plus a sword attack.

The figure of the artificial **** just retreated a few meters in the air, and there was no other response.

Compared with the encounter in the [Infinite Negative Number Field], the enemy's ability is obviously much stronger!

"Looking for death!" "Presumptuous!" "Go away!"

At the same time, the wizards of other surrounding fortress mountains also reacted.

With the uneven roar, complex and diverse spells greeted Ronald at almost the same time.


The white light of the [Guardian Angel] lit up.

In just an instant, the light that protected Ronald alternated between bright and dark many times.

After all, this is the power of the holders of the digital original at the same time.

Even though the [Guardian Angel]'s defensive ability is very good, it can't stand the continuous attacks of this frequency and intensity.

The flickering and flickering of the light is actually the alternating phenomenon of the weakening and strengthening of the [Guardian Angel] - and because Ronald doesn't need to move now, he can immediately activate spells when his mind moves.

Otherwise, you will face such a large number of spell bombardments at the same time.

I'm afraid he has no chance of surviving.


At this time, the artificial **** watched Ronald being directly repelled by the intensive spells, and spoke again in a very calm tone:

"I can give you a promise."

"Honestly give up resistance, and serve for Barrier Mountain in the future, you can survive today..."


The chest of the artificial **** suddenly exploded!

Although the damage was blocked by defensive spells, it was still confused by this sudden attack.

What is it, bypassing the heavy spells and appearing directly in front of it?

The artificial **** raised his eyes to look at Ronald.

But Ronald, who was in the air on the opposite side, was also at a loss - he was now extracting the magic power of the original script, and then chanted the spell "At this moment, please stare into the deep valley. The river of blood is in front of you!", ready to change the environment of the entire maritime battlefield. here we go!

The puzzling situation didn't last long.

Just a few seconds later, half of his head stretched out from the shadow of the artificial god's chest. His eyes swept over the artificial god's body for a moment, and then immediately retracted.


This head moves very fast.

But for a spellcaster at the level of Ronald or an artificial god, this moment is enough for them to see the appearance of each other.

The appearance of that half head.

There is no doubt that he looks like the head of the Investigation Bureau!


Ronald instantly turned his head to look back.

It was immediately discovered that the director of the Bureau of Investigation, who had led the Springs line of defense back, had disappeared into the darkness at this moment.

This is not simply moving positions.

Even in the perception of Ronald's "Rage" power, the Director of the Investigation Bureau has completely disappeared around the port area. Except for the attack on the artificial **** at that moment, there is no trace of him left here.

At this time, it was the Barrier Mountain that reacted first.

Compared with the real world where spell information is blocked in order to protect information, the Barrier Mountain wizards who work together to study spells have already made a judgment and warned loudly:

"The shadow-moving method, the shadow-moving method!"

"I have seen records in the library. This is a spell that hides in the dark world of shadows. Only when this guy attacks, can we counterattack him!"


"Shadowing method..."

The call of the sorcerer of Barrier Mountain not only reminded his companions.

From this series of reminders, Ronald also realized the meaning of the investigation chief's spell.

Although it is not clear about the original text and magic principle of the other party.

But only from the current situation, this should be an assassination spell lurking in the shadow world, using attributes such as darkness and shadow.

So...isn't that just right?

There was a smile on Ronald's mouth.

With the interruption of the raid by the Director of the Investigation Bureau, he has successfully finished reading several poems of "The Divine Comedy", and at the same time, he has also extracted the magic power of the original script to strengthen it.


next moment.

A large amount of black mist emerged from behind Ronald.

Because of extracting the magic power of the original to strengthen it, the appearance speed and concentration of the black fog of **** this time are far more than any time before. It was supposed to be a tumbling and spreading spell, but now there is even an exaggerated momentum of a hurricane!

Feeling the power contained in Ronald had considerable expectations for this attack.

Under this level of magic attack.

Not to mention those wizards who are not prepared to defend, even if the protection ability is slightly weaker, it is absolutely impossible to resist!

At this moment, Ronald heard a voice on his shoulder—

"Thank you."

Ronald turned his head sharply, only to see a shadow falling from his shoulder, the rest was empty air.

But Ronald still smiled.

Because he heard it—it was the voice of the director of the Bureau of Investigation.

The pitch-dark environment created by the black fog of **** perfectly matches the casting environment required by the opponent's shadow-moving technique.

However, such a huge movement.

It's impossible to be ignored by the wizards of Barrier Hill.

Realizing the danger of this spell in front of him, among the Barrier Mountain wizards who also formed a team, someone immediately recited their spell aloud against the black fog.

Ronald could vaguely hear a few key words:

"Research plan A!

About the continent of Europa..."


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