Mystic Dominator

Chapter 630: underwater ruins

Caves on the continental shelf are not straight inward.

Under Ronald's spell vision, the many shellfish spread on the cave walls gleamed like scattered crystal lamps to help him show the way.

Go around corners with four full turns.

After another seventy-meter straight road.

Ronald stomped on the finely textured wall of the water, and then crossed the path with the help of the thrust.


And then there's something amazing that comes out of nowhere!

After going through the cave, Ronald is now located directly below Springs.

And in this place.

There is a huge underground cave that can't be seen anywhere.

Although it is completely submerged by sea water, from what can be observed, there is definitely a huge space where a city can be put down!

dong dong——

At this time, the familiar water flow appeared again.

And it is different from the appearance of a few currents in the sea outside.

In the deeper position of the underwater cave, such water currents burst out innumerably, making the water flow in the entire space extremely chaotic.

Only a very small number of chaotic currents drilled into the caves can coincidentally extend into the sea outside.


in a cluttered water environment.

Ronald struggled to stabilize his position.

He tried to focus his vision on the source of the burst of water, but because of the distance, he couldn't see clearly over there.

Found this place.

What else can I do? Keep going!

Turning his body, Ronald continued to swim towards the bottom of this huge space.

Gradually approach the ground below.

Ronald's expression became more and more solemn.

In theory, it should belong to the ground of the underwater cave environment, and you can see many dilapidated buildings, including many ruins of buildings like ordinary houses, and business areas like markets or restaurants.

This is not a natural cave at all.

Rather, it is the remains of a city buried in the continental shelf!

Go deeper.

Ronald suddenly felt that some buildings looked familiar.

Slow down your swimming speed to organize your memory.

In Ronald's mind, a place similar to this ruin immediately emerged.

- Island Ruins!

During a previous typhoon event in Springs.

Ronald had entered the ruins beneath the island.

The architectural ruins there are very similar to the architectural type of this underwater cave, and it can even be said to be the same architectural style!

Are the ruins on the island related to the ruins of the city below Springs?

What kind of connection exists between the two?

Messy thoughts poured out in his heart, and Ronald couldn't grasp exactly where this place was based on the clues in front of him.

dong dong——

At this time, the water flow broke out again.

Because it is now close to the ruins of the city, Ronald quickly determined that the outbreak point was in the center of the city.

In the sea, Ronald waved with one hand.

This time it wasn't just the enhancement of "Origin of Species", Ronald used several spells to open the way together, increasing his speed by several levels and approaching the center of the city.

The further he went, the more Ronald saw.

It is indeed the same as the ruins on the island, and even the layout of the city is exactly the same. If expected, then the center of the city - the place where the water flows.

It should also be the same as the ruins on the island.

It's an altar-type building!


Another few minutes passed.

Ronald knew he had guessed wrong.

The speed at which reality slapped him in the face was too fast!

In the place where the altar should have been set up, a huge sea monster as terrifying as the North Sea Monster was entrenched here. Although the body size is not comparable to the scale of Baproul in the [Infinite Negative Number Field], it is definitely an outrageous body with a height of more than 100 meters.

When Ronald came here.

This massive monster seems to be dormant.

The water flow that was discovered before actually came from the physiological activity of this sea monster - it snorted seawater in its sleep as if a human were breathing air.

Because the location of this biological activity is all over the tentacles and body, countless streams of water appear here at intervals.

As for the magic in the water...

It was nothing but the remnants of the water flowing out of the monster's body.


At this moment.

Ronald stopped moving forward subconsciously.

He thought about the things he encountered in the labyrinth picture book. If he changed the style of painting, it should look like the thing in front of him.

- The situation is very simple.

- This is the enemy!

Putting aside the attack on Ronald in the picture book labyrinth, the activity of this guy dragging humans away from the well with his tentacles is by no means a good thing, and it may even be a species that treats humans as food.

So, a somewhat tangled question was placed in front of Ronald.

Want to get started now?

Before jumping into the sea, Ronald thought that what was hidden under the sea was the backhand of some wicked people, so he planned to deal with the problems here before the arrival of the sorcerer at Barrier Mountain, so as to ensure that there would be no future battles. Accident.

But now it seems...

This sea monster, which has obviously existed for a long time, does not need to consider whether it will interfere in the subsequent battles.

Ronald alone has to deal with something this big.

It must have taken a lot of work.

If being dragged here delays the battle with the Bulwark Mountain wizard, it will not be worth the loss.


Since it is not a cult warlock or [Nine Rings Secret Society].

Then leave it alone and come back to deal with this guy after the most important issue is dealt with.

Make a decision in your heart.

Ronald withdrew the spells that might have alerted the monster, and swam gently in the direction he came from.

He's not the type of guy in the movie who will alert the enemy at key moments.

There was hardly any movement, and Ronald quietly left the underwater cave all the way. Even if the current is unavoidable when swimming, it is controlled by him within a reasonable range.


From underwater ruins to tunnel openings.

It took Ronald over a quarter of an hour to get to where he came in.

He looked back at the deep blue water, the quiet underwater cave was exactly the same as the beginning, and his departure did not disturb anything, not even the fish in the water.

And now that he returns to the sea, he can also intercept the time before the Wizard of Barrier Mountain and return to in time.

Nodding with satisfaction, Ronald turned his head and swam out.


dong dong——

at the same time.

In the pitch-black sea, the sea monster entrenched in the center of the city spit out water again.

But this time after 'breathing'.

It didn't move as still as before.

The huge body just floated up in the pitch-black sea water, and the strange magic power was attached to its body surface, which wiped out all the movements when it was moving.

Equally silent.

It swam in the direction Ronald left - the tunnel opening.

The huge body is like a ghost lingering on the bottom of the sea.

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