Mystic Dominator

Chapter 637: under the whirlpool

The magic power instantly became violent with Patricia's movements.

The three positions of the Barrier Mountain Wizard and her own position are in the air in four places. At the same time, with the positions of the four of them as the center, a light black line with a rectangle nested in a circle emerges.

The next second.

Patricia disappeared in place.

Or in other words, at this time, her figure instantly shuttled in the air, flashing at the three positions of the enemy wizard at a speed far beyond normal, and almost simultaneously slashed completely different fatal slashes at the opponent.



A sound of blood being torn apart.

After two loud bangs of metal hitting each other.

Patricia's figure once again returned to the center of the rectangle where she was at the beginning.

Correspondingly, one of the enemies in the air fell into the sea, and the other two blocked the attack. The flying boards they controlled also had obvious sharp weapon cutting cracks.

"very good!"

"Even in the outside world, are you Nicklaus still advancing the study of the original text!"

The wizard of Fortress Hill once again distanced himself from Patricia.

He stared at the lines of the magic circle that followed him, and the admiration in his tone was the same as before.

"At the time of the decisive battle, didn't you, Nicklaus, guarantee absolute neutrality? Why do you have to fight against me for them now?"

Having said that, one of the two figures pointed backward:

"Look, don't you understand the current situation?"

"Wizards with wisdom should be on the winning side!"


The picture pointed out by the Wizard of Fortress Mountain is indeed very realistic.

Although the spellcasters led by Daantrian are very effective in combat, it is inevitable that they will be at a disadvantage when dealing with the two-digit wizards who can use complete spells on Barrier Mountain.

In the huge vortex formed by the magic storm.

The portion occupied by the Datrian side is now close to two-fifths.

Without new incidents or helping hands, failure is almost a foregone conclusion in this battle.

Patricia subconsciously looked at the land in the port area.

At this moment, many spellcasters from other countries or forces are still watching the battle with great interest.

these people……

Suddenly, Patricia shook her head slightly.

She did not continue to imagine those 'what ifs', but clenched the cold blade in her hand and waved her sword again to attack the enemy.


Seeing that Patricia had no hope of persuading her to surrender, the wizard of Fortress Mountain finally scolded, and the magic power on her body became more powerful.

bang bang—

At this moment, two black shadows shot out from the vortex of the sea below.

The two flying boards shot down by Patricia just now tore apart the sea water and flew into the air, forming a flanking attack with the two controlled above, directly blocking any direction that Patricia could dodge.

Twice persuaded to surrender to no avail.

The sorcerer of Barrier Mountain has no plans to continue making noise.

If Nicklaus can only be used as an enemy, it would be more appropriate to die immediately.


There was a dull low sound where they fought.

At this moment, relying on the unreserved magic power enhancement, Patricia's swung up Chilling Blade almost has the sharpness to sever everything, so when she came into contact with the flying board of the Barrier Mountain Wizard, she cut it off forcibly. Got a piece!

It's a pity that the wizards of Barrier Mountain are also ruthless characters with rich combat experience.

As the first spellcaster who planned to destroy the support department, he immediately realized that this was his chance to defeat this Nicklaus.

At the moment when the blade cut off his flying board.

The other two flying boards suddenly accelerated, seized this opportunity to avoid the blade of the cold blade, and firmly clamped the sword directly from the side.

at the same time.

The last flying board hit Patricia directly!


At this moment, the choice came to Patricia.

If she chooses to let go of the attack to avoid the attack, she can still dodge the attack.

But as a swordsman, her habit that was almost engraved in her blood prevented her from making such a choice. She still held the Chilling Blade tightly in her right hand, and she seized the opportunity and kicked the flying board sideways.


A muffled sound.

Patricia flew straight out.

Her choice of never letting go has indeed allowed her to keep the cold blade in her hand.

But what followed immediately was the unreserved attack by the Wizard of Barrier Mountain.

This is the original holder!

Although there is no complete spell blessing on this blow, it is also an attack that can directly kill most spell casters. Apart from the impact of the flying board itself, the accompanying magic erosion is enough to eat a pot.



Patricia fell into the water without incident.

But she didn't lose consciousness.

The support department guarded by Patricia is also watching the battlefield.

Although he wouldn't rush up to help directly, at the moment when the sorcerer's flying board on Fortress Mountain was approaching, someone still applied a defensive spell on Patricia's behalf, causing her to suffer only minor impact injuries.

However, this does not mean that Patricia is out of danger.

Wasn't defeated by the attack of the Bulwark Mountain sorcerer, but the trouble caused by the environment itself was very tricky.

At the moment Patricia entered the water.

A huge vortex stirred up by magic power brought her into it.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the girl approached the center of the whirlpool under the power of the sea, and was about to be pulled into a deeper water bottom.


Patricia immediately injected magic power into the blade.

Trying to use the power of the cold blade to help him escape.

But with the ability of a sword alone, it really can't keep up with the speed of the sea. At the moment when the ice cube froze, the water flow had already brought Patricia to the center of the whirlpool, and there was basically no possibility of borrowing strength.


It was dark in front of him.

Patricia was already swept under the sea by the whirlpool.

The body that was stirred by the violent current could not maintain her balance at all, and the constantly spinning picture in front of her was torn apart by the chaotic sea water. She couldn't even judge the direction she was the next moment.

Patricia's long white-blond hair hit the Chilling Blade under the agitation of the sea.

How can the hair fight against the blade?

In just an instant, Patricia's long hair was cut off by the Chilling Blade, and then wrapped around her face.

Vision tangled in his hair again in the dark sea.

Everything in front of him became indistinguishable.

For some reason, Patricia suddenly thought of Ronald.

If Ronald is still under the water in Springs, what kind of trouble will he encounter in this situation?

He continued to be swept down by the sea.

Will he meet Ronald who is also trapped here at the bottom of this sea?


Suddenly, at a moment when there was a gap in the field of vision.

Patricia vaguely saw that in the sea water in one direction, there seemed to be a very huge and terrifying shadow, gradually approaching her in the dark sea water.

And in front of this huge dark shadow...


There is another figure?


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