Mystic Dominator

Chapter 640: Artificial God? Confusion

It is different from the monster defense battle on the port.

While Datrian was dealing with the problem, the battle on the seas of Shen Riyang had turned into a one-sided situation.

Without the fighting power of Daantrian, who could face the artificial **** head-on, the defenders of Springs couldn't maintain the previous chaotic battle situation, and could only gather together to fight against the attack of the wizards of Barrier Mountain.

And this result...

Except for a few people such as the director of the Bureau of Investigation.

Almost all of those who belonged to the Springs defenders were injured, and the worst were unable to do anything but move.

"Everyone, it seems that your queen has abandoned you?"

At this time, there was naturally a shaman from Fortress Mountain who planned to increase the pressure on the enemy psychologically, and the joking sound of sarcasm immediately came out from under the robe.

However, the caster on the Springs side was very quiet.

Investigators who have experienced this kind of battle have become the backbone of the team. These strong men who have experienced countless incidents to achieve this position are completely familiar with life and death.

Rather than quarreling with the enemy to tease your mood.

They are more willing to seize the time to build defenses to resist the arrival of the next wave of attacks from the other side.

Follow behind.

The situation on the warship was in complete chaos.

When Daantrian left, Barrier Mountain successfully dispatched more wizards to attack here. The close combat personnel of the Protection Support Department and Defense Department were already in a hard fight, and they could not even complete their duty to protect their companions.

—The scale of victory.

——The wizard who completely fell to the fortress mountain.

In the original world line, Daantrian did not organize a team in advance. After the wizard who raided Springs launched an indiscriminate attack on the casters present, the opponent facing all the casters was at a disadvantage.

But what about now?

Instead, Daantrian's organization became the fuse that led to the disadvantage.

The casters of the other schools in the city were not attacked, and only regarded the Bulwark Mountain wizards as attackers who challenged the Queen's authority - they naturally had no reason to join the battle immediately.

Plus the sea monster that suddenly came out of the sea.

The current situation in Springs is absolutely terrible.


It's just that the artificial gods seem to have a different understanding of the current situation.

When it took advantage of the opportunity of Daantrian's departure, after leading the wizard of the barrier mountain to suppress the group of spellcasters. The figure of the artificial **** suddenly stopped in the air, and at the same time raised his head slightly.

Although the eyes are closed.

But it still seemed to be paying attention to something in the air.

This kind of abnormal performance was naturally noticed by the wizards in the barrier mountain. A wizard in a white robe immediately approached the artificial god, and then asked in a low voice:

"Mortimer, are you...?"

The artificial **** shook his head slightly, and his voice almost murmured:

"Three Pure Realms..."

"How could he be here?"

"Is that impossible?"

The white-robed wizard frowned.

Although the artificial god's voice was very low, he immediately realized the meaning of the other party's words.

"Three Pure Realms..."

The white-robed wizard was planning to continue asking questions.

But just before he opened his mouth, a light flashed from the sky and stopped directly in the middle of the wizard and the Springs caster.

At this moment, the people on both sides were silent.

The guy who suddenly appeared was a young man, holding a sleek black long sword in his hand, and the bright hot light completely protected him and the wings behind him.

And what's even more amazing is-

Just the magic power escaping from this man is enough to make people realize the gap between him and normal casters.

Make an analogy.

If the total amount of mana in an original holder is one hundred.

Then judging from this man's current performance, he has at least a total of more than 500 - this is a difference of more than five times!

The air was silent for a few seconds.

Then the director of the Bureau of Investigation recognized the identity of the person coming from his back.

So he asked in a surprised tone:

"You... Ronald Adler?"


Ronald nodded slightly, then raised his hand and gestured to show his friendly stance towards Springs. The reason why he didn't rush to the battlefield as soon as he came back was mainly because Patricia was seriously injured in the water.

Ronald specially brought Patricia back to the city to settle down.

Then he returned to the battlefield in the port area at the fastest speed.

As far as the results are concerned—

He shouldn't be too late.

At this moment, the white-robed wizard on the side of the barrier mountain said:

"How could you be here..."

"No, Ella... What happened to Ella and Glenta!"

Ronald didn't even react for the first time.

He thought for a few seconds before realizing that the name the other party asked was the six-member council member he killed in the [Infinite Negative Realm].

So, Ronald showed a bright smile.

At the same time, the original call of "The Origin of Species" is displayed in the hand:

"Look at this, what do you think?"


The wizard in white robe widened his eyes for a moment.

He recognized the cover of On the Origin of Species and knew what it meant.

"Ella is an important person who guarantees our eternal life!"

"And you... how dare you kill her!"

As soon as the voice fell, the magic power of the white-robed wizard was surging, and the whole person was about to fly towards Ronald with a fierce look on his face.

Just before that.

The artificial **** reached out and stopped him.

"calm down!"

"The ability of immortality is not only achieved by Ella's spells. Don't mess up in front of the enemy."

The ferocity in the white-robed wizard's eyes was undiminished:


"That's Ella!"

"And Glenta and Alston, the three of them went together. Now...but now..."

The grief and anger in the white-robed wizard's tone was extremely real.

However, the artificial gods were not troubled by the loss of the three councillor wizards.

It just turned its head to the wizard in white robe, and then opened its red eyes slightly:

"I said - calm down."


There is magic in the words.

Hearing such a reminder that was almost an order, the wizard in white robe suddenly woke up from his uncontrollable anger.

At last he gave Ronald an indignant look.

Only then did he retreat to the rear of the artificial gods.

"Ronald Adler."

The artificial **** spoke again, first calling Ronald's name.

Ronald still said with a smile on his face:

"What? Are you planning to catch up with me before the battle, or avenge the three of them?"

"Emotions shouldn't affect the battle." The artificial **** calmly denied this, and then he said, "What I want to know is why you can appear here—and since you can leave the seal, why do I keep it? The person guarding the seal is all right?"

Ronald smiled, then raised the sword of Santa Caterina and pointed at him:

"You think I'll answer an enemy's question?"

"Idiot talking about a dream!"


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