Mystic Dominator

Chapter 639: Queen's Choice

The battle above the sea continues.

But this side of the port is surprisingly quiet.

Although these spellcasters saw the battle scene in their eyes, subconsciously, they still regarded this intelligent sea monster as a part of the battle, and had nothing to do with their spectators.

So after someone was attacked.

Eyes containing various responsible emotions spread across the port, and many of them began to fear.

"I-I think I have something to do"

"Go ahead."

Just a few seconds of silence.

Immediately, there were casters who were unwilling to watch the battle and chose to leave.

After all, this group of people thinks that the danger in this battle does not belong to them, and naturally there is no reason to stay here.

However, at the moment when these people were about to leave.

The calm sea cracked again.


The sea water splashed tens of meters of waves.

Under the reflection of the night, the pitch-black water that covered the sky was like a beast that devoured people, and the tentacles of the monster suddenly stretched out from the darkness.

The monster lurking under the sea has no idea.

They even attacked these spellcasters who were planning to leave!

Although these practitioners have taken precautions.

However, the huge size of the monster combined with the speed brought by the sudden attack, still successfully involved several casters into the sea water.



"Damn it!"

In this attack, the number of spectators killed far exceeded the first time.

Under this level of loss, the caster related to the victims was furious, and began to prepare their own lethal spells after scolding, and several voices chanting spells rang out on the port.

A caster who can come here.

In fact, they are all famous or powerful people.

After being attacked twice by a monster, and even involving the hands of their own school, it is naturally impossible for these spellcasters to sit still.

Just a few seconds.

These skilled casters perform spells.

Several spell effects in different forms spread from the port.

Among them, there are more powerful enemy search techniques, and there are also direct and violent attacks. What's more, they start to change the nature of the sea water, intending to start directly from the water quality that accommodates the monster itself.


Among them, spells that change the nature of sea water are the most effective.

Before the other spells showed their effects, the monsters lurking in the sea could no longer bear the changes in the environment. Nearly one-third of their bodies rushed out of the sea and pressed directly onto the pier.


At this time, the monster made a sound like a low whimper.

The waving tentacles smashed directly at the casters on the dock.

boom boom boom

The loud crashing sound was incessant.

Taking advantage of its huge size, every slap of this monster's tentacles is a disaster for humans. The port designed for berthing ships could not resist such an attack at all, and most of them were abruptly demolished within ten seconds.

Although the caster is also struggling to attack.

However, this kind of physical awareness made their attacks not very effective. At best, they continued to provoke the sea monsters whose aggression gradually increased.


"Go away!"

At this moment, a roar filled with anger sounded in the air.

Seeing his city being so devastated, Daantrian in the battle couldn't bear it any longer. In a way that did not match the rhythm of the battle, she drew from the golden phantom behind her.

A book as thick as a dictionary.

In this way, she was held in her hands from real to virtual.


The next moment, a crimson light appeared on Daantrian.

The light with powerful magical power repels everything around it, and even the artificial gods cannot avoid this result.

Then a figure rushed out from the scarlet light, and in the blink of an eye, he had reached the port.

"Listen to Elber, take someone to shelter immediately."

"Minimize losses as much as possible!"

The only person who came out could be Datrian.

She uses spells to make her voice travel farther, while fingers find the entry she needs on the page

"Volume 1, 503, Page 1, Item 1"


The aura that belongs to the art of perfection surrounds Daantrian.

At this moment, the spells cast by Daantrian's hands are not in the same dimension as ordinary investigators.

Directly holds the original body, the blessing of perfection, and powerful magic

With the blessing of Daantrian's already powerful abilities, the effect of this spell falls directly on the enemy.

The monsters that are ravaging the port are huge.

However, in the face of the strongest holder of the original human scriptures in the world, its mountain-like body was instantly drained of power, and its body, which was originally a soft structure, fell directly into the port.


The monster's body had already climbed more than halfway out of the water.

Being directly knocked down by Daantrian's spell, the result was that it was immediately pressed on a large building in the port area, and the buildings that were destroyed as a result could hardly be counted for a while.

And completed the blow.

The magical fluctuations surrounding Daantrian also immediately weakened significantly.

In order to deal with this monster immediately, the Queen of Gred clearly made her own brush

At this time, a figure on the ground instantly flew up.

Seeing that Datrian was obviously weakened, he didn't even need the wizards from Barrier Mountain to come to do it. The magician from another country with bad intentions would immediately attack the queen at this time.

For these people.

This is definitely a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

In the port area on the other side, there are also investigators eager to **** them to the ground, trying to intercept the unscrupulous practitioners.


"Three volumes, three hundred and sixty-two pages, third item"

It's a pity that Datrian is still the strongest who rules Springs after all. Facing the attack, she just sneered, and after quickly chanting the spell, she punched the opponent's head!


A low muffled sound.

Before the supporting investigators came over, Daantrian took the initiative to face the enemy. With a straight punch that was as fast as lightning, he forcibly hit the guy in the air and exploded into a ball of fireworks!

At this time, the investigator who arrived consciously changed his mind and asked:

"Your Majesty, what about the principle of confidentiality?"

Daantrian replied with a clear purpose:

"This is not what we need to consider now. Ensuring the safety of the people in the city is the first priority."

"I will find a way to solve the enemy over there, you must"


Suddenly, a deep voice sounded from the ground in the port area.

The huge monster that was supposed to be completely incapacitated, actually started to move again at this time!



In the face of such bad news, Daantrian is certainly not in a better mood.

Just before continuing to deal with this monster.

Datrian suddenly raised his head and glanced at the sky.


There seems to be a faint light flying above the sea

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