Mystic Dominator

Chapter 631: festive port

Payday celebration night.

Patricia stood alone in the port.

Although there are lively festivals around her, but because of her extremely recognizable white-blond hair, even if someone finds her figure, they will not take the initiative to talk to her.


Patricia watched the lively celebration in silence, then turned her head and looked back to the sea water at the edge of the pier. She gradually returned to her calm eyes without any ripples, and then sighed as if feeling the weather:


Patricia has experienced this kind of environment since she was a child.

When the commoners saw her, they naturally knew that this was a noble they should not contact; on the mysterious side, Nicklaus was almost put on the expression of 'never be approached', and of course no one would take the initiative to speak up; The natural hostility of those new nobles to the old nobles cut off the possibility of contact.

until now in adulthood.

Patricia was even quite used to this situation.

Standing quietly by the sea, Patricia experimented with her newly acquired abilities by herself. She still needs to continue to be familiar with the sudden slash, so that she can play a better role in actual combat.

clap clap-

Ronald was in the water for about half an hour.

Rhythmic footsteps approached from behind Patricia.

The girl turned her head and saw that the owners of the footsteps were three investigators from the Bureau of Investigation. One of them, Patricia, had met before, and was the elite investigator responsible for the security of Crown Road, Allport.

This guy was born in a noble family with a legacy of magic, and he was also a famous rookie spellcaster in Springs City.

The three approached Patricia, and Allport immediately saluted with a fairly standard gesture, and finally asked Patricia with a smile:

"Miss Patricia, I heard that you and Mr. Ronald were in town tonight and helped us deal with a lot of difficult issues. Let me thank you again first."

Allport bent down again to thank him, then looked up again:

"You also know that today is a rare harvest day celebration. Our investigation bureau is here...?"

Seeing that Allport was about to give another long speech, Patricia interrupted it in time:

"You mean to ask about Ronald's whereabouts?"


Allport blinked.

It was not the first time he had encountered such a conversation.

But Patricia, as a nobleman, interrupting the conversation like this is relatively rare.

Allport adjusted his expression quickly.

Then he immediately abandoned those prepared polite words and nodded directly to Patricia:

"That's right, we want to know Mr. Ronald's movements here."

"He is among the strongest known casters, and we cannot ignore such a presence."

Patricia was about to reach out to the sea.

But at this moment, she noticed a problem.

The investigators in charge of today's celebration are basically the most elite members of the Bureau of Investigation. Under this structure, activities are usually carried out in groups of two. Tonight at the Batida restaurant, the investigators who were in charge of tracking at that time also belonged to a team of two.

But now?

The investigators in front of her were in groups of three.

In this extremely important and critical situation, the Bureau of Investigation will still play a team composition of one old and two new ones? Going back 10,000 steps, this kind of three-person group can appear in other places, but it will never be the end of the celebration, such a top priority!

The hand that had just been raised was placed on the hilt of the sword, and Patricia's tone also changed:

"Allport, are you in a team of two tonight?"


For a moment.

The air is quiet.

The lively celebration scene on the side seems to be separated from here by an invisible barrier.

Patricia, who was already on guard, didn't need to say more.

The team of investigators on Allport's side also fell into a very strange atmosphere. When Allport, who was in charge of leading the team, heard the question, he subconsciously wanted to answer, but he couldn't say the words.

He wanted to say - "Naturally a team of two."

It is achievable.

His team is a team of three.

To be even more precise, when preparing for action in the morning and leaving the main group to split up, he still formed a team of two with his colleagues.

But don't know when.

There is one more person in the team of the two of them.

And no one noticed any difference whether it was on the mission today or when he was in contact with other colleagues of the Bureau of Investigation.

As if... this is what it should be!

Who is this extra person?

Assuming there is no reminder from Patricia, what will the final result be?

These questions only come to mind.

Allport's back was completely wet with cold sweat.

At this time, the situation that made him even more nervous appeared. Allport wanted to analyze the situation carefully. However, when he recalled what happened today, he found that he could not remember the appearance of this extra person at all.

I want to confirm the status of the other party.

He has to turn his head and look back now to do it!

- Undoubtedly psychic interference spells.

- When did you get recruited?


As an elite investigator, Allport was a bit of a bully for a while.

On the side is the lively celebration scene.

If you rashly attract the attention of ordinary people, then don't mention returning to Crown Road tomorrow, I am afraid that you will be able to go to the internal notice of the Bureau of Investigation!


At the same time, Patricia sighed softly.

The investigator's reaction in front of him already explained the problem. Looking at the guy at the end of the team who hid his face under the hood, Patricia grabbed the hilt of the sword with her right hand and quickly drew it.


The sound of metal collision sounded.

In the end, the cloak on the man was instantly split in two by Patricia.

But before the invisible sword stabbed the opponent's body, the guy jumped back just right, raised his arm at the same time, and blocked the damage with a metal wrist guard above.


This momentary fight seems to have turned on a switch.

Allport, who was frozen in place, jumped forward with his true companion in an instant and came to Patricia's side. Then when the two turned around, they also began to prepare their best spells.

On the other end, the enemy whose hooded cloak was cut open by Patricia stood there.

It also showed her appearance.

This is a young girl who looks very young, definitely less than twenty years old.

On a beautiful face that is hard to hide at night.

A pair of eyes as green as jewels were looking at Patricia—or rather, the long sword around her waist.


"Blade of Chilling?"

"The baby of the Nicklaus family can be brought out by such young people now. Is there a chance to lend me a chance to play?"

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