Mystic Dominator

Chapter 636: swirl

The spell that symbolizes death splashes in the air.

At this time, the magical fluctuations on the sea surface of Shen Riyang had become so cluttered that it was completely impossible to analyze except for a very small number of professional perceivers.

The Bulwark Mountain sorcerer shot unscrupulously.

The Assault Division is only a powerful attack to destroy the enemy.

And in the middle of the battlefield, Queen Daantrian and the man-made **** of Fortress Mountain, the huge vortex formed by the fight between the two. All of this constitutes a very chaotic and dangerous battlefield.

If you are a little careless.

Even the original holder who used to be at the top of the mysterious side.

Losing one's life in an instant is also a very simple and quick thing.

To be more precise, ordinary spellcasters can now completely tear people to shreds as long as they dare to approach the battlefield.

And below the sea surface, the sea water was also stirred into a huge whirlpool.

If the ships on this side of the port were not forcibly fixed by the casters of the Defense Department, they would be dragged into the pitch-black abyss in an instant.


"Patricia, should we think about the way back..."

At this time, the companion behind Patricia spoke up.

Standing on the deck and watching such an exaggerated scene, normal people would have such fear.

Patricia replied:

"We are safe here for now."

"Also, adjust your mentality. This kind of cowardice is often the biggest murderer of death in battle."


"Is this Nicklaus?"

The companion showed a helpless and bitter smile, while Patricia turned back and continued to watch the changes on the battlefield.

In all fairness, Patricia's location is relatively safe for now.

The queen leads the largest and most powerful assault team, and is closely entangled with the wizards of Barrier Mountain. The close combat unit she was in remained on the ship and was responsible for protecting the defense and supporting the two.

Among them, the spellcasters in charge of defense specially block the impact of war on the city, ensuring that no powerful spells directly damage the city, or prevent the ships from being dragged into the vortex of the battlefield by the sea, this is their main job.

The support department is rather special.

These people basically have no close combat ability, but they can provide assistance with spells such as curses, and they can also deal with special spells such as the previous cooling and cold wind, and even undertake the responsibility of healing.

Patricia's close combat team.

The actual task is to protect the defense and support department, so that these spellcasters who are not good at fighting will not be completely destroyed by a single attack by the fortress mountain.


Suddenly, a place flickered in the vortex of magic power.

Patricia, who was already ready, reacted in an instant. She rushed to the edge of the deck with just one step. She held the Chilling Blade and slashed three times in a row, causing the traces formed by the blade to form a triangle in the air.

ding ding dong——

A loud voice resounded at the intersection of the blades.

With the lightning-fast end of the fight, a metal-colored trapezoidal longboard just stagnated in the air outside the ship.


At this time, a figure turned from virtual to solid behind the longboard.

This is a middle-aged man in a long robe, and his attire completely belongs to the appearance of a sorcerer of Barrier Mountain.


Confirming the identity of the person in front of her, Patricia drew her sword and jumped high.

The support department, which was already in the battle, immediately responded, and the moment the girl's figure jumped into the air, the support spell for flying was entangled around Patricia.

Get the right help.

Patricia changed direction while holding the sword in one hand, and swiped her left foot in the air to change direction.


This time, Patricia took the sword with all her strength.

Although the enemy behind the longboard completely saw her movements, they still couldn't keep up with Patricia's speed. Jianguang circumvented the metal longboard and chopped off the guy's neck in an instant.

In an instant.

The enemy is headed apart.

The metal longboard also fell into the whirlpool of sea water in a runaway state.

But this guy himself did not leave a body, but turned from real to virtual just like when he appeared, and disappeared into the air within a few seconds.

brush brush --

At this time, three trapezoidal flying boards flew out from the battlefield, surrounding Patricia in the center from three directions.

In the same way, from the virtual to the real, three figures with exactly the same appearance and stature as just now appeared in an instant behind the flying board.


"I didn't expect that outside, your school still has inheritance."

Although he surrounded Patrice, the man did not act directly, but rather cherished his talents and invited him:

"Would you like to join our barrier mountain?"

"With our most professional help, you Nicklaus can directly decipher all the spells in the original tome. It is much more comfortable to join forces than to serve others. You should also understand this truth."


Patricia frowned.

She had no intention of opening her mouth at all, she swung the cold blade in her hand, and the attack was her best answer as a swordsman.

The Barrier Mountain wizard who already knew Patricia's identity was naturally prepared.

So when he swung out the long sword, he opened the distance first, and then continued to admire Patricia:

"This is the blade that beats the cold!"

"There was a madman with the Sword of Santa Caterina who attacked Fortress Mountain before and was directly subdued by us. I think it's better not to imitate that kind of madman and repeat the same mistakes."


At this time, Patricia turned her head and glanced at the deck of the warship.

The companions in charge of the close combat saw the level of the enemy, and immediately many people were ready to come to help them.

——This is the enemy's plan to spread out the protective force!

Patricia immediately made a judgment and shouted out without regard for her own safety:

"You guys! Handle your own tasks!"

A shout stopped the support of the Patricia raised the cold blade in her hand and stood in front of her, the position of the blade completely coincided with the center line of the human body.

Then, she rarely held the hilt of the sword with both hands.

Strengthen the magic power of the body, and connect the body to the cold blade in an instant.

Patricia's eyes were firm.

After fighting twice, she has determined that the enemy is a powerful original holder.

If you fight in the previous way, you have absolutely no certainty of winning, and you must show your trump card and fight to the death!

The girl's gaze passed through the blade to the enemy in the air.

Under the dark night, the momentum of the core battlefield became more and more powerful, and even the clouds above were stirred up by the spells during the battle, and the electric light flowed in the sky, turning the entire port into a terrifying scene like a demon.

The wizard of Barrier Mountain looked at him condescendingly.

In those eyes that had no fear at all, there was only a look down on Patricia and the desire to control.

His eyes were locked tightly on this guy.

Patricia said softly:

"A 30-degree acute angle, suppressed by a high position advantage, when slashing with a lateral arc..."


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