Mystic Dominator

Chapter 638: quiet water

Above the sea, the battle continues.

The result of Patricia's falling into the sea was placed on the entire battlefield, but it was actually only a small wave.

Even after she fell into the sea.

Barrier Mountain Wizard, who continued to try to attack the support department, was directly defeated because of the loss of a flying board, and the battle changed little by little in this tug of war.

However, after another spell confrontation.

Everything is different.

The head of the Investigation Bureau, who had just grabbed the neck of the enemy wizard, first discovered a change that had quietly appeared during the battle.

Beneath the swirling whirlpool of the sea below.

Suddenly, a huge shadow appeared.

This thing only depends on the volume, and it is even larger than the whirlpool in the center of the sea by a full circle!

"Your Majesty, there is something under the sea!"

The Director of Investigation immediately opened his mouth to remind Queen Datrian.

Because he sensed the magic fluctuations from this shadow, he subconsciously thought that this was also the work of the Bulwark Mountain sorcerer. After all, this group of people has complete techniques one after another, and no one can guarantee that the other party has any means.

Soon, however, the head of the investigation bureau, or most of the people in the battle.

All realize one thing, this shadow is not the enemy's means.

After all, whether it's the wizards of Barrier Mountain or the defensive force of Springs, they are always on the lookout for changes in the sea below.

As warring each other, this is something that is easy to detect.


Then the problem arises.

What is this shadow that is constantly approaching above the sea? Who made it up?

Only from the strength of the magic power that has become clearer and the huge volume for reference, we can know that it is not an existence that ordinary spellcasters can toss.

this moment.

Even the stalemate battle slowed down slightly.

Both sides are not sure what the purpose of this sudden third-party force is.

However, the changes in combat did not affect the shadows beneath the sea.

Even though it is still night, the shadow of this approaching shadow is still growing in the reflection of the fierce battle.


Suddenly, a hot figure rushed out of the sea.

Before the huge shadow, this ordinary human-sized voice shot straight into the sky at a terrifying speed, and in just a blink of an eye, it got into the swirling clouds, making it impossible for people to see his appearance at all.


"This is impossible!"

At this moment, the man-made **** of Fortress Mountain suddenly shouted.

It is not like any wizard or spellcaster in the arena, and even at the moment when it competes with Daantrian, it can't control its emotions and says loudly:

"He shouldn't be here!"

"This is impossible!"

At this moment, if someone carefully observes the expressions of the artificial gods.

You will find that the red eyes that it has kept tightly closed are slightly opened, which is the puzzlement of reality and the fear of some phenomenon!


Just don't wait for the artificial gods to continue to do something.

Just a few seconds after it shouted, the originally rotating sea surface was directly torn by a huge change.

The center of the vortex, which should have been sunk downward, suddenly rose.

The swirling water flow, which seems to be played by children under circumstances beyond its own volume, flows into the sea feebly toward the surroundings like a fountain when it is closed.

Then, the huge dark blue head protruded from the sea surface through the sea water, and there were several terrifying tentacles stretched out around the current.

At this time, even the violent fluctuations of magic power could not continue to affect the flow of the sea water, and the monster's huge body stabilized the originally chaotic scene like a needle.


After an inconspicuous sound.

The eyelids of the sea monster's head were opened in turn, revealing the huge eyeballs that were as large as the house behind them, protected by eye masks.

The dark yellow eyeballs make a full circle at an angle that cannot be imitated by humans.

All the scenes above the sea were quickly confirmed.

And the human beings that it was looking at immediately felt a burst of fear from the depths of their hearts, as if they were looking at life from a higher level in some kind of biological chain.



A picture that is very inconsistent with people's imagination appeared.

After confirming the situation on the sea, the monster's first choice was not to attack the crowd, but to dive directly into the water.

Immediately after, special magic power fluctuations emerged from this sea monster.

In just a few seconds, the shadow that could still be seen above the sea surface completely melted into the water, and at the same time the sea surface was calmed down by some kind of force, as calm as a mirror.

Now I still want to find this monster in the sea with the naked eye.

It's basically just a fool's dream.


In the face of this situation, the Wizard of Barrier Mountain and Springs rarely stopped.

The moment the sea monster appeared just now.

The extent to which it affects people's hearts is incalculable.

Not to mention that this guy's current reaction is absolutely dangerous.


The sea monster confirmed the casters in this group of battles, and confirmed their abilities in battle.

So it lurks very intelligently under the sea.

It did not directly confront these spellcasters.

A huge sea monster with intelligence, at the same time threatening human beings, and extremely As long as there is no problem with the brain used for thinking.

All understand that this is the common enemy that threatens all mankind.


In humans, however, sanity usually does not persist, especially in combat.

After only a few seconds of silence.

The eyes of Daantrian and the artificial deity met.

None of them spoke, and almost simultaneously restarted the spell to greet each other.

And take two leaders as an example.

The other casters who just stopped activated their magic power without hesitation, and continued to attack after chasing the enemy before them. Even if some people care about the monsters lurking in the sea below, but in such a dangerous battlefield, they have absolutely no chance to make a move.

At this time, the other casters who stayed on the land responded.

Because of their involvement in combat, many of them began to turn their attention to the sea water, and some even cast spells directly to test it.

After some probing, the casters began to discuss:

"What is that thing?"

"How do I know that!"

"Didn't you use spells just now? What did you find?"

"No, not at all"

"That thing gone?"

"Look at this sea, it looks like that thing has gone?"

"But my spell is mine, I'm not here to stay, whoever wants to stay here, anyway, I'm not here to continue watching the play!"


this moment.

The huge tentacles rushed out of the water and came directly to the person who had just cast the spell.

Then, with a few people around, the tentacles swept them into the depths of the sea together.


The surface of the water swayed slightly, and soon there was no movement.

Then continue to be as quiet as a mirror.

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